Fight against osteoporosis with naturopathy

Osteology is the part of medicine that deals with bone pathologies; it is the study of bones. Osteoporosis, for example, is a pathology of the musculoskeletal system; it is a bone disorder. Bones play an important role in : The structure of the body Soft tissue support and visceral protection Movement and posture Development of … Read more

Clary sage, the plant of women par excellence

Clary sage, the plant of women par excellence

Between sage officinalis and clary sage , it’s 10 to 1. If the literature is full of information concerning the first, it is clear that the bare minimum falls on the second. So I’m going to do my best to relate the few meager events recorded here and there about him, to tell his story. A little history The oldest … Read more

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Treat stress and anxiety with Gelsemium homeopathy granules

Gelsemium owes its name to Antoine-Laurent Jussieu , the famous French botanist (1748-1836), father of plant classification. Jussieu named it in reference to “ gelsomina ” which means jasmine in Italian. English speakers also call it “ Carolina Jasmin ” or Carolina jasmine . Definition of Gelsemium Gelsemium is a small climbing plant from America and Asia. It enjoys a certain popularity, but it is not its small yellow and delicate flower that … Read more

Saffron, symbol of wealth and power

Saffron, symbol of wealth and power

Saffron is an atypical crocus in many respects and whose reputation is well established. Unlike other crocuses , it is the only one whose flowering is autumnal . The preciousness that characterizes it makes it particularly expensive, and this since the highest antiquity, and also remarkable; as I will now practice demonstrating. A little history 4000 years, it is approximately the age of the … Read more

Future mother and breastfeeding – Why choose to breastfeed your baby?

Allaitement-Pourquoi choisir d'allaiter son bébé

Breastfeeding is a gift that every mom should be able to give her baby. A natural and generous act that will allow the baby to be closer to his mother, and thus discover the life that is offered to him in the best possible conditions, with gentleness and serenity. Unfortunately, some women cannot breastfeed due to physiological causes: malformations of the … Read more

Rosemary, symbol of love and prosperity

Rosemary, symbol of love and prosperity

Rosemary smells of Provence. In our imagination, it rubs shoulders with thyme and wild thyme. Undoubtedly, it evokes good herbs , and its use imposed itself first in food, for the pleasures of the nose and the palate, even before we realize that a meal decorated with rosemary not only tastes better, but also digests better. It is thus part … Read more

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

The Latin appellation for Rhodiola derives from the Greek word rhodios , used by the Greek philosopher Dioscorides when he first described the plant in his De Materia medica (77 AD), as Rodio riza , in reference to the smell of rose given off by the root, once cut. Its vernacular name of golden root is an allusion to its legendary reputation as a panacea plant . A … Read more

Fight against seasonal allergies with complete peace of mind

Spring marks the arrival of fine weather, but also of seasonal allergies. These ailments affect more and more people, young and old alike. Sneezing, coughing, conjunctivitis… The spring season and its climatic conditions favour the appearance of these crises. Pollen and pollution, the body reacts to these aggressions and alerts you. These symptoms, linked to … Read more

Natural colors to take care of your hair

Woman applying a natural henna-based color to her curly hair

Dyeing your hair undoubtedly makes you look your best. However, after chemical colouring, hair becomes more fragile. The formulation and stripping action of conventional dyes alter the hair’s natural structure. As a result, the hair fibre becomes brittle and your hair thinner – an inordinate price to pay for beauty. Fortunately, there’s an alternative: natural … Read more

Boost your immunity with superfoods

Choose super foods to boost your immune system

Fruits, seeds, berries, vegetables and much more, superfoods are increasingly invading our markets and our plates. High in nutritional value, healthy foods help regulate our bodies. Antioxidant, detoxifying, revitalising, the active ingredients and effects are numerous and their effectiveness has been proven. From goji berries and ginseng to seaweed and kale, these nutrient concentrates make … Read more

Joint problems? Essential oils to use

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy using essential oils and aromatic essences. Obtained from plants, these substances contain active ingredients capable of improving the discomfort of joint problems. Essential oils for joints provide effective and rapid responses, which are very useful in the event of a crisis. Essential oils provide immediate, targeted benefits, through localised … Read more

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa has been distilled since the 18th century. It is native to India and is often called Indian geranium , because it contains geraniol , which in particular gives its essential oil a smell more or less close to that of Rosat geranium , or even rose. This plant has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine . In the Caribbean, some people drink … Read more

Zero waste cosmetic operation!

Zero-waste accessories for an eco-friendly bathroom: bamboo toothbrushes, natural loofahs and compostable cases on a pink background.

Stemming from organic cosmetics and the slow beauty trend, zero waste cosmetics aim to reduce, or even eliminate, waste from beauty products. Every year, the cosmetics industry produces around 120 billion items of packaging (Zero Waste Europe), making a major contribution to global plastic pollution. Because of the low recycling rate, much of this waste … Read more

What is an organic cosmetic?

Concerned about respecting natural balances, we support and encourage the gradual transition to ‘green’. As its name suggests, organiccosmetics are all beauty treatments derived from organic farming. Not only does it respect our skin, it also takes care of nature and animals. Its ingredients have been developed according to the rules of environmentally-friendly agriculture and … Read more

How to cure cough with homeopathy?

Whether it is dry or oily? Night or day? How to take care of your cough while respecting the natural process of our body thanks to homeopathy? The first step to take to take charge of your cough is first to realize that it is the body’s natural defense against microbial attacks (viruses or bacteria). It is also … Read more

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

Bloating, nausea, gas, constipation, diarrhea… so many ailments that are indicative of poor digestion or medically called dyspepsia . On the shelves of organic stores and pharmacies abound various food supplements to facilitate digestion . Which one to choose ? Before supplementing, it is necessary to identify the cause and target the symptom(s). What is digestion? Digestion is a biological process responsible for … Read more

Compact oregano essential oil, an essential sacred plant

Compact oregano essential oil, an essential sacred plant

Originally from the Mediterranean basin and Central Asia, oregano appeared in Antiquity as a product with medicinal properties . A cousin of marjoram , this aromatic plant was considered “sacred” by both Egyptians and Indians. Oregano has been one of the essential herbs for medicine and cooking since ancient times. But beware, very different species are often mistakenly called “oregano”. A little history The … Read more