How can I buy the best turmeric-based supplement in pharmacies?

Turmeric, that age-old spice with its golden hues, is much more than a simple condiment to enhance the flavour of food. Today, it is recognised for its exceptional virtues in natural medicine, and has found a place of choice in the world of food supplements. Indeed, turmeric capsules, loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, have … Read more

The herbal tea of ​​the month of October: Maintain joint comfort

The joint discomfort is often due to chronic diseases , and usually slow and progressive evolution, where medicinal plants can have an interesting role. Preventive vis-à-vis the development of this type of disease, the reinforcement of the cartilage promotes patient comfort and reduces pain . There are many effective active ingredients, but their use requires precautions. What is joint discomfort? In the physiological … Read more

Cedar of Virginia essential oil: Health and serenity

Discover nature’s hidden treasure: Virginia Cedar essential oil, a precious ally for your health and well-being. In this article, we explore the many benefits of this miraculous oil, renowned for its soothing and regenerative properties. Whether you’re looking for a natural solution to boost your immune system, improve the quality of your skin, or simply … Read more

Mugwort Artemisia Vulgaris

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The art of herbal medicine is full of unsuspected treasures, and among them, mugwort stands out for its captivating properties. In this article, we explore the many facets of this enigmatic plant, often associated with dreams and the moon. Its essence, both bewitching and mysterious, has stood the test of time, seducing lovers of natural … Read more

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and the A.I.P Paleo diet: An innovative look at thyroid health

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a common autoimmune disease. Today we look at a dietary approach that has attracted a lot of interest – the Paleo A.I.P or Autoimmune Protocol diet. Could it be the missing piece in the management of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis? What is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis? Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s … Read more

How gut health can affect the joints

Joint pain can have a significant impact on our quality of life. Whether it’s osteoarthritis, arthritis, tendonitis or other forms of joint pain, it can make everyday tasks difficult. But have you ever thought that your pain could be linked to your gut microbiota? What is joint pain? Joint pain refers to discomfort, pain or … Read more

Relieve your joints with CBD-based products

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound derived from Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica that has been recognised for its many benefits to physical and mental health. Indeed, researchers have discovered that CBD has anti-stress, anti-inflammatory (1 ) and relaxing properties, making it a popular ingredient in various products such as dietary supplements and massage oils. … Read more

How can hydrotherapy help to improve health and relieve pain?

Since ancient times, hydrotherapy has been recognised and appreciated for its health benefits, as well as its soothing and relaxing properties. In this article, we’ll look at the different types of hydrotherapy and their benefits for the body. The different forms of hydrotherapy Depending on the water used, its shape and temperature, hydrotherapy can take … Read more

How to buy homeopathic remedies safely?

Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular with those seeking alternative treatments for alternative treatments for their health problems. Homeopathic medicines are often purchased online for their convenience and 24-hour availability. However, there can be concerns about the safety and quality of these products. In this article, we explain how to buy homeopathic remedies online safely and … Read more

How can spasmophilia be treated naturally?

Spasmophilia, also known as a tetany attack, is a functional disorder manifested by anxiety attacks and neurovegetative symptoms. When faced with this condition, it is important to find natural treatment methods to improve the quality of life of those affected. In this article, we’ll explore the different options for treating spasmophilia naturally and the food … Read more

How can I recover more quickly after a sports session?

Sport is undoubtedly good for your physical and mental health. It helps to maintain good physical condition and boosts the immune system. It also stimulates the production of endorphins (the feel-good hormones) and helps to reduce stress. However, sportsmen and women know that after an intense session, recovery is essential to avoid injury and improve … Read more

How to treat impetigo with homeopathy?

Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that mainly affects children, but can also affect adults. This skin condition, which manifests itself as red, oozing skin lesions sometimes covered with yellowish crusts, is caused by bacteria. Although conventional medicines such as antibiotics can treat impetigo, some patients prefer more natural homeopathic treatments. In this article, we’ll … Read more

Reducing hyperuricemia with homeopathy

Hyperuricaemia, a condition that can occur at any age, can be very uncomfortable for sufferers. However, with the right homeopathic remedies, it is possible to treat the condition and relieve the associated pain. Discover the recommended treatments for hyperuricaemia. Hyperuricaemia is a common condition resulting from high levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric … Read more

Osteoarthritis of the knees: get moving!

Osteoarthritis is caused by deterioration of the cartilage in the joints. This deterioration causes intense pain caused by constant rubbing of the bones. In the majority of cases, this pathological disease affects the hips, spine, fingers and knees. To date, there is no cure for osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, whatever the area affected, specialists agree that regular … Read more

Healing winter aches and pains naturally

Winter brings with it its share of aches and pains. Colds, flu, sore throats, coughs, sinusitis, etc. are all health concerns that affect us every year. However, there are natural remedies to relieve them and prevent their onset. As an online pharmacy, we are aware that people are increasingly looking for natural solutions for their … Read more

Relieving pain with homeopathy

Relieving joint, muscle or dental pain with homeopathy: a natural alternative. Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that uses natural ingredients to relieve body aches and pains. It can be an effective solution for joint, muscle or dental pain, without the side effects of traditional medicines. Homeopathy offers various remedies to relieve joint pain. Rhus toxicodendron … Read more

How do you prepare for a holiday in the mountains?

Mountain holidays are an ideal way to get away from the city and reconnect with nature. However, the mountains can be an inhospitable environment if you don’t prepare properly. It’s important to protect yourself from the cold, keep hydrated to avoid dry skin, protect yourself from UV rays and choose suitable footwear and clothing. In … Read more

Vital Proteins is now available !

Vital Proteins has created a collagen powder whose reputation is well established. Whether in the field of health or fitness, all the “healthy” and “fit” enthusiasts are snatching up collagen-based food supplements. And for good reason! It is the most abundant protein in the body: collagen is a component of bones, skin, muscles, tendons and … Read more

White Willow, the multi-millennial natural aspirin

White Willow, the multi-millennial natural aspirin

As indicated by its Celtic root sa-lis (or salik ) which means ” near water “, the willow particularly likes temperate places throughout the northern hemisphere , along rivers and streams, on cool and humid grounds, even marshy, but above all it is a “green and beneficial tree of running waters” and riparian forests. A bit of mythology Mentioned in the Iliad , the willow … Read more

Joint problems? Essential oils to use

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy using essential oils and aromatic essences. Obtained from plants, these substances contain active ingredients capable of improving the discomfort of joint problems. Essential oils for joints provide effective and rapid responses, which are very useful in the event of a crisis. Essential oils provide immediate, targeted benefits, through localised … Read more