The gut-brain axis

Have you ever had the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach? If so, then you now understand that there is a link between the stomach and the head. Let’s take a closer look! The impact of the stomach on mental health There is indeed a link between mental health problems and gut dysbiosis. In … Read more

Narcolepsy, how to manage everyday life?

Drowsiness, cataplexy, hallucinations… Narcolepsy can cause a number of problems. This sleep disorder can be triggered at any time of the day. And unfortunately, there’s not much you can do about it. We’re often helpless in the face of this disease, and we have no control, or so we think. In fact, although this disorder … Read more

Night terrors: what are they?

A good night’s sleep makes for a good day. But for some people, the night can be a time of unpleasant events. Nightmares? Worse… night terrors. Phenomena that seem to be paranormal. But behind this astonishing manifestation lies a completely scientific explanation. Nightmare or night terror According to the Larousse dictionary, night terrors are parasomnias. … Read more

How to naturally relieve anxiety ?

Although there are many symptoms of anxiety, chances are you’ve already experienced them. Breathlessness, difficulty falling asleep and a tight throat are just some of the symptoms of anxiety. So what are the solutions available to alleviate them? What is anxiety? Anxiety is a strong feeling of insecurity. Like fear or worry, its intensity can … Read more

The ashwaganda

Ashwagandha is one of the most important plants in Ayurveda, which is a traditional form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing. What is ashwagandha? “Ashwagandha” means “smell of the horse” in Sanskrit. Indeed, this refers to both the smell of the plant as well as its potential to increase strength. In … Read more

Hemorrhagic rectocolitis

Haemorrhagic rectocolitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (or IBD). IBD is a group of diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract. What is RH? This severe inflammation produces tiny sores called ulcers on the wall of the colon. In fact, the inflammation generally starts in the rectum and spreads upwards. However, it can affect the … Read more

The Tilleul, the image of majesty and opulence

Legend says that it was the leaf of a heart-shaped linden tree that landed on Siegfried ‘s back , the only vulnerable place in his body after he bathed in the blood of the vanquished dragon ( saga of the Nibelungen ). The genus Tilia includes many species and hybrids. More than 100 taxa have been counted for these lime trees, some of … Read more

A homeopathic treatment to fight against Shingles

homeopathic treatment for shingles

Shingles is an infectious disease caused by the shingles-varicella virus, resulting in an eruption of large flaccid vesicles , with unilateral and root topography. This eruption is accompanied by lymphadenopathy and neuralgic sensory disturbances. It frequently leaves painful sequelae. We tend to think that chickenpox would be the primary viral infection and shingles an exogenous or endogenous reinfection. The period of onset … Read more

Lemon verbena essential oil, plant of the nervous system

Properties of lemon verbena leaf essential oil

Originally from Chile and introduced to southern Europe by Spain around the 7th century, lemon verbena is named after the traveling botanist Lipp . Very fragrant as its name suggests, lemon verbena essential oil develops a characteristic smell of lemon and citron , but without presenting the spicy and fresh side of the latter. Here it’s softer, grassier, floral too, reminiscent … Read more

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

Rhodiola, a panacea plant with a golden root

The Latin appellation for Rhodiola derives from the Greek word rhodios , used by the Greek philosopher Dioscorides when he first described the plant in his De Materia medica (77 AD), as Rodio riza , in reference to the smell of rose given off by the root, once cut. Its vernacular name of golden root is an allusion to its legendary reputation as a panacea plant . A … Read more

The role of homeopathy in acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis corresponds to histological changes in the hepatocytes, the complex pathophysiology of which can be studied according to clinical, biological, immunological and aetiological parameters. Although jaundice of cytolytic or cholestatic origin due to cessation of biliary function is usually observed, it is not an obligatory feature of the condition. The cause of acute hepatitis … Read more

Control your emotions with Biofloral

Irritability, lack of sleep, difficulty concentrating, feeling unwell, mood swings, constant feelings of insecurity… In today’s hectic, stressful world, controlling your emotions is essential to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Irritability, sleep disorders and mood swings are all signals that alert us to the need to take care of our mental well-being. Biofloral, with its expertise … Read more

Passiflora, the beautiful sleeping passion flower

Passionflower, or Passiflora incarnata, is a climbing plant native to the south-eastern United States and Mexico, renowned for its medicinal properties. Traditionally used to treat insomnia and anxiety, it has gained an important place in the French pharmacopoeia. Its richness lies in its unique constituents, notably flavonoids and indole alkaloids. This article explores the many … Read more

Lemon Litsea essential oil, the lucky charm with white flowers

oil of lemon bedsheets

The leaves of the lemon bedew are simple, lanceolate and have numerous milky-white flowers arranged in panicles, forming the design of a lucky charm. This tropical shrub has small fruits that look almost like pepper berries. That’s why it’s known as “mountain pepper”. Litsea citrata, also known as exotic verbena, is widely used in perfumes … Read more

Lavender aspic essential oil, the antitoxic par excellence

Spike lavender, whose botanical name is Lavandula latifolia spica, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained by distilling its flowers (flowering tops). Botanical description Spike lavender is a larger sub-shrub than fine lavender, reaching up to 75 cm in height. It is made up of straight, numerous branches, usually branched, bearing long, … Read more

Homeopathy in behavioral disorders and school adjustment

In this article, we will limit our topic to the problems that arise before the period of adolescence . We will also eliminate infantile psychoses, neurological disorders (expression of organic encephalopathies), problems related to a general organic pathology, to limit ourselves to the circumstances most usually encountered in general medicine. On the diagnostic level, it will be necessary to identify sensory deficits (eye, … Read more

The limits of homeopathy in emotional and psychic disorders

Emotional disorders, or emotivity, refer to the fundamental property of the individual to react (psychic and somatic reactions) to physical stimuli or to changes in his organic or psychic situation. This reaction encompasses psychic manifestations (affects) as well as their somatic, neuro-vegetative and expressive concomitants. The somatic component is expressed through a range of vegetative … Read more

Marine plasma: hypertonic or isotonic?

We live in a time when maintaining the balance of biodiversity has become essential. This necessity concerns the survival of our species as much as that of the planet . The reconnection with nature has never been so important. The science is witness and proposes solutions to combine the human and nature . This process begins with research and therapy to harmonize man and the ocean . The ocean, origin of life This vast … Read more

African Griffonia seeds, Tryptophan in its purest form

When we hear about the griffonia for the first time, some country people will first think of hunting dogs, whether they are running or pointing, while urbanites will evoke canine breeds of amenities originating in Belgium. . Others, more focused on the marvelous and the fantastic , will immediately make reference to the griffin , this chimerical animal, a mixture … Read more

Homeopathy in stage fright and acute reactive emotional disorders

Emotionality refers to the human body’s ability to react to physical stimuli and to changes in its organic or psychological situation, such as stage fright. It expresses itself simultaneously in the psychic sphere, through an affect(grief, fear, anger, joy, for example) and/or in the somatic sphere, through various neurovegetative reactions(endocrine vaso-motor, secretory, muscular, etc.). In … Read more