How do you get through winter with baby?

To get through the winter with a baby, it’s essential to adopt the onion technique when dressing him, layering warm, natural clothes to regulate his body temperature. Boosting the immune system with appropriate fortifiers and maintaining a routine of regular outings, despite the cold, are crucial to baby’s health. Protecting your skin with the right care products and using safe hot water bottles like those from Biosynex will help ensure your comfort and well-being during the winter months.

Falling temperatures, coughs, colds… Winter can be a source of discomfort for adults and toddlers alike. How should you dress your baby to help him cope with the cold? What are the best things to do for baby’s well-being? Should we go out with our little one despite the chilly weather? So many questions come to mind when you have a fragile little one to protect from the cold. In this article, find out how to get through the winter season safely with baby!

Choosing clothes optimised for the cold

Winter means warm clothes. Down jacket, parka, hat… For us adults, it’s easy to make a choice to keep our body heat up. When it comes to dressing baby, however, the task is harder. If he’s to cope with the low temperatures, he needs an outfit that’s neither too heavy nor too light. So, for his comfort, adopt the ” onion technique “. This is a method of dressing in layers to trap air and provide insulation. For this, opt for soft materials such as wool and silk. These fabrics are known to adapt to body temperature and retain heat. What’s more, they’re soft against the fragile skin of toddlers. But you can also turn to cotton. All you need to do is choose natural, comfortable materials. Also, check that your little one isn’t too hot by touching his skin regularly. If you smell sweat, remember to take off a layer.

Have the right fortifiers to hand

The cold puts a strain on the body. To boost your baby’s and your children’s immune system , it’s important to have fortifiers on hand at all times. So opt for natural defence-boosting food supplements adapted to their age. These are rich in vitamins, trace elements and plant extracts of all kinds. They’ll give your little one the extra help he needs to fight off the cold.
For colds and flu, turn to dry cough syrups made from natural ingredients. And to clear up baby’s airways, choose a natural decongestant balm.
The combination of these products will ensure your little one’s health and well-being, especially during the winter months.

Don’t miss out on outings!

The wind and snow often discourage us from going for a walk with baby. But it’s important to get out and about, even when it’s cold. Going for a walk is still an enriching activity for your little one. And by taking him outside, you’re helping him to acclimatise to the various vagaries of the weather. The more you take him out, the more he’ll develop the antibodies he needs to withstand the cold as the years go by. Of course, it’s essential to dress baby properly before you walk out the door. And in addition to the onion technique suggested above, wear extra accessories like a footmuff.

Use the right care products to protect baby’s skin

Winter encourages dehydration and dry skin. To rehydrate and protect baby’s fragile epidermis, it’s essential to buy the right care products for baby’s skin. Generally, fat-rich products are recommended, as they preserve the skin’s hydrolipidic film. But if you’re in any doubt, don’t hesitate to consult a specialist, who will guide you towards healthy, effective products. In any case, it’s always advisable to opt for natural skin care products.

Which hot water bottle should I choose for my baby?

The Biosynex brand has created microwaveable cuddly toys based on Disney cartoon characters. These hot water bottles are suitable for children of all ages, even the very youngest. So you can give them as baby gifts, Christmas surprises, etc. Easy to use, they’ll entertain your children while keeping them warm for hours. Whether they’re having a siesta, going for a walk in the park or running errands, they’ll keep them warm all night long.

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