Behavioral disorders, pheromones to appease our animals

Pathologies, moving, going on vacation, cohabitation with other animals, change of routine… Many causes can cause a behavioral disorder in your pet . Keep in mind, however, that your furball will often act differently to call for help . Just like humans, animals develop behavioral problems that can become bothersome for themselves as well as for their masters. You can then, as a first resort, use animal pheromones to reassure your tomcat or doggie and try to soothe his mood swings.

Calming your cat

Like most felines, the cat is a territorial animal . His space, his home, he marks and defends it. As a result, he can be anxious when he has to change his home. This can result in different ways: deterioration of the furniture, excessive meowing marking of the territory by urinating everywhere … It is therefore essential to reassure him as soon as he arrives in his new home . This, with the natural pheromones available in pharmacies . They aim to create a safe environment and reduce the stress associated with change .

The essential role of animal pheromones

Although they are odorless and imperceptible to humans, pheromones allow animals of the same species to communicate with each other . The sex pheromones emitted by females to attract the male during heat are the best known. But there are also specific ones that animals spread to mark their territory or intimidate aggressors .

In cats, the odors and pheromones that he or his fellows emit are perceived by the vomeronasal organ or organ of Jacobso n which is located in his palate. To reassure itself, the cat performs a “Flehmen” (it raises its head, half-opens its mouth and remains motionless for a few seconds), in order to capture familiar pheromones . However, when he is stressed, he cannot secrete enough pheromones to calm himself down , which aggravates his feeling of anxiety . Hence the need for outside help, through natural animal pheromones .

Which cat pheromones to choose?

Discover our selection of spray pheromones for cats to reassure and soothe domestic cats who become aggressive, fearful, nervous or even runaways 

  • Feliway Cat Pheromone Spray 60ML contains natural animal pheromones to calm your cat. This 60ml bottle is easy to use to fight against anxiety. This is an immediate acting shock treatment spray . A month of spraying will allow your feline to feel at home in your new home. Also to be used when traveling (visits to the veterinarian, holidays, etc.) to facilitate the journey and adaptation to a new environment.
  • O’CALM Pheromone Cat anti-stress spray 29ml is specially designed for the well-being of cats . This spray reproduces similar pheromones secreted by the cat at the birth of kittens and during breastfeeding. This pheromone stabilizes the emotional state of the animal and helps it to regain normal behavior.

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