Discover the benefits of coriander seed oil for sensitive skin

Hello, curious readers! Are you ready to open the doors to natural beauty? Today we’re going to explore coriander seed oil. Different from essential oil, it’sa gentle and effective remedy for sensitive skin. You’re probably wondering why it’s so special, right? Don’t worry, we’re here to answer all your questions. Let’s go ! What are … Read more

How can Ayurveda be used to improve skin health?

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian medicine that uses herbs, spices and oils to improve health and well-being. Using the principles of Ayurveda, you can take care of your skin in a natural and effective way. In this article, we’ll explore how to improve skin health with ayurveda and the key principles for taking care of … Read more

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is a common skin condition. It is characterised by redness, itching and flaking of the skin. It is often associated with conditions such as rosacea and SIBO. Fortunately, there are natural ways to relieve the symptoms of seborrhoeic dermatitis and strengthen the hydrolipidic film to improve overall skin health. What causes seborrhoeic dermatitis? … Read more

Isis pharma : The natural balance of the skin

Isis pharma is a French family laboratory committed to serving patients. For over thirty years, Isis pharma has been studying the natural mechanisms and disorders of the skin. All this with the aim of protecting and restoring its balance. A history of sensitive skin Sensitive skin is not a disease that a doctor can diagnose. … Read more

Azelaic acid: gentle on the skin, tough on blemishes!

If you suffer from acne, there are a number of products that can help you tame your skin. Cleansers, masks, lotions, serums, sunscreens and creams: there are so many options available to you! The effectiveness of these products lies in their choice of active ingredients, such as vitamin A or vitamin C. Although the spotlight … Read more

Rosacea, a multifaceted skin disease

Rosacea is a common dermatological condition affecting millions of people worldwide. This skin condition is characterised by redness, dilated blood vessels and pimples on the face, which can cause pain, discomfort and social embarrassment. Although rosacea is not a serious condition, it can have a significant impact on the quality of life of those who … Read more