What is the InBody scale used for?

The InBody scale is a body composition measurement device that uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology. Designed to provide accurate, detailed data on body composition, it has become an essential tool for health professionals, sports trainers and wellness-conscious individuals.

What is an InBody scale?

The InBody scale is a medical device that provides detailed measurements of body composition. Unlike traditional scales that only provide total weight, the InBody scale analyses several components of the body, such as muscle mass, body fat and body water.

Developed using technological advances in the field of bioelectrical impedance analysis, it offers enhanced accuracy and usable results for optimum health management.

How does an InBody scale work?

The InBody scale uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology to assess body composition. It works by sending weak, safe electrical currents through the body via electrodes placed on the hands and feet.

These currents pass through the various body tissues at varying speeds, enabling impedance (resistance) to be measured and the various components of the body to be calculated. The results are then analysed and displayed on a screen for easy reading.

What are the main advantages of the InBody scale?

The InBody scale offers a number of significant advantages:

  • Accuracy: The measurements obtained are extremely precise, thanks to advanced BIA technology.
  • Detailed data: It provides detailed information on body composition, including muscle mass, body fat, body water and more.
  • Medical and sports use: It is used by healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor a range of conditions, and by sports coaches to optimise athlete performance.
  • Ease of use: The results are easy to interpret and use, making it suitable for a wide range of users, from doctors to private individuals.

How do I use an InBody scale correctly?

To obtain accurate measurements with an InBody scale, it is essential to follow certain steps:

  1. Preparation: Make sure you are hydrated but avoid drinking large quantities of water just before the measurement. Also avoid eating or strenuous exercise before the measurement.
  2. Positioning: Stand on the scale with your feet firmly on the electrodes. Grasp the manual electrodes if available.
  3. Accuracy: Follow the on-screen instructions to ensure an accurate measurement. Measure at the same time of day for consistent comparison.
  4. Frequency: Take regular measurements to track changes in body composition over time.

What data can I get from an InBody scale?

The InBody scale provides a variety of detailed data:

  • Muscle mass: Total amount of muscle in the body.
  • Body fat: Percentage and distribution of body fat.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI ): Indicator of the relationship between weight and height.
  • Bone mass: Quantity of minerals in the bones.
  • Body hydration: Total quantity of water in the body, divided between intracellular and extracellular water.
  • Visceral fat: Fat around the internal organs.

Who is the InBody scale designed for?

The InBody scale is suitable for different types of user:

  • Healthcare professionals: Doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists use the InBody scale to diagnose and monitor their patients’ progress.
  • Sportspeople and trainers: Used to optimise training regimes and monitor physical progress.
  • Fitness centres and spas: To offer body composition monitoring services to their customers.
  • Individuals: Anyone who wants to keep a close eye on their body composition and overall health.

Is the InBody scale reliable?

Comparative studies have shown that the measurements obtained with the InBody scale are very close to those provided by the DEXA scanner (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), considered to be the reference standard for body composition analysis. These studies indicate significant accuracy in measuring muscle mass and body fat, with minimal differences that are clinically acceptable.

NASA uses the InBody scale as part of its wellness programme at the Johnson Space Center (JSC). The introduction of the InBody 770 scale has replaced less accurate traditional measurement methods such as calipers and portable bioelectrical impedance devices.

NASA’s adoption of this technology is a testament to their confidence in the reliability and accuracy of the results provided by the InBody. According to Evan Thoman, Manager of Fitness and Wellness Services at JSC, the InBody has not only improved the accuracy of measurements but has also increased employee engagement in the wellness programme. The machine has passed the ‘NASA Test of Confidence’, a strong indicator of its reliability in an environment where accuracy and rigour are paramount.

As well as accuracy, the InBody scale is renowned for the consistency of its results. Users can track changes in their body composition reliably over a long period, which is crucial for health professionals and sports trainers. This consistency enables ongoing and accurate evaluation of health and fitness programmes.


  1. How InBody Helped NASA Johnson Space Center
  2. Validity of Segmental Multi-frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis to Estimate Body Composition in Asian Adults in Singapore

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