Herbal medicine and the management of tendonitis in horses

In the management of tendonitis, herbal supplements to promote healing can be added to the horse’s diet. For example,clay poultices are often used to aid healing. Nutritherapy Key nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are essential to support the healing process and maintain healthy connective tissue. Weight management is also important to avoid excessive weight … Read more

How is tendonitis in sport horses treated?

The management and treatment of tendonitis in horses requires a rigorous, tailored approach. Tendonitis, often caused by stress or trauma, mainly affects the superficial and deep flexor tendons. Early detection, followed by appropriate management, is crucial to minimise damage and promote healing. This article explores the essential steps in diagnosis, effective treatment methods and rehabilitation … Read more

Tendonitis in sport horses

Tendinopathies represent a significant category of musculoskeletal injuries in sport horses, affecting their performance and general well-being. These pathologies are characterised by damage to the tendons, often caused by repetitive mechanical overload, trauma or biomechanical abnormalities. The most commonly affected tendons include the superficial flexor tendon of the finger (TFSD) and the deep flexor tendon … Read more

Understanding uveitis in horses

Uveitis, one of the most common eye diseases in horses, is a major cause of blindness. Characterised by painful inflammation of the uvea, this recurring disease poses a significant challenge for horse owners. What causes this disease? Uveitis in horses manifests itself as inflammation of the uvea, the vascular part of the eye made up … Read more

Lymphangitis in horses: practical guide and advice

Lymphangitis is a serious condition that can affect horses of all breeds and ages. Often caused by a bacterial infection, the condition manifests itself as severe and painful swelling of the limbs. Understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lymphangitis is essential to the health and well-being of your horse. What causes lymphangitis? Lymphangitis … Read more

Focus on equine metabolic syndrome (EMS)

Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is an increasingly common condition in recreational and sport horses, characterised by obesity, insulin resistance and repeated episodes of laminitis. Understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatments of this disease is essential for owners and vets to ensure the well-being of equines. In this article, we will explore every aspect … Read more

Laminitis: how to recognise the signs?

Laminitis is a serious condition of equine hooves, often linked to other diseases. This condition, which can be fatal, requires immediate attention and appropriate care. What causes this condition? Foot problems are the main cause of lameness in older horses. Laminitis remains the most frequently diagnosed condition. A statistically significant association has been demonstrated between … Read more

Cushing’s syndrome: natural approaches in horses

For a more complete management of Cushing’s syndrome in horses, natural alternatives can be incorporated to complement drug treatment. These natural approaches can help support your horse’s immunity, musculature, joints and liver and kidney functions. Feed supplements Immuno RS: This supplement is particularly useful during the change of season. It helps to strengthen the horse’s … Read more

Cushing’s disease: a metabolic disorder in ageing horses

Cushing’s syndrome, also known as Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), is an endocrine disease that particularly affects older horses. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance that can seriously affect your horse’s health and quality of life. What causes this disease? Cushing’s syndrome is mainly due to a dysfunction of thehypothalamic-pituitary axis, which comprises two … Read more

How should an emphysematous horse be managed?

Emphysema in horses, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a common respiratory condition that can significantly affect an animal’s quality of life. The condition is characterised by chronic inflammation of the airways, leading to airflow obstruction and breathing difficulty. The management of an emphysematous horse requires a multidisciplinary approach including environmental adjustments, … Read more

Emphysema: a closer look at this equine respiratory disease

Emphysema in horses, also known as “sprouting”, is a chronic respiratory disease that seriously compromises the animal’s ability to exhale air from its lungs. This condition, similar to asthma in humans, can seriously affect a horse’s quality of life and performance. What causes this disease? Emphysema, scientifically known as obstructive deep airway disease, results mainly … Read more

Recurrent Summer Dermatitis in Equines

Recurrent equine summer dermatitis (RESD ) is a chronic, itchy skin condition that affects many horses, ponies and donkeys. Characterised by intense itching and skin lesions, this seasonal condition can become a real nightmare for equine owners. In this article, we explore the causes, symptoms, diagnostic methods, available treatments and preventive measures to combat this … Read more