Lavender aspic essential oil, the antitoxic par excellence

Spike lavender, whose botanical name is Lavandula latifolia spica, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its flowers (flowering tops). Botanical description Spike lavender is a larger sub-shrub than fine lavender, reaching up to 75 cm in height. It is made up of straight, numerous branches, usually branched, bearing long, … Read more

How to cure a baby’s cold with aromatherapy?

How to treat a baby’s cold? The rhinovirus (HVR = Human Rhino Virus) was discovered in the 1950s. The etiological agents (pathogens) put forward are those of the common cold with respiratory tropism. This virus grows in the nasal passages and generally circulates in all countries and all year round. Children are the main reservoir of HRV, however, it should … Read more

Immortelle essential oil, symbol of love and sustainability

What are the benefits of Italian helichrysum?

Immortelle, whose botanical name is Helichrysum italicum, belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its aerial flowering parts. Immortelle is found in Corsica in the taxon“ssp italicum” for coastal, scrubland and scree plantations. The taxon“ssp serotinum“, which is more continental, is practically non-existent in Corsica. Helichrysum italicum subsp. italicum is … Read more

Clove essential oil, the anti-bacterial biofilm

The clove tree, whose botanical name is Eugenia caryophyllus, belongs to the Myrtaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling the air-dried flower buds known as “cloves”, and the pedicels known as “claws”. History of Clove Grown for a long time on the Moluccan islands, the clove tree is part of Ayurvedic medicine (1500 … Read more

Rose Geranium essential oil, symbol of immortality

Geranium, whose botanical name is Pelargonium graveolens, belongs to the Geraniaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its leaves. History of the Geranium The rose Geranium is an aromatic perennial bushy plant with a branched habit. Its name comes from the Greek “perlagos” meaning “stork”, as its fruit is reminiscent of a stork’s … Read more

Black Spruce Essence, a sacred and medicinal plant from the boreal forest

Health Benefits of Black Spruce Oil

Black spruce is native to Canada’s boreal forest. For centuries, Indian peoples have passed on orally from generation to generation the use of this conifer for its therapeutic virtues. It is remarkable to note that very early on, these peoples used the different parts of the plant perfectly and with great discernment, whether applied locally, … Read more

Ceylon Lemongrass essential oil repellent

Ceylon citronella oil is a natural product that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and aromatic properties. It is known for its mosquito-repellent properties and its lemon balm-like fragrance. Its use dates back to the 17th century, when the military surgeon Nicolas Grimm experimented with it as an antiseptic. Ceylon citronella essential oil … Read more

Busserole, bear grape with gargantuan properties


Bearberry is one of the great omissions from medical literature throughout antiquity. The Middle Ages fared little better, considering that the earliest documents relating to it date back only to the 12th century: some English books mention its use, and it is even mentioned in a 13th-century Welsh herbarium entitled Les médecins de Myddfai (The … Read more

What essential oils should I use in my child’s bedroom?

The aromatherapy is an alternative medicine which includes essential oils and floral waters . This natural therapy is currently experiencing a real revival of interest . It requires precise knowledge of the quality of the essential oils used, in particular for application in pediatrics. However, it is not devoid of toxicity . By following precise rules of administration and dosage, aromatherapy is a safe and effective therapy even for a child. Are all … Read more

Aromatherapy and hormone-dependent cancers

The hormone-dependent cancers are a major public health problem. These are the most frequent cancers in France in women ( breast cancer ) as in men ( prostate cancer ) with approximately 42,000 new cases each year. As a result of advances in therapy and screening, the death rate for breast cancer has fallen by around 40%. But the total number of deaths is only decreasing … Read more

Treat canine dermatophytes (dog fungi) naturally

At a time when opportunistic diseases are becoming more and more widespread, both in human medicine and in veterinary medicine, mycology, long considered to be the poor relation of parasitology, is acquiring more importance. However, the diagnosis of animal dermatophytes can only rarely be obtained by clinical examination alone or by collecting memorials. What are … Read more

Chikungunya, how to counter tiger mosquitoes with aromatherapy?

L'image représente un moustique. chikungunya

Chikungunya, transmitted by mosquitoes, causes fever, joint pain and skin rashes. Aromatherapy offers complementary relief for this disease. This article examines the effectiveness of aromatherapy in managing the symptoms of chikungunya. We will look at the essential oils most likely to reduce pain and inflammation. We will also look at their safety and therapeutic benefits. … Read more

Natural solutions to treat endometriosis

Natural solutions to treat endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition affecting women of childbearing age. This pathology usually results in severe pain during menstruation and fertility problems. It is the presence, outside the uterus, of one or more clusters histologically similar to the endometrium (endometriomas) that define in particular the presence of endometriosis. These clusters are preferably located in the ovaries, … Read more

Aromatherapy explained by a Naturopath

Aromatherapy is a specialised branch of phytotherapy. It is the use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes. The term ” Aromatherapy ” was coined in 1928 by a French perfumer and chemist by the name of René-Maurice Gattefossé. Aromatherapy is based on an in-depth understanding of essential oils, their chemical components and their interactions with … Read more

Aromatherapy in dermatophytosis (skin fungal infections)

Dermatophytes, which cause mycosis, are ubiquitous filamentous fungi belonging to the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. Well adapted to parasitic life, they have a strong affinity for keratin and cause various skin lesions in humans and animals known as dermatophytoses or dermatophyties. Dermatophytoses are the most common skin mycoses in humans. They cause superficial lesions … Read more

Which natural anti-cellulite treatment should you choose?

Découvrez comment lutter contre la cellulite avec les huiles essentielles

There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus). What is cellulite? There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus).Infectious cellulite is in fact a bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. The pathway is a skin infection. The management of this … Read more

Canker sore, what effective remedy to get rid of it?

L'image représente une personne qui tient sa lèvre inférieure pour montrer qu'elle a un aphte.

Welcome to the sometimes painful world of mouth ulcers! These little mouth sores can be a real nuisance, disrupting our daily routines with their discomfort. So how do you get rid of them effectively? This article aims to explore some practical, tried-and-tested remedies for combating mouth ulcers. Whether you’re looking for a quick fix at … Read more

Beating the gastro virus naturally

Gastroenteritis, commonly known as‘gastro‘, is an illness that affects the digestive system. Characterised mainly by inflammation of the intestinal or stomach mucosa, this infection manifests itself through symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. The variability of these symptoms, which often have a sudden onset but short duration (2 to 3 days), … Read more