5 natural tips for getting pregnant

Do you want to optimise your chances of getting pregnant and improve your couple’s physical and mental health in order to pass on the best to your future little one? Discover through this article advice on lifestyle, attitudes to adopt before conception to boost fertility

, live a pregnancy in peace and so that your baby can develop in the best possible conditions.

Good fertility depends on good parental health

Having a baby is a lifelong commitment: it is not a decision that should be taken lightly, it is necessary to prepare for it in every way, and this, before becoming pregnant.

Pregnancy lasts for 9 months, during which time the pregnant woman will experience significant hormonal changes that will affect her daily mood. Her body will change, both physically and physiologically, and her tastes will change, etc.

The first thing to remember is that the mother passes on a HUGE amount to her child when she is pregnant: it is through her blood that the baby is fed through the umbilical cord. This means that anything ingested by the mother (food, alcohol, cigarettes) will be passed directly to the baby, every cosmetic product you choose to put on your skin will pass into your bloodstream and be passed on to the baby. You will also pass on your immune system, your bacterial flora… which should therefore be in good condition. He will be able to feel every thought, feeling (joy, fear, sadness, hate…). And what about the father in all this? A child is made by two people! So you gentlemen are not spared either! Your spermatozoa must be of good quality, because all your genes are contained in them. A poor lifestyle leads to genetic changes that will be passed on to your descendants.

To optimise your chances of getting pregnant naturally, it is therefore essential that you and your father are in good health before starting a child. You need to be balanced both physically and psychologically!

To illustrate this, let’s take the example of plants: For a seed to grow properly, it needs a favourable soil for its development, as well as a soil rich in minerals to meet all its needs. For us, it is the same thing, before thinking of conceiving a child, it is essential to prepare the ground for both parents in order to transmit the best to the future baby. For this reason, the first thing to do for both parents is a DETOXATION cure. ATTENTION: the cure must be done BEFORE the pregnancy and never during it.

Tip 1: Optimise your chances of getting pregnant with a detox

This process will help you eliminate the toxins that have accumulated in your body to help you get pregnant.

Where do these toxins come from?

  • They are generated by our body itself, particularly during digestion (uric acid, urea, fermentation, etc.).
  • From our excessive eating habits: fatty, industrial, overly sweet foods.
  • From the ingestion of additives, colourings, medicines, atmospheric pollution, cosmetic products (aluminium, silicone, parabens…), smoking.

These toxins accumulate to a greater or lesser extent depending on each individual, it depends on what we eat, our eliminations, our fatigue, our breathing, our external environment

.. Faced with this clogging, the body must eliminate as much waste as possible. When we are ill: colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, flu, allergies, etc. It is your body that is trying to send you a message, it is sounding the alarm! Through these physical manifestations (runny nose, spitting, eczema, vomiting, sweating, diarrhoea, acne, fungus…), your body is trying to eliminate its toxins through its organs of elimination: the liver, kidneys, skin, intestines, known in naturopathy as emunctories. Sometimes our body can no longer fulfil its elimination role properly, because it is overworked and lacks energy… The idea of undertaking a detox cure is to give your body a boost so that it can regain its balance!

Here are the steps to follow for your detox cure

→ Rebalance your diet:

To optimise your chances of getting pregnant via diet, you need to prioritise the quality of your food over quantity! Be aware that being overweight during pregnancy increases the risk of suffering from hypertension or diabetes. It is therefore preferable to change your eating habits before getting pregnant to reduce the risks.

  • Avoid all industrial food which generally has a much higher glycemic index.

Foods with a high glycaemic index to limit: Refined white flour derivatives (baguette, sandwich bread, waffles, etc.), industrial cakes, refined cereals (white rice, white pasta); sweets, confectionery, white sugar, chocolate bars, milk chocolate, commercial honey, jam, maple syrup, fruit in syrup, industrial fruit juices, alcohol, soft drinks.

  • Eliminate cow’s milk products, prefer yoghurts and goat’s or sheep’s milk formulas
  • Eat a raw food at each meal (raw vegetables, sprouted seeds, carpaccio, seafood, tartar, smoothies, juices, etc.).
  • Eat as much organic fruit and vegetables as possible (if you cannot eat organic, wash and peel them)
  • Please eat a suitable breakfast, as low in sugar as possible. Trying to remove sugar from your tea or coffee is a good start.

Breakfast examples: eat organic wholemeal bread with a thin layer of butter, honey, or almond puree for example. Eat a plain goat’s or sheep’s yoghurt and add some oatmeal, nuts or crushed almonds. Between 10 and 11 am: the ideal time to eat fruit, just before lunch, to stimulate your digestion.

  • Remember to vary your intake of starchy foods, including cereals + pulses.

→ Eat whole or ½ whole grain cereals, preferably gluten-free (quinoa, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, etc.) and pulses (lentils, beans, chickpeas, dried beans, etc.), all of which are rich in plant proteins. The ideal proportion: 1/3 starchy foods to 2/3 vegetables.

  • Don’t forget to add essential fatty acids (Omega 3 and 6) to your diet by varying your consumption of vegetable oils or by eating oily fish.

Food sources of good fats

Omega 6: sunflower oil, grape seed oil, soya oil, safflower oil Omega 3: rapeseed oil, walnut oil, wheat germ oil (rich in vitamin E), flaxseed oil, camelina oil, hempseed oil 3 tablespoons of rapeseed or olive oil per day EPA, DHA: small oily fish (sardines, mackerel, anchovies), salmon, sea trout, cod liver. As a supplement to your diet, you can also take PILEJE OMEGABIANE COD LIVERS 80 MARINE CAPSULES

  • You can do an apple monodiet once a week. This consists of eating apples in all their forms (fruit, compote, juice) for one day without forgetting to drink water.
  • For the more courageous, you can do a water fast once a week. This consists of drinking only water for a whole day.

N. B. Fasting and mono-dieting are techniques used in naturopathy that allow the digestive system to rest so that the body can mobilise more energy for drainage and the elimination of toxins. Be careful not to do just anything, mono-dieting and fasting are techniques that depend on the general energy of each person and must be part of a regular naturopathic treatment.

  • Say goodbye to cigarettes or drugs. Smoking is responsible for miscarriages, bleeding, premature births and babies being born.

→ Free yourself from stress and negative thoughts

The elimination of waste products requires the energy of the whole body. For this reason, it is essential to clear the mind of all unnecessary or stressful thoughts that take up a lot of our body’s energy and unconsciously block fertility. To optimise your chances of getting pregnant, you should :

  • Relax with the aim of ‘short-circuiting’ the brain’s nervous system and clearing your mind of fixed ideas, worries, anxieties…→ conscious breathing, sophrology, meditation,guided relaxation

Essential oils have proven to be very effective in promoting relaxation of the body and mind. You can breathe them in using an electric essential oil diffuser, making your own relaxing oil blends or using a relaxing complex.

  • Reconnect with nature by airing and oxygenating as much as possible.
  • Walk at least ½ hour a day: take the stairs instead of the lift, ride a bike instead of a car…
  • Stimulate and readjust the energies that flow through our body→ massage, manipulation, reflexology
  • Positivise

Discover all our advice on stress management through this article: How to manage stress?

→ Mobilise toxins and open the emunctories

In naturopathy, there are two types of colloidal and crystalloidal waste.

  • Colloidal overloads come from the overconsumption of carbohydrates (starches and sugars) and lipids (fats). These are mucus, phlegm, fatty discharges, mucus, sputum, cysts, which are called “glues”. They are eliminated by the stool, bile and sebum.
  • Crystalloidal overloads are waste products of an acid nature circulating in the humoral environment, which must be rapidly eliminated or neutralised in the form of salts, forming crystalloid deposits which are called “crystals”. Their source is digestion and overconsumption of protein-rich foods (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, refined sugar). Crystal diseases are characterised by tendonitis, rheumatism, sciatica, stones, neuritis, eczema, inflammation

The practical interest of this naturopathic conception of colloidal / crystalloid waste lies in the choice of the drainage and detoxification methods to be used, which will differ according to the physical manifestations of each person. Physical exercise remains the first and best solution in order to stimulate all the emunctories. However, other techniques can be used:

What elimination techniques are available to you

The golden rule in Naturopathy: one must always drift towards the strongest emunctory in order to save the tired emunctory.

The skin :

The skin constitutes a double elimination door, because it rejects crystalloidal waste through sweat, thanks to the sweat glands, and rejects colloidal waste through the sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. To solicit the cutaneous emunctory, one must sweat How to stimulate perspiration?

  • Through physical exercise
  • Hot baths
  • Sauna/Hammam
  • Sunlight

Gut and the liver :

The liver is a very important organ, whose role is, among other things, to filter the blood, to neutralise the toxins that the blood continually brings to it and to eliminate them. A rich diet, regular consumption of alcohol and cigarettes slows down its activity. When the intestine does not function well, the intestinal flora becomes unbalanced and it becomes a real storage place for toxins. These toxins pass through the intestinal barrier and overload the body and clog the ground. How to stimulate the action of the gut To decongest your liver, you can apply a hot water bottle locally. Among the main plants that have a hepatobiliary action (liver and gall bladder) are: black radish, milk thistle, rosemary, artichoke, boldo, wild chicory, fumitory, dandelion. You can also consume them in the form of EPS by making your own personalised mixture by clicking here For the intestines, a dietary reform is mandatory! Certain plants can promote its activity: mallow, marshmallow, rosemary, thyme, sage, aniseed, fennel, cumin, rhubarb, borage, prune, senna, pale rose, cascara, flaxseed, psyllium.. You can also do intestinal enemas before you are pregnant

Kidneys :

How to stimulate kidney activity? The kidneys eliminate crystalloid waste through the urine. The crystals come from an excess of nitrogenous products, but also because of stress, overwork, negative thinking. The best solution is to drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 litres. Numerous diuretic and depurative plants are effective in purifying the kidneys. They can be administered in infusion, decoction, essential oil extracted from fresh or dry plant, etc:

  • Bearberry: astringent and antiseptic action
  • Cherry stalk
  • Birch
  • Meadowsweet
  • Horsetail, which increases the volume of urine
  • Include in your diet nettle, watercress, fennel

Gemmotherapy can help you to stimulate your renal function, I suggest GEMMO DIURETIC Bio AQUAGEMM heather juniper birch cranberry It is also possible to massage the reflex zone of the urinary system in the centre of the arch of the foot which will stimulate its activity

Tip 2 Take food supplements before conception

Once you have completed your detox treatment, it is important for each parent to take food supplements to optimise their chances of getting pregnant:

For you, Madam

  • It is advisable to take probiotics a few months before conception: probiotics are useful micro-organisms that colonise the intestinal and vaginal flora. Their presence strengthens your body’s natural defences by helping it to fight against the proliferation of harmful micro-organisms. Your intestines must be healthy, as they are the gateway to the food that will supply the baby with nutrients during its life in utero. Moreover, during childbirth, the baby’s intestines are sterile. In the hours that follow, the baby’s intestine will be colonised by thousands of bacteria present in your own intestinal flora, provided that your baby is born vaginally. That’s why it’s important to have a healthy and balanced intestinal flora!

N. B. For children born by caesarean section, it is advisable to take a course of probiotics after delivery if you are breast-feeding, otherwise give them in the bottle. I recommend PILEJE LACTIBIANE REFERENCE 10 BULBS

  • It is also important to supplement with folic acid or vitamin B9 in order to avoid any malformations of the baby (cleft lip). This supplementation plays a crucial role in the first four weeks of pregnancy, on the development of the neural tube of the future baby. It is the neural tube that will form its spine, skull and brain.

Foods rich in folic acid: cereal products, green vegetables (spinach, broccoli), meat (liver) and legumes (lentils and dried beans). Although folic acid is found in these foods, it is rare that you can get the recommended daily intake from your diet alone. You should take about 0.4 mg of folic acid per day, usually in the form of a multivitamin.

For you, sir:

  • In order to improve your fertility and get pregnant by increasing the concentration and mobility of your spermatozoa, you can supplement yourself with Zinc in addition to Vitamin B6, a cofactor that favours the absorption of Zinpc.The temperature favourable to the proper development of spermatozoa is 32C°. Avoid wearing tight clothing, as this increases the body temperature of your testicles.

Zinc-rich foods: oysters, mussels, poultry (turkey), scallops, wheat germ, calf and mutton liver, wholegrain cereals, soya, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, spinach, parsley, green leaves of cruciferous plants, fish, egg yolks You can take Be-Life BIOLIFE Zn B6 Zinc Vitamin B6 60 capsules

Tip 3: Reconcile with your sleep

  • Respect your biological rhythms: Ideally, you should sleep at least 7 hours a night.
  • Keep in mind that the most restorative hours of sleep are before 00:00.
  • Don’t ignore signs of sleepiness in the evening (yawning, heavy eyelids, lack of concentration, etc.), because if you miss the beginning of your sleep cycle, the next one will be 90 minutes later
  • The bedroom should be a room reserved exclusively for this purpose. Forget TV, games, computers and telephones… Your bedroom should be aired every day to renew the air and should not be heated (between 17 and 20°C)
  • Wake up with light: Instead of being rudely alarmed every morning with a conventional alarm clock, choose a dawn and dusk simulator that imitates the sun and start the day naturally.

Note: This article is advice that should be adapted according to the general state of health and feelings of the individual

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