Coriander essential oil, four millennia of history

essential oil of coriander seeds

Cilantro is one of the oldest aromatic herbs in the world . In Antiquity, the Romans were keen on it. The spice appears in more than 70 dishes from the collection of recipes of the gastronomic Roman Apicius . It is mentioned in Sanskrit writings, the Ebers papyrus , the Old Testament … without forgetting its use in China, more than 2000 years ago … This plant, in … Read more

The role of medicinal plants in Crohn’s disease

Medicinal plants for Crohn's disease

Crohn’s disease is a transmural chronic inflammatory bowel disease . It usually affects the distal ileum and colon , but can occur anywhere in the digestive tract. Symptoms include diarrhea and abdominal pain. Abscesses, internal and external fistulas as well as obstruction of the intestine can occur. Extra-intestinal symptoms, including arthritis, may also occur. A little history The name of Burrill Bernard Crohn quoted thousands … Read more

Natural tips to fight against brittle and weakened hair

Metal comb and jar of moisturizing hair mask on pink background - care for brittle, dry hair.

Our hair is much more than just an aesthetic attribute: it reflects our identity, our state of health and sometimes even our stress levels . Numerous studies show that nutritional imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and oxidative stress are major factors in hair fragility (Pavithra et al., 2015). In almost all cultures, hair has a … Read more

The Milk Thistle, symbolic of the mystical Rose

The Milk Thistle, symbolic of the mystical Rose

Much more used by popular medicine, milk thistle will have to wait until the beginning of the 16th century before therapists finally take it into consideration . However, from the eighteenth century, the virtues of milk thistle, as diverse as they are, were thrown away by practitioners. Whatever. The twentieth century will restore the image of this repudiated plant. A little history The name milk thistle … Read more

What are the benefits of surgras soap for our skin?

It’s a fact. Consumers are more and more demanding about the quality of the products they buy. For example, more and more of us are adopting organic products to take care of our body , and more particularly our skin. Likewise, manufacturers are also committing to formulas based on natural ingredients, more respectful of the body… and of the environment ! The soaps surgras are part … Read more

Lemon essence, golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides?

As everyone knows, lemon is a citrus fruit, a word whose etymological roots directly refer to its pungent and sour flavor . In the fifth century BC, Sophocles referred to the orange and the lemon under the same name of “golden apples” ( which for a long time suggested that these two fruits could indeed have some relation with apples. from … Read more

What are the causes of constipation in infants?

In infants, mild constipation may be a sign of inadequate insufficient water intake. This is the case, for example, when the breastfeeding mother does not drink enough, when artificial milk is insufficiently diluted or when a hot climate tends to dehydrate the child. Constipation can also be caused by an excess of flour or thickeners … Read more

How to take care of my hair after summer?

How can I take care of my hair naturally after summer?

Sun, sea, swimming pool … In summer, hair is subjected to multiple attacks which weaken and damage it. The sun dulls colorings : associated with seawater, colored hair can lighten up or last much less time (for example blond hair that turns greenish with the chlorine in the swimming pool). However, the sun dries out the hair . Exposing your hair to the … Read more

Ginseng, the sovereign essence sent by the gods


Benefit of the earth nicknamed “sovereign essence”, ginseng has been considered for millennia throughout the Far East as THE plant sent by the gods to help men since their creation. This vegetable gnome, this homunculus having captured telluric energies is, whatever the date of its first use, considered as a panacea (of the goddess Panakeia , daughter of Asclepius god of medicine, … Read more

Which bach flowers for sleep disorders?

Woman in pyjamas with a pink sleep mask yawning in front of a yellow background, symbolising sleep disorders and natural solutions such as Bach Flower Remedies.

Bach flower essences are a natural and harmless way of treating many physical and emotional problems. They are non-addictive, have no side effects and can be used by anyone. They can also be used alongside other treatments and therapies (allopathic or holistic), without any danger. Flower essences give you the opportunity to see beyond physical … Read more

Chamomile essential oil, from the divine coronation to the Druidic nobility

Noble Chamomile Flower Head Essential Oil

The virtues of chamomile flowers have been known since the dawn of time. Although not of Roman origin, tradition has it that it was named so because a German botanist and physician Camerarius rediscovered it in the 16th century in Rome. The flower head is used in herbalism, traditionally to facilitate digestion . In liquorice, it gives a bitter flavor to aperitifs. The … Read more

Gemmotherapy, the power and subtlety of plants

Gemmotherapy is a specialised form of phytotherapy which uses the buds, young shoots and rootlets of trees and plants. Known as “global embryonic phytotherapy”, it has been studied in depth by experts such as Dr Henry and Drs Bergeret and Tétau. Gemme: borrowed from the Latin gemma “bud” and by analogy of shape and colour … Read more

Rosewood essential oil, the prestigious subtly spicy floral


Discovered by botanists in 1925 in the Juriti Velho region (States of Para), this tree was named “rosewood” because of the delicately scent of its wood . The study of this tree revealed that it contained an essential oil of an exceptional richness in linalool , an odorous substance precursor of the perfume of lavender. A thriving extractive industry developed in the Amazon … Read more

Magnesium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron and potassium orotates: bio-available mineral salts

Orotate de magnésium

Orotates, bioavailable mineral salts? It was the researcher Hans Nieper who discovered the particular properties of orotates at the end of the 1980s. These mineral salts of orotic acid indeed allow optimal mineralization . Orotatesse are found naturally in animal and plant cells. But how do orotates deposit minerals (magnesium, calcium, chromium, iron, lithium, zinc, etc.) at the heart of the cell, … Read more

Why use homeopathy in the treatment of common cold in cats?


Coryza in cats is an infectious disease in which several pathogenic entities are responsible, alone or in combination, for more or less severe damage to the upper respiratory tract but also to the ocular and oral mucous membranes. This attack is generally manifested by nasal and ocular discharge , sneezing , or even general signs such as hyperthermia , depression or even anorexia which can however prove to be fatal … Read more

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Also called “royal herb”, basil is known for its many medicinal properties . Before landing in the crucible of old-time stills, basil has come a long way. The adjective “tropical”, moreover, is there to remind us of its origin, because in fact, tropical basil does indeed originate from the Indian subcontinent . A little history More than 4000 years ago, the … Read more

The benefits of activated vegetable charcoal to treat your digestive disorders


Activated charcoal (or vegetable charcoal)is obtained from organic plant materials rich in carbon: wood, coconut shells, olive pits, bark, etc. This material is subjected to calcination and then to a thermal shock. This eliminates most of the elements that form it. At the exit, we obtain a material composed almost exclusively of carbon. The only peculiarity: it retains certain molecules which come … Read more

Tea tree essential oil, Green Gold from the fifth continent

The tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) or Tea tree is native to New South Wales in Australia, where the Bundjalung aborigines used the leaves to heal themselves from a variety of ailments for a long time . Unfortunately, very little of this ancestral knowledge has come down to us, due to the fact that huge sections of aboriginal culture have … Read more

La Grande Bardane, nature’s little treasure


Burdock, in addition to its medicinal implication in the daily life of men , has also been a plant linked to the spiritual domain. Already, 2000 years ago, Pliny indicated that it was one of the favorite plants of the Druids. Later, we will find it in the procession of solsticial plants and those that we throw (among others) into the … Read more