Sugar: How to break free from its grip?

Reducing our intake of added sugar is an excellent choice for a healthier diet and lifestyle. Obviously, its negative effects on our bodies are real. That’s why it’s important to reduce your daily intake.

Added sugar, “hidden” on my plate

Added sugars are mixed into foods and drinks when they are prepared or processed. It is important to note that it is not only sweet foods that contain added sugar. For example, manufacturers add them to pasta sauces and condiments.

Eliminating it from your diet

There are several reasons why you should remove sugar (or at least limit its intake) from your daily diet. Firstly, too much sugar leads to health problems. In addition, if you are diabeticif you have a high blood sugar level, you will need to limit your daily carbohydrate intake in any case. Of course, we all know the impact of sweets on our health and on possible weight gain teeth and on possible weight gain. There are different types of sugar and you need to know the differences. For example, refined sugar, the white sugar you add to your coffee or cooking, is less healthy than the so-called “natural” types of sugar such as honey, unrefined sugar or those made from fruit. The choice is whether you want to eradicate sugar from your diet or just remove refined sugar from your plate.

Some tips for reducing or eliminating sugar from your diet

  • Learn to decipher packaging

In fact, we often think that certain foods are quite good for our health, until we find out how much carbohydrate they actually contain. In fact, even if the product contains only a small amount of fat, it may still contain a very high amount of sugar. This is why we strongly recommend that you read the labels of the foods you buy carefully. Take the time to decipher the packaging, your health will thank you.

  • Stop sprinkling drinks, plates and other desserts

When you add a little sugar to everything you eat ( coffee, fruit salads, juices, desserts, etc.), the scales soon start to ring the alarm bell. Learn to enjoy your coffee or tea without having to add sugar to it. Try not to add any to your porridge or other breakfast cereals. Don’t put a sugar bowl on your dining table.

  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake

There is no need to go on a strict diet. However, remember that when you eat carbohydrates at mealtimes, whether refined or processed, they will automatically be converted into sugar by your body. In short, this means that all foods made from refined (or white) flour will become your worst dietary enemies. To remedy this, opt instead for “whole” foods, whole wheat, cereal breads, wholemeal pasta, etc. Choose foods rich in fibre and essential nutrients.

Eat a varied diet

It is essential to have a varied diet. Little by little, by choosing colourful and seasonal foods, your way of eating will allow you to limit your sugar intake. Choose foods from all food groups. Eat more raw foods, fruit and vegetables and less processed foods. Even though natural sugars, such as honey or molasses, are supposed to be much healthier than refined sugar, your body does not know the difference. Learn to control your total sugar intake. Also remember to control any sweetener intake.

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