A natural remedy to relieve the joints of your animals

When our faithful four-legged companions suffer from joint pain, it can be particularly worrying. These joint disorders in pets are often the result of degradation of joint cartilage or abnormal production of bone tissue, leading to inflammation. In this article, we will explore in detail the causes of joint pain in pets and how to prevent and relieve it using natural remedies and food supplements. Find out how to give your dog or cat a better quality of life by looking after their joints.

What causes joint pain in our pets?

Joint pain in our faithful four-legged companions can have various origins, and it is essential to understand the factors that trigger it in order to better prevent and treat it. Here are some of the common causes of joint pain in pets:

  1. Ageing: As in humans, ageing is one of the main causes of joint pain in animals. With age, joint cartilage can wear down, leading to reduced mobility and pain.
  2. Obesity: Excess weight can put extra pressure on an animal’s joints, which can lead to inflammation and joint pain. Maintaining a healthy weight is therefore crucial for our four-legged friends.
  3. Excessive physical activity: Intense or repeated physical activity can put excessive strain on joints. This is particularly true for athletic dogs or working animals.
  4. Injuries: Traumatic injuries, such as sprains, fractures or dislocations, can damage joints and lead to long-term joint pain.
  5. Genetic Factors: Some breeds of dogs and cats are more prone to joint problems due to genetic factors. For example, large breeds are often prone to joint problems.
  6. Systemic Diseases: Certain systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or autoimmune diseases, can affect pet joints.
  7. Infections: Joint infections, although rare, can also cause joint pain in pets.

It is essential to take these factors into account to prevent joint pain in our pets. The right diet, moderate exercise, regular visits to the vet and natural food supplements such as hemp oil can help keep our four-legged friends’ joints healthy. Don’t forget to consult your vet for a precise diagnosis and advice tailored to your pet.

How can I strengthen my pet’s joints?

To strengthen your pet’s joints, here are a few tips and methods to follow:

  1. The right diet: A balanced, high-quality diet is essential for your pet’s joint health. Opt for a food specially formulated for joints or containing essential nutrients such as glucosamine and chondroitin. These substances help to keep joint cartilage supple.
  2. Maintain a healthy weight: Make sure your pet maintains a healthy weight. Obesity puts extra pressure on joints, which can lead to joint problems. Consult your vet to determine your pet’s ideal weight and adjust its diet accordingly.
  3. Moderate exercise: Give your pet regular, moderate exercise to maintain muscle strength and agility. Avoid activities that are excessively traumatic for joints, especially for older pets.
  4. Supplements: Consider using natural joint supplements such as hemp oil, glucosamine and chondroitin or plant buds. These supplements can help maintain joint health and reduce inflammation.
  5. Comfortable beds and surfaces: Make sure your pet has a comfortable bed and soft surfaces to rest on. Good support can relieve pressure on joints.
  6. Massage and physiotherapy: For pets with joint pain, physiotherapy and massage can help improve mobility and relieve pain. Consult a professional for advice on these techniques.
  7. Veterinary consultation: If you notice any signs of joint pain in your pet, consult a vet immediately. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can prevent joint problems from getting worse.
  8. Heat and rest: Sometimes, applying moderate heat to your pet’s painful joints, combined with adequate rest, can temporarily relieve the pain.
  9. Regular monitoring: For older animals or those prone to joint problems, regular veterinary check-ups can help detect joint problems at an early stage and put a management plan in place.

By following these tips, you can help strengthen your pet’s joints and improve their overall quality of life. Remember, every pet is unique, so always consult your vet for advice specific to your companion’s health.

Does my dog’s intestinal health have an impact on joint pain?

Yes, your dog’s intestinal health can have an impact on joint pain. There’s a close link between your dog’s digestive system and his body’s immune system, and this can influence his susceptibility to joint problems. Here’s how it works:

  • Systemic inflammation: When there are problems in your dog’s digestive system, such as imbalances in the intestinal flora or irritation of the intestinal mucosa, this can lead to inflammation. This inflammation can spread throughout the body, including to the joints, which can aggravate existing joint pain.
  • Nutrient absorption: Compromised gut health can affect the absorption of essential nutrients, including those needed to maintain joint health. For example, if your dog cannot properly absorb glucosamine or other joint-benefiting compounds, this can contribute to the deterioration of joint cartilage.
  • Immune response: Intestinal problems can also disrupt your dog’s immune system. A dysfunctional immune response can lead to inappropriate inflammatory reactions, which can worsen existing joint pain and joint problems.
  • Food reactions: Some dogs can develop food sensitivities or allergies that affect their digestive system. Food reactions can trigger inflammatory responses throughout the body, including the joints.

So it’s important to maintain your dog’s intestinal health by providing a balanced, high-quality diet, avoiding potentially irritating foods and ensuring he has healthy intestinal flora. Dietary supplements such as probiotics can also be beneficial in promoting optimal digestion.

In short, your dog’s intestinal health can have an impact on his joint pain, as intestinal problems can trigger or aggravate inflammation, disrupt nutrient absorption and influence the immune response. So it’s a good idea to look after your pet’s digestive health to help maintain joint health. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health, always consult a vet for advice and recommendations specific to your pet.

Food supplements to prevent and relieve joint disease

Although older cats and dogs are the most affected, joint discomfort and pain and the resultingmobility problems also affect young cats and dogs. That’s why it’s important totake preventive action and, if problems are detected, to treat the animal as early as possible. How can this be done? By choosing hemp oil food supplements for cats and dogs to combat joint problems . Anexcellent natural remedy for preventing and relieving joint pain in cats and dogs! What’s more, it’s reputed to haveno side effects, unlike medicated anti-inflammatory treatments.

Biocanina hemp oil food supplement

As with humans, a healthy, balanced diet is essential to ensure thewell-being and health of our four-legged companions .

The food must besufficient in quantity, but above all varied to cover the daily nutritional needs of Félix and Toby. And as the animal grows, its nutritional needs change. If the diet is not perfectly adapted, deficiencies can occur, leading to various problems, including joint problems.

Fortunately, this can be remedied by giving your cat or dog ahemp oil food supplement from Biocanina. The French brand has formulated a dietary supplement for both canine and feline species that promotes both joint suppleness and the emotional balance of our fur balls.

How does hemp oil help your furry companions?

Offering a perfect ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, and also thanks to thegamma linolenic acid or GLA it contains, hemp oil combines antiphlogistic and analgesic properties that treat and relieve joint pain. It therefore helps to reducejoint inflammation andimprove the mobility of animals suffering from joint disorders and arthritis.

Formulated without THC – the agent responsible for the psychotropic effects of hemp – Biocanina hemp oil food supplements for cats and dogs soothe animals prone to anxiety. The amino acid tryptophan it contains improves blood circulation in the brain, reducing stress in pets.

Finally, thebenefits of hemp oil are not limited to joint problems and stress in cats and dogs. Recent studies have shown itspositive effects on coat quality, the immune system and digestion in pets ! In addition to its perfect balance of essential fatty acids, hemp vegetable oil is rich in vitamin E.

What plants should I give my dog when his joints ache?

When your dog has joint pain, you might consider giving him plants with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties to relieve his joints. Here are some natural plants that may be beneficial for your dog:

  1. Turmeric: Turmeric contains an active compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory properties. You can sprinkle a small amount of turmeric powder into your dog’s food, but be sure to check with your vet first, as some spices may not be suitable for all dogs.
  2. Ginger: Ginger is another natural anti-inflammatory that can help relieve joint pain. You can grate some fresh ginger and add it to your dog’s food or give him small pieces of dried ginger as a treat.
  3. Boswellia: Boswellia extract is often used for its anti-inflammatory properties. You can find boswellia supplements designed specifically for dogs.
  4. Harpagophytum (Devil’s Claw): Harpagophytum is a plant known for its effectiveness in relieving joint pain. You can find harpagophytum supplements in capsule or powder form, adapted to your dog’s size.
  5. Nettle: Nettle is rich in vitamins and minerals, and can help reduce inflammation. You can prepare an infusion of nettle and add it to your dog’s food once it has cooled.
  6. Chamomile: Chamomile has soothing properties that can help relax your dog and reduce stress, which can be beneficial for his joints. You can make an infusion of chamomile and give it to your dog to drink.

It is essential to consult your vet before giving your dog any herbs or supplements, as each dog has individual needs and different sensitivities. Your vet will be able to advise you on the appropriate dosage and ensure that the plants chosen are safe for your pet. In addition, it’s important to maintain regular communication with your vet to monitor your dog’s health and adjust the treatment if necessary.

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