What are the different natural remedies to treat angina?

Sore throat manifests itself as a sore throat when swallowing, with a burning or tingling sensation. The cause is often infectious (angina, rhinopharyngitis), but throat irritation can also be caused by excessively dry air, inhalation of tobacco smoke dust, incorrect use of the voice or the passage of an unusual object (fish bone, for example). … Read more

How to choose your pregnancy test in pharmacy

L'image représente différents tests de grossesse ainsi que le ventre d'une femme enceinte.

How do you choose the right pregnancy test? This is a very important question, because since the pregnancy test market has been opened up to supermarkets, not all pregnancy tests are equal in terms of the quality and reliability of their results Have you had unprotected sex and are you worried? You’re wondering whether you’re … Read more

How do you choose a pillbox?


Following a course of medication can be difficult and restrictive for an elderly person. That’s why knowing how to choose a pillbox can be invaluable. Factors to consider when choosing a pillbox Choosing the right pillbox involves taking into account several key factors that correspond to your individual needs. Here are the essential aspects to … Read more

How to choose your organic food supplement

Organic farming was born of the initiative of agronomists, doctors, farmers and consumers who, in the 1920s, generated new currents of thought based on ethical and ecological principles, and initiated an alternative method of agricultural production that favoured working the soil, self-sufficiency and respect for natural balances. As the 1970s approached, major sociological changes had … Read more

Spirulina, an exceptional foodstuff

Spirulina, often mistaken for algae, actually comes from cyanobacteria of the Arthrospira genus. These microscopic blue bacteria carry out photosynthesis. Historically, the Kanem people of Chad and the Aztecs ate it as patties or cheese. In the 20th century, it was rediscovered as a food supplement. Commercial production began in the 1970s. Arthrospira platensis, the … Read more

Nature, biodiversity and natural solutions

Nature is a complex ecosystem, essential to the balance of our planet, but currently threatened by human activities such as deforestation, pollution, climate change and over-exploitation of resources. These threats are compromising biodiversity and vital ecosystem services, making conservation and restoration practices all the more urgent. In response, interest in nature-based solutions, such as agroforestry … Read more