Get rid of water retention the natural way

Often confused with cellulite, water retention is the cause of swelling. With the arrival of sunny days, water retention and cellulite are becoming a major problem for many women. However, we cannot approach this problem without analyzing the causes of their appearance. What is the difference between cellulite and water retention? Under our skin we … Read more

How to fight against your first wrinkles?

beauty tips to fight against the first wrinkles

After the 30th birthday, fine lines and wrinkles are emerging. Wrinkles are a biological manifestation of skin aging, they are one of the first visible signs of skin aging. They are housed mainly on the face, neck and décolleté (for women). The different wrinkles and fine lines: Fine lines and wrinkles from dehydration or dryness: … Read more

How to take care of your stretch marks naturally ?

In this article, we’ll explore the different types of stretch marks, including Striae Rubrae, Striae Albae, and Striae Gravidarum, as well as looking at the factors that encourage their appearance, such as Cushing’s syndrome or genetic factors. In addition, we will discuss various approaches to prevention and treatment, ranging from natural care to more advanced … Read more

Lower back pain or back pain, how to get rid of it?

Lower back pain or back pain

Back pain is one of the most common causes of medical consultations. This article covers lower back pain, but does not cover serious trauma such as fractures, dislocations, subluxations, etc. The cause of back pain, especially mechanical, is often multifactorial, with underlying disorders exacerbated by fatigue, muscle pain, poor posture due to bad habits, weakness … Read more

How to get rid of warts the natural way?

get rid of warts the natural way

A wart is a small benign skin tumor that can develop on almost any part of the body, mainly on the hands: common warts, under the feet – plantar warts, on the genitals and the face. We now know that they have a viral origin (more than 70 different viruses generally belonging to the family … Read more

Burn-out, how to avoid mental exhaustion thanks to Naturopathy?

Burn-out, how to avoid mental exhaustion thanks to Naturopathy

Burnout (BO) affects an impressive percentage of the working population in the West today. After brushing a brief history of its discovery, then describing it (a syndrome grouping together emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal fulfillment), burnout was born in North America as a hundred years earlier. neurasthenia and yuppie syndrome (or chronic post-viral fatigue … Read more

Skin lesions through natural medicine

Toutes les pathologies de la peau engendrent en effet des lésions que l’on peut classer en deux catégories : Les lésions sèches Les lésions humides Avant d’aborder les différentes dermatoses, il est utile de connaître la définition d’un certain nombre de termes, souvent caractéristiques d’une pathologie. Les lésions sèches Ce sont des affections de la … Read more

Sinusitis and natural treatments

Sinusitis and natural treatments

Sinusitis can be caused by a virus or an allergy, by air pollution, or just smoking. Fortunately, sinusitis is mild, and it can be treated with natural remedies before you start taking antibiotics. In this article, here are tips for recognizing and treating sinusitis naturally. ENT sphere and sinusitis Sinusitis is acute or chronic inflammation … Read more

Live well your menopause naturally

The menopause is a physiological process which results in a cessation of ovulatory cycles due to a reduction in ovarian function. The post-menopause is the period after the menopause (on average around the age of 55) for women. It is characterised by a number of events of varying degrees of discomfort: hot flushes, sleep problems, … Read more

How to treat an ear infection in a natural way?

ENT sphere and ear infections The ear infection is inflammation and / or infection of the middle ear or the ear canal by a bacterium or a fungus. In fact, there are many forms of ear infections, depending on their causes and symptoms. In some cases, it may require surgery. We can distinguish otitis : Medium (acute, serous or chronic) … Read more

How to treat cystitis naturally?


Urinary tract infections and cystitis Most of these urinary tract infections are bacterial, the bacteria responsible being mostly of digestive or sexually transmitted origin. Sometimes the infection is of fungal or viral origin. Urinary tract infections fall into two categories : Upper urinary tract infections They concern the kidneys ( pyelonephritis, kidney abscess, ureteritis ). Lower urinary tract infections … Read more