How and why practice cardiac coherence?

In this age of stress and anxiety, more and more of us are looking for effective, natural ways to help ourselves effective and natural to find balance and serenity. Among these methods, cardiac coherence stands out for its effectiveness and simplicity. This article will explore in detail how and why to practise cardiac coherence, a practice that promotes heart health and the autonomic nervous system.

What is cardiac coherence?

Cardiac coherence is a particular physiological state characterised by the regularity of the heartbeat and its harmonisation with breathing. In practice, it is based on specific breathing techniques designed to encourage this regular rhythm.

In scientific terms, this state of coherence is linked to the activity of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates many bodily processes, including the heartbeat. When we are stressed, this nervous system is out of balance, with a predominance of sympathetic activity (which speeds up the heart) over parasympathetic activity (which slows down the heart). The practice of cardiac coherence aims to re-establish this balance so that our body functions better.

The benefits of cardiac coherence

Let’s embark on a fascinating journey through the remarkable benefits of cardiac coherence, a powerful practice that acts like a key opening the door to improved health, new-found serenity and enhanced emotional balance. Get ready to discover how this simple but effective technique can transform your life.

On a physical level

By restoring balance to the autonomic nervous system, cardiac coherence promotes the proper functioning of the entire body. In this way, it helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and improving heart rate variability, two key indicators of cardiovascular health.

It also has a positive effect on the endocrine system by reducing levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increasing levels of the youth hormone DHEA. It also boosts the immune system, making us more resistant to infection and disease.

Psychological benefits

In addition to these physical benefits, cardiac coherence is also good for our mental health. By helping us to manage stress by helping us to manage our stress, it promotes a calmer, more serene state of mind, improving our mood and our quality of life.

Cardiac coherence has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of various psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Finally, it improves our ability to concentrate and maintain our attention, which is particularly beneficial in our modern world often marked by distraction and multitasking.

The role of cardiac coherence in well-being

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of cardiac coherence, an essential ally for our well-being and peace of mind in our daily lives

Managing stress

In our modern society, stress is a pervasive problem that can have devastating consequences for our health and well-being. Cardiac coherence is a valuable tool for managing stress. By enabling us to control our physiological response to stress, it helps us to remain calm and centred, even in stressful situations. What’s more, by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, cardiac coherence helps to reduce the harmful effects of chronic stress.

Strengthening emotional balance

Emotional balance is a key element in our psychological well-being. Negative emotions, such as anger, fear or sadness, can destabilise us and affect our quality of life. By modulating our physiological response to emotions, cardiac coherence helps us to manage these negative emotions more effectively. It helps us to regain our calm and serenity, thereby promoting better emotional balance.

Improving sleep quality

Quality sleep is essential for our health and well-being. Unfortunately, stress and anxiety can disrupt our sleep, causing insomnia and other sleep disorders. By helping to manage stress and anxiety, cardiac coherence can improve the quality of our sleep. What’s more, certain cardiac coherence techniques can be practised before bedtime to help you fall asleep.

How do I practise cardiac coherence?

In this section, we guide you step by step through the practice of cardiac coherence, so that you can enjoy its benefits easily and effectively.

The prerequisites

Cardiac coherence requires no special equipment and can be practised anywhere and at any time. The important thing is to find a calm and peaceful moment where you won’t be disturbed.

The different techniques

There are several techniques for practising cardiac coherence, but they are all based on breathing. The most common technique is “5-5” breathing, which consists of breathing in for 5 seconds, then out for 5 seconds. This technique allows you to achieve a breathing frequency of 6 breaths per minute, which is the optimal frequency for cardiac coherence.

The ideal frequency of practice

To reap the benefits of cardiac coherence, we recommend practising 3 times a day, for 5 minutes each time. However, you can adapt this frequency to suit your needs and schedule.

Why is cardiac coherence so important?

Let’s now look at the crucial importance of cardiac coherence, a precious key to better health, emotional balance and a more serene life.

A natural, non-invasive solution

In a world where medication is often the first response to health problems, cardiac coherence offers a natural, non-invasive alternative. It requires no medication or medical intervention, so there is no risk of side effects. What’s more, it allows you to take control of your own health and take charge of your own well-being.

A practice accessible to all

Cardiac coherence is a simple practice that is accessible to everyone, whatever their age or physical condition. It requires no special skills and can be practised anywhere, at any time. What’s more, the benefits of cardiac coherence are felt from the very first sessions, making it a particularly motivating practice.


Is cardiac coherence dangerous?

No, cardiac coherence is a safe and harmless practice. However, as with any wellness practice, it is advisable to consult a health professional if you have specific health problems.

How long does a cardiac coherence session last?

A cardiac coherence session generally lasts 5 minutes. However, you can adapt the length of the session to suit your needs and schedule.

Can cardiac coherence replace medical treatment?

Cardiac coherence is a stress management and well-being tool. It should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment prescribed by a health professional.


  1. McCraty, R., & Zayas, M. A. (2014). Cardiac coherence, self-regulation, autonomic stability, and psychosocial well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1090.
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  3. Health Laboratory. (2023). La cohérence cardiaque : un outil contre le stress.
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