Alvadiem, skin expert

60 years have passed since the beginnings of Alvadiem, the skin expert, in Lambesc. Obviously, the brand has grown a little, but without ever betraying its history or its convictions. Alvadiem has remained loyal to France. Because when it comes to cosmetics, made in France is the obvious choice..

Alvadiem is a renowned skin care brand, drawing on the benefits of beehive products. For decades, this French brand has specialised in the creation of natural cosmetic products, offering effective solutions for a variety of skin problems. Alvadiem combines tradition and innovation to create skin care products tailored to each specific need.

Products formulated near you

Alvadiem’s strength lies in its ability to design high-quality beekeeping cosmetics, rooted in French know-how and expertise. Each Alvadiem product begins its journey with an idea inspired directly by consumer needs, reflecting a deep understanding of their expectations.

  • In Île-de-France: Development In this dynamic region, the Alvadiem team uses its know-how to develop innovative products, combining the beekeeping tradition with the latest advances in dermocosmetics.
  • In Gironde: Quality testing This is where each product undergoes rigorous testing, ensuring effectiveness and compliance with safety standards. This stage is crucial in guaranteeing the quality and performance of Alvadiem skin care products.
  • In Brittany: Safety Certification Each formula is examined and certified by safety experts. This step in Brittany is the guarantee of reliable and safe products for all skin types.
  • In the East: Packaging The final packaging of Alvadiem products is meticulously produced, ready to hit the shelves of bathrooms, surgeries and pharmacies across the country.

This complete process, rooted in different regions of France, illustrates Alvadiem’s commitment to excellence and authenticity. Each product is the result of a French production chain, ensuring impeccable quality and traceability.

These steps highlight not only French know-how in the field of cosmetics, but also Alvadiem’s desire to stay close to its roots, valuing local craftsmanship and expertise.

Alvadiem: French recyclable containers

Alvadiem works closely with local companies to produce its tubes, bottles and roll-ons. This approach not only ensures the quality of the packaging, but also supports the regional economy.

French origin and quality

A large proportion of Alvadiem’s packaging is made in France, reflecting their commitment to supporting local know-how. Packaging from abroad is carefully selected from neighbouring countries, with particular attention paid to quality andethics.

Partnership and shared values

The relationship between Alvadiem and its suppliers goes beyond a simple commercial transaction. They share common values based onhumanity and environmental responsibility, in line with the brand’s commitment to eco-responsibility.

A trusted supplier

Alvadiem’s main tube supplier is a family-run business with over 60 years’ experience. Located near Lake Geneva, the company embodies French excellence and tradition in packaging manufacturing.

These efforts underline Alvadiem’s commitment to reducing its ecological footprint while promoting the French economy and know-how.

Beekeeping Cosm-ethics and its benefits

From the outset, Alvadiem has opted for naturalness: bees, plants and flowers. This is Alvadiem’s trademark: offering formulas with 95% ingredients of natural origin, designed to provide a genuine dermatological solution.
To achieve this, Alvadiem studies the specific needs of the epidermis in the face of targeted pathologies. What’s more, the brand carefully selects each of its active ingredients on the basis of their actions.

Effectiveness and naturalness of Alvadiem products

Beekeeping cosmetics, at the heart of Alvadiem’s philosophy, exploit the exceptional virtues of beehive products. Honey, with its intense moisturising properties, provides deep hydration while softening the skin. Royal jelly, a nutritious treasure, promotes skin regeneration and strengthens its elasticity. Propolis, renowned for its antiseptic and healing qualities, is particularly beneficial for skin prone to imperfections. Finally, beeswax creates a protective film on the skin, preserving moisture and improving texture. These natural ingredients provide a holistic skincare solution, reflecting Alvadiem’s commitment to products that are both effective and respectful of nature.

Safe formulas for the whole family

As a natural dermocosmetics enthusiast, Alvadiem is demanding when it comes to the quality and safety of its formulas.
In fact, the design of each of their products is governed by a development charter where nothing is left to chance.
In fact, it includes specific formulation constraints, the choice of organic raw materials with impeccable traceability, and the blacklisting of certain ingredients that are superfluous or unsuitable for sensitive skin.

Safe formulas to respond naturally and effectively to the needs of the whole family’s dry, sensitive skin.

The crucial role of bees in pollination

Bees play a vital role in pollination, an essential process for plant reproduction. As they pollinate from flower to flower, they transfer pollen, making it easier for plants to fertilise and produce fruit and seeds. This activity is fundamental to maintaining plant biodiversity and the balance of ecosystems.

Bees and biodiversity

Biodiversity depends heavily on bees. As pollinators, they contribute to the diversity of natural habitats, enabling different plant species to thrive. The resulting variety of plants in turn supports a wider range of animal species, creating a rich and resilient ecosystem.

The impact of bees on agriculture

In agriculture, bees are indispensable. They increase the yield and quality of crops. Many agricultural products, such as fruit, vegetables and nuts, depend directly on pollination by bees. Without them, food production would be considerably reduced, affecting the food chain and the global economy.

Alvadiem products: an alliance of science and nature

At the heart of Alvadiem’s philosophy is a harmony between respect for nature and scientific progress. Each product is the fruit of meticulous research aimed at making the most of the treasures of the hive, while ensuring impeccable quality. This approach demonstrates Alvadiem’s commitment to cosmetics that respect both the skin and the environment.

Rigorous selection of natural ingredients

Alvadiem stands out for its meticulous choice of natural ingredients. The company favours active ingredients from the beehive, such as honey, royal jelly, propolis and beeswax, known for their exceptional benefits for the skin. This approach guarantees products that are not only effective, but also gentle and kind to the skin.

Innovation and research at the service of Alvadiem product formulations

Alvadiem combines traditional beekeeping with modern science. Research and development play a crucial role in the formulation of their products, aiming to maximise the benefits of natural ingredients while ensuring safety and efficacy. This synergy between nature and science enables Alvadiem to create innovative skincare products that are adapted to today’s skincare needs.

These efforts reflect Alvadiem’s commitment to offering products that are both environmentally friendly and at the cutting edge of cosmetic innovation.

What are the benefits of hive products for the skin?

Beehive products, such as honey, propolis, royal jelly and beeswax, are renowned for their many benefits for the skin. These benefits range from moisturising and wound healing to protecting and nourishing the skin.

Honey and skin care with Alvadiem

Honey, a key ingredient in many Alvadiem products, is recognised for its antimicrobial properties and its ability to promote wound healing. It is also used in the treatment of various skin conditions, such as dermatitis and psoriasis. Thanks to its components such as fructose, glucose, proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, honey offers a wide range of applications in dermatology and skin care.

Propolis and Royal Jelly for the skin

Propolis and royal jelly,other products of the hive, are known for their antioxidant potential, which plays a crucial role in protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals. These products also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help improve the texture and appearance of the skin.

Beeswax in dermatology

Beeswax is used as an emollient, occlusive and humectant in skin care. It helps create a semi-occlusive barrier that minimises transepidermal water loss, locks in moisture and softens the skin. It is an effective natural ingredient for alleviating symptoms associated with common skin conditions.

Hand and foot care

In 1986, the brand met a chiropodist. This led to the development of their first foot care product: Dry Foot Balm.

Since then, Alvadiem has forged strong links with the profession. As a true partner to chiropody, Alvadiem’s mission is to highlight the role of chiropodists. It also supports them in raising public awareness of the importance of foot health. This commitment is illustrated on a daily basis by information campaigns, appearances in the press and solid partnerships..

Nourish and repair : Alvadiem’s expertise

Hands and feet, which are often exposed and put under strain, deserve very special attention. Alvadiem has developed specific skin care products for these areas, infused with nutrient-rich natural ingredients. These products offer deep nourishment, repairing dry, damaged skin.

Natural protection: the power of active ingredients from the hive

Alvadiem formulas include active ingredients such as honey and propolis, renowned for their protective and repairing properties. These ingredients create a natural barrier against external aggressions, keeping the skin on hands and feet moisturised and healthy.

Alvadiem targeted solutions for hands and feet

Each Alvadiem product is designed to target specific hand and foot problems, such as cracks, dryness or irritation. By offering a range of adapted products, Alvadiem ensures complete care for these delicate areas.

Alvadiem’s hand and foot care products combine the effectiveness of natural ingredients with recognised expertise in beekeeping cosmetics, offering complete solutions for nourished, repaired and protected hands and feet.

References :

  1. Molecules. 2020 Jan 28;25(3):556. doi: 10.3390/molecules25030556.
    Bee Products in Dermatology and Skin Care
  2. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2023 Aug;22(8):2166-2173. doi: 10.1111/jocd.15718. Epub 2023 Mar 31.
    A review of the use of beeswax in skincare
  3. Pharmaceutics. 2022 Mar 30;14(4):750. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14040750.
    Bee-Derived Products: Chemical Composition and Applications in Skin Tissue Engineering
  4. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2013 Dec;12(4):306-13. doi: 10.1111/jocd.12058.
    Honey in dermatology and skin care: a review
  5. Molecules. 2020 May 28;25(11):2510. doi: 10.3390/molecules25112510.
    Hydration and Barrier Potential of Cosmetic Matrices with Bee Products

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