The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

Stress is a disturbed state of self-regulation (homeostasis) . It is a specific syndrome triggered by non-specific impulses (stressors) , to which the body is not adapted. Its origin can be physical ( injury, surgery, intoxication, UV, etc. ), psychological (psychological pressure, fear, etc. ) and can generate adjustment disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression to moderate, cognitive disorders, overwork or exhaustion syndrome. What are “stress adjustment … Read more

Treat periodontal disease naturally with herbal medicine

Treat periodontal disease naturally with herbal medicine

Periodontal disease is responsible for 30 to 40% of tooth extractions . They generally begin with gingivitis, which is reversible, then progress to damage to the periodontium , the supporting tissue of the tooth, destroying it which causes a loss of attachment of the tooth. These attacks are mainly caused by dental plaque as well as tartar (calcified dental … Read more

Time change: How to preserve a good sleep?

The time change is not always a pleasant experience for everyone… The sudden change in time throws our internal clock out of kilter and ultimately affects our entire metabolism. This can lead to sleep disturbances, and even disrupt our appetite and mood. Did you know that some people can take more than ten days to … Read more

Stress – What impact on our health? What solutions?

Initially, the stressor is mainly physical . It is indeed thanks to stress that we can react quickly in a dangerous situation (fire, road accident … we speak of so-called “life-saving” stress. At present, the evolution of our lifestyle puts us in front of more and more constraints. We are confronted with permanent overwork: working for a living, looking after … Read more

Bitter fennel essential oil, an ancient panacea that clears the eyes

In ancient Egypt, papyri almost 5,000 years old indicate the presence of fennel at that time. It is the same for Mesopotamian tablets from Babylon or from Assyria. Quoted and widely used by the Greeks, Arabs and Chinese, fennel also appears in certain botanical literary works of the Middle Ages. This plant has therefore long been considered a … Read more

Turmeric, a prodigious root with many benefits

turmeric rhizome for your health

A medical material, a tinctorial plant but also a spice, turmeric has provided its benefits to men for 3,000 years . This perennial plant, some specimens of which nowadays adorn florists’ shops, is best known for its underground parts which, like ginger, are in fact made up of rhizomes. A little history Turmeric has been known to the … Read more

Citrus Eucalyptus essential oil, from annihilation to passion

lemon eucalyptus essential oil

Lemon eucalyptus is a plant native to the Australian continent as well as Madagascar. The Aborigines had in fact always known its powerful antibacterial properties . Lemon eucalyptus was also used to dry out swampy areas in the subtropics. The aborigines of Australia used the sap of the eucalyptus or “gum tree” in direct application on their wounds in order … Read more

Libido disorders from a naturopathic point of view


The disorder of sexual interest or sexual arousal is characterized by the absence or decrease in sexual interest, initiation of sexual activity, pleasure, thoughts and fantasies; lack of desire for a response; and / or the absence of subjective arousal or physical genital response to sexual, non-genital and / or genital stimulation. The erectile dysfunction , meanwhile, is an inability to … Read more

Caralluma, the prince of satiety


Caralluma flowers give off such a putrid smell that the Arab nomads nicknamed it qahr al-luhum (carnal sore, abscess). Over time and trade, the plant arrived in the West where its name was Latinized in Caralluma . It is a so-called “succulent” plant: it is capable of storing water in its stems and leaves . In fact, it was traditionally used by the Indians … Read more

Cranberry, its therapeutic use in its urinary indications

First used by the Amerindians of North America for food and therapeutic purposes (to disinfect the urinary tract), the cranberry was then discovered by Europeans, who first used it on board ships that crossed the Atlantic to fight against scurvy , due to its high vitamin C content . A little history As early as the middle of the 19th century, German doctors helped … Read more

Cerebral Vascular Accidents (CVA), and after?


Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) are acute (sudden) complications of vascular disease , caused by a stop of the blood supply in a brain territory (cerebral infarction or DALY – ischemic) or a rupture of a vessel (hemorrhage). cerebro-meningeal or AVCH – hemorrhagic). They are thus the third leading cause of death in France and the leading cause of disability. Their most common manifestation is hemiplegia (paralysis of a hemibody). What … Read more