Rosewood essential oil, the prestigious subtly spicy floral


Discovered by botanists in 1925 in the Juriti Velho region (States of Para), this tree was named “rosewood” because of the delicately scent of its wood . The study of this tree revealed that it contained an essential oil of an exceptional richness in linalool , an odorous substance precursor of the perfume of lavender. A thriving extractive industry developed in the Amazon … Read more

Magnesium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron and potassium orotates: bio-available mineral salts

Orotate de magnésium

Orotates, bioavailable mineral salts? It was the researcher Hans Nieper who discovered the particular properties of orotates at the end of the 1980s. These mineral salts of orotic acid indeed allow optimal mineralization . Orotatesse are found naturally in animal and plant cells. But how do orotates deposit minerals (magnesium, calcium, chromium, iron, lithium, zinc, etc.) at the heart of the cell, … Read more

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Also called “royal herb”, basil is known for its many medicinal properties . Before landing in the crucible of old-time stills, basil has come a long way. The adjective “tropical”, moreover, is there to remind us of its origin, because in fact, tropical basil does indeed originate from the Indian subcontinent . A little history More than 4000 years ago, the … Read more

Tea tree essential oil, Green Gold from the fifth continent

The tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) or Tea tree is native to New South Wales in Australia, where the Bundjalung aborigines used the leaves to heal themselves from a variety of ailments for a long time . Unfortunately, very little of this ancestral knowledge has come down to us, due to the fact that huge sections of aboriginal culture have … Read more

Omega 3 / Omega 6: a question of balance

Omega 6 (linoleic acid) and omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid) polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential because our bodies cannot synthesise them. Omega 6 is found in certain vegetable oils, meat, fish, eggs, butter and cheese, while omega 3 is found in certain vegetable oils, oily fish, chia seeds, flax seeds and purslane. Omega 6 promotes inflammation … Read more

What essential oils should I use in my child’s bedroom?

The aromatherapy is an alternative medicine which includes essential oils and floral waters . This natural therapy is currently experiencing a real revival of interest . It requires precise knowledge of the quality of the essential oils used, in particular for application in pediatrics. However, it is not devoid of toxicity . By following precise rules of administration and dosage, aromatherapy is a safe and effective therapy even for a child. Are all … Read more

Olfactotherapy, the power of feeling and the art of feeling

Olfactotherapy, a therapeutic alternative

“Of all the senses, smell is the one that strikes me the most. How does smell, taste, become perfume? How do our nerves get nuanced? Subtle, sublime interpreters of what cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be written with words? The smell would be like a soul, immaterial. These sentences by Marcel Hanoun , filmmaker and thinker, poetically illustrate the mysteries of … Read more

The use of herbal medicine in pyelonephritis

Exploring the treatment of pyelonephritis using natural remedies and scientific discoveries, this article offers a holistic approach to this complex urinary tract infection. We decipher the symptoms, the causes and present innovative solutions, combining the wisdom of natural medicine and advances in medical research, for an effective treatment of pyelonephritis. Pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis is a … Read more

Resist the scorching heat with herbal remedies

Once the euphoria of the first summer days has worn off, France is preparing to face the devastating heat waves . We fear the extreme discomfort and damage to the skin, hair and health in general. Ah if only we had a magic wand! We would hypnotize the weather so that it remains favorable to us indefinitely. While we greatly … Read more

Natural remedies for jellyfish stings

As beautiful as they are underwater, every summer, holidaymakers dread the appearance of jellyfish on our beaches. Overfishing and rising water temperatures are the cause of this invasion.Jellyfish cause large burns. Their tentacles are made up of filaments that remain on the wound and diffuse the venom. The pain caused by a jellyfish sting is … Read more