Gentian, mysterious source of vitality

Any plant, as long as it has been considered a panacea, drains legendary tales after it . Let us remember that Olivier de Serres gave the gentian as suitable for fostering childbirth , something which seems to underline, by its cheerful aptitude, a great vitality, a remarkable detail, especially since in the time of this eminent agronomist, a good number of French people … Read more

Herbal Medicine in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

When we speak of an obsessive disorder in the sense of a disease, we describe a behavior , characterized by the irrepressible need to constantly repeat a ritual , often bizarre (compulsion). Professional, family and social life can be seriously threatened. Obsessive thoughts are absurd thoughts. The person who suffers from them feels them as such, but fails to get rid of … Read more

Busserole, bear grape with gargantuan properties


Bearberry is one of the great omissions from medical literature throughout antiquity. The Middle Ages fared little better, considering that the earliest documents relating to it date back only to the 12th century: some English books mention its use, and it is even mentioned in a 13th-century Welsh herbarium entitled Les médecins de Myddfai (The … Read more

Why use homeopathy in the treatment of common cold in cats?


Coryza in cats is an infectious disease in which several pathogenic entities are responsible, alone or in combination, for more or less severe damage to the upper respiratory tract but also to the ocular and oral mucous membranes. This attack is generally manifested by nasal and ocular discharge , sneezing , or even general signs such as hyperthermia , depression or even anorexia which can however prove to be fatal … Read more

Slimming down with medicinal plants is possible!

Medicinal plants can be of great help in losing weight naturally without straining your body. Taken as a complement to a food rebalancing, they allow you to lose weight, keep your figure and optimize your slimming capital. To support you in your weight loss, we have selected four plants for you in different dosage forms. … Read more

The obsession with weight loss methods among teenage girls: a scourge for health!

This article aims to question a worrying social phenomenon targeting adolescent girls and their relationship to weight loss diets or any other measure to lose weight. In Western societies, teenage girls are assaulted with images of girls with dreamy bodies. The cult of beauty as well as the frequent use of diets are all aspects … Read more

Focus on the different eating behavior disorders

Eating disorders (ADD) are increasingly common pathologies, especially among adolescents and young adults. The three main syndromic forms (anorexia nervosa, bulimia, overeating) concern in total nearly 10% of the population. There are more limited data on other atypical AITs, but the total prevalence of ATS can reach nearly 20% of the population. Anorexia nervosa: This … Read more

The role of stress in eating disorders

Food response to stress varies from person to person. These responses are modulated according to the type of stress. Note that low stress leads to more overeating (excessive food intake) and more intense stress leads to more hypophagia (excessive restriction of food). These reactions, however, remain very dependent on the individual. In stressful times, food … Read more

The different factors that promote weight gain

It is important to consider that there are certain factors that can promote weight gain. Weight gain, which can lead to obesity, is the result of a prolonged imbalance in the energy balance: daily energy intake exceeding expenditure for a very long time. Complex interactions between biological, behavioral, social and environmental factors are involved in … Read more

Diet and overweight management in obesity

Obesity is excess weight, defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg / m2. Complications include cardiovascular pathologies (especially in subjects with excess abdominal fat → android profile), diabetes mellitus, certain cancers, gallstones, fatty liver, cirrhosis, osteoarthritis, reproductive disorders in in men and women, psychological disorders and, for the subject with a … Read more

Cure the flu with homeopathy

The flu is at the origin of the seasonal epidemic which rages every winter, between the months of November and April in the northern hemisphere. It usually starts at the end of December, and lasts an average of ten weeks. Fortunately there are homeopathic treatments for prevention and attack to cure the flu virus . Symptoms of the influenza virus The flu is an infectious disease caused … Read more

Which natural anti-cellulite treatment should you choose?

Découvrez comment lutter contre la cellulite avec les huiles essentielles

There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus). What is cellulite? There are several types of cellulite: cosmetic cellulite and infectious cellulite (bacterial: staphylococcus or streptococcus).Infectious cellulite is in fact a bacterial infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus. The pathway is a skin infection. The management of this … Read more

Acne, what natural remedies to treat it effectively?

A young woman holding a magnifying glass in front of her face, revealing inflammatory lesions typical of acne, including papules and pustules, against a light blue background.

Acne is a common dermatological condition, characterised by inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicles. Often perceived as a simple affliction of adolescence, it actually affects a much wider spectrum of the population, from teenagers to adults, with a predilection for certain areas such as the face, neck, low-necked, shoulders and back. Despite a tendency for the … Read more