Boost your concentration naturally for exams

While most people are looking forward to spring, many young people are feeling the stress. Indeed, the arrival of the summer season also launches the countdown to the end-of-year exams. In short, there are now a few weeks left to finally be ready! Indeed, between writing memo cards, reading and rereading lessons, exercises… It is very easy to panic and not be able to concentrate to revise. And yet, concentration is the brain function most in demand during exams. To sum up, to get through this period calmly, the trick is to “boost” your ability to concentrate with food supplements!

Concentration, one of the keys to success

By definition, concentration is the ability to direct and fix one’s attention and thoughts on a particular subject or the achievement of a specific goal. Of course, without any distractions in the background. Clearly, the ability to concentrate is essential for school work and studies. Obviously, one has to assimilate an enormous amount of information in a limited amount of time. Concentration allows us to think better, to improve our memory skills and to be more resistant to stress. Secondly, it helps us to organise ourselves well and to optimise our efficiency at work. In short, when revising for exams, everything depends on our ability to concentrate!

Comment développer ses capacités de concentration ?

In fact, you can improve your ability to concentrate by filling up on omega 3 (or alpha linolenic acid). Indeed, research has shown that omega-3, a nutrient from the lipid family, has important benefits for concentration and memory. More specifically, these polyunsaturated fatty acids improve synaptic plasticity. That is, they strengthen the connections between neurons. As a result, cognitive abilities are increased: As a result, concentration and memory are improved.

What is the daily requirement of omega 3?

Apart from their benefits on concentration and cognitive functions, the oméga 3 are a guarantee of good cardiovascular health. Indeed, they help lower bad cholesterol levels, while helping to protect the eyes, the nervous system, etc. To summarise, their role is essential. In fact, the daily requirement of omega-3 fatty acids is :

  • enfants en bas âge : 0,1 g
  • enfants et adolescents : 0,25 g
  • adultes : 0,25 à 0,3 g
  • femmes enceintes ou allaitantes : 0,45 g

Omega 3 rich foods to improve concentration

The only problem is that the human body is unable to produce its own omega-3s. Obviously, it must be supplied through the diet. By favouring vegetable oils (rapeseed, walnut, hemp, flax, camelina, etc.), nuts, seeds, oily fish (salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, mackerel), watercress, lamb’s lettuce, cabbage and purslane. When the diet does not cover all the essential fatty acid requirements, it is advisable to turn to quality food supplements.

The Pomodoro method

Recently, the Pomodoro technique has been praised for helping students and workers stay focused and make their work sessions more purposeful.

What is this method?

In concrete terms, the principle is very simple: Choose a task to work on. Then set a timer, and work until it rings (without interruption). Finally, take a short break. In general, it is recommended to study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. Then repeat the process until the task is completed. But it’s really about finding what works best for you.

What are the effects on concentration?

In summary, it has been found that short breaks increase our ability to concentrate. In addition, it allows your brain to regenerate quickly and prepare for the next period of concentration.

Furthermore, to helping you stay motivated while you study, the Pomodoro technique also gives you a better idea of how long it takes you to complete different tasks. In fact, it helps you to set up a more efficient study schedule. Specifically, you can count the number of study periods you have done and get a clearer idea of how long it took you.

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