ELeutherococcus senticosus (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Benefits and Indications Properties

ELEUTHÉROCOQUE (Eleutherococcus senticosus) Where did he come from? Classified among adaptogenic plants, the eruceterocoque, sometimes called Russian ginseng, has a very global action. It acts simultaneously against fatigue and the effects of stress, it is a stimulant of the nervous system and memory, it is notably anti-inflammatory as well as immuno-stimulating! Its actions are similar … Read more

What essential oils to use for my child?

Essential oils are generally not recommended for children under the age of 6. However, for the little ones, it is advisable to prefer hydrolats, vegetable oils or oily macerats for everyday ailments. Top 3 essential oils to use safely for my child over 6 years: The essential oil of Marjolaine with shells: Marjoram essential oil … Read more

The clinical approach in herbal medicine in respiratory infections

In immune pathologies in adults, particularly respiratory infections; the clinical approach in herbal medicine retains all its interest, in particular the use of standardized extracts guaranteeing the contribution of totum , so as to provide as much hyposoluble fractions ( ex: polysaccharides of ginseng for immune stimulation, in particular to strengthen the action of vaccines in the elderly ) than liposoluble ( eg: alkylamides of echinacea in acquired immunity ), … Read more

Witch hazel, the hazelnut tree of Native American wizards

benefits of witch hazel

If the etymology does not tell us much about witch hazel, on the other hand the French and English synonyms tell us more: “ Witch-hazel “ → Le noisetier de sorcière. In fact, this endemic shrub in North America played the same role there, or nearly so, as the hazel tree in Europe. Dowsing rods were made from its branches , … Read more

Ginger essential oil, a must in Chinese medicine

Ginger essential oil, a must in Chinese medicine

Ginger is one of the most esteemed spices and drugs, and cultivated since ancient times in the Philippines. Its use is already mentioned in the oldest Chinese and Sanskrit writings . It was not lost on the ancient Greeks and Romans. The botanical name Zingiber comes from the Sanskrit word shringavera , which means “shaped like a deer antler”, referring to the shape of the … Read more

Time change, consequences and adverse effects on our health

We have been delaying and moving our watches for almost half an hour now during seasonal changes. This usual act eventually became completely mores and thus became a kind of custom; especially for generations who have experienced only this biannual time change. Therefore, they never perceived the world at the natural rhythm of its authentic … Read more

Citrus Eucalyptus essential oil, from annihilation to passion

lemon eucalyptus essential oil

Lemon eucalyptus is a plant native to the Australian continent as well as Madagascar. The Aborigines had in fact always known its powerful antibacterial properties . Lemon eucalyptus was also used to dry out swampy areas in the subtropics. The aborigines of Australia used the sap of the eucalyptus or “gum tree” in direct application on their wounds in order … Read more

Caralluma, the prince of satiety


Caralluma flowers give off such a putrid smell that the Arab nomads nicknamed it qahr al-luhum (carnal sore, abscess). Over time and trade, the plant arrived in the West where its name was Latinized in Caralluma . It is a so-called “succulent” plant: it is capable of storing water in its stems and leaves . In fact, it was traditionally used by the Indians … Read more

Coriander essential oil, four millennia of history

essential oil of coriander seeds

Cilantro is one of the oldest aromatic herbs in the world . In Antiquity, the Romans were keen on it. The spice appears in more than 70 dishes from the collection of recipes of the gastronomic Roman Apicius . It is mentioned in Sanskrit writings, the Ebers papyrus , the Old Testament … without forgetting its use in China, more than 2000 years ago … This plant, in … Read more

Lemon essence, golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides?

As everyone knows, lemon is a citrus fruit, a word whose etymological roots directly refer to its pungent and sour flavor . In the fifth century BC, Sophocles referred to the orange and the lemon under the same name of “golden apples” ( which for a long time suggested that these two fruits could indeed have some relation with apples. from … Read more

How to take care of my hair after summer?

How can I take care of my hair naturally after summer?

Sun, sea, swimming pool … In summer, hair is subjected to multiple attacks which weaken and damage it. The sun dulls colorings : associated with seawater, colored hair can lighten up or last much less time (for example blond hair that turns greenish with the chlorine in the swimming pool). However, the sun dries out the hair . Exposing your hair to the … Read more

Chamomile essential oil, from the divine coronation to the Druidic nobility

Noble Chamomile Flower Head Essential Oil

The virtues of chamomile flowers have been known since the dawn of time. Although not of Roman origin, tradition has it that it was named so because a German botanist and physician Camerarius rediscovered it in the 16th century in Rome. The flower head is used in herbalism, traditionally to facilitate digestion . In liquorice, it gives a bitter flavor to aperitifs. The … Read more