Urolithine A: The best anti-ageing supplement

Urolithin A is a natural compound derived from the transformation of ellagitannins present in certain fruits such as pomegranates. It is at the heart of recent research into ageing and longevity. This supplement is attracting growing interest because of its proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and its potential role in improving mitochondrial health.

What is Urolithin A?

Origin:Urolithin A is a metabolite formed by the conversion of ellagitannins in the colon by the intestinal flora. These ellagitannins, or ellagic tannins, are found mainly in pomegranates, raspberries and walnuts.

Recent studies show thatUrolithin A has significant effects on mitochondria and cellular ageing. Its ability to improve mitophagy-theprocess of cleaning up defective mitochondria-and to increase cellularenergy production makes it a potentially first-rate anti-ageing supplement.

What are the anti-ageing benefits of Urolithin A?

Urolithin A is particularly recognised for its ability to :

  • Improve muscle function: Studies show thatUrolithin A can improve muscular endurance and reduce fatigue.
  • Promote mitophagy: By increasing mitophagy,Urolithin A helps to eliminate damaged mitochondria, thereby promoting better cell function.

How does Urolithin A affect mitochondria?

Urolithin A influences mitochondria by :

  • Stimulating mitophagy: This vital process is essential for cell regeneration and the prevention of degenerative diseases.
  • Increasing energy production:Urolithin A promotesmitochondrial activity, thereby increasing the production ofATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Urolithin A activates the AMPK and PGC-1α pathways, which play crucial roles in regulating energy metabolism and controlling ageing.

Why choose Urolithine A as a supplement?

Extensive research and clinical studies demonstrate thatUrolithine A is not only effective but also safe for long-term use. Trials show significant improvements in physical function and metabolic health in subjects treated withUrolithin A.

What are the specific benefits of Urolithin A?

  • Proven efficacy: Studies highlight the beneficial effect ofUrolithin A on muscle function and mitochondrial health.
  • Safety: Clinical trials show a lowside-effect profile, making it a safe choice for anti-ageing supplements.

Live longer by taking Urolithine A

This anti-ageing supplement is recognised for its significant effects onextending lif espan thanks to its unique mechanisms of mitophagy stimulation and mitochondrial protection. By improving mitophagy,Urolithin A helps to recycle damaged mitochondria, which is crucial for maintaining optimal mitochondrial function and preventing the accumulation of harmful cellular debris.

Recent studies have shown that administration ofUrolithin A can slow cellular ageing by preserving the function of mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells, which tend to deteriorate with age. By maintaining a healthy mitochondrial population,Urolithin A promotes better cellular energy production and reduces oxidative stress, two key factors associated with increased longevity.

How can we protect ourselves against Alzheimer’s disease?

The benefits ofUrolithin A are not limited to improving mitochondrial health, but also extend to the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer‘s disease. By improving neuroplasticity,Urolithin A contributes to the regeneration of neurons and the formation of new synaptic connections, which are crucial for maintaining cognitive abilities with age.

Research shows thatUrolithin A helps to reduce oxidative damage in the brain, a factor contributing to the development of Alzheimer’s disease. By reducinginflammation and protecting neuronal cells from free radicals,Urolithin A helps to preserve cognitive function and slow the progression of neuronal degeneration.

What are the recommended doses?

Dosage: Depending on the studies, effective doses ofUrolithin A vary between 250 mg and 500 mg per day. Clinical trials have used these doses to demonstrate significant improvements in cell function.

When is the best time to take it?

We recommend takingUrolithin A in the morning with a high-fat meal to optimise its absorption. This allows for a gradual release of the supplement and better bioavailability.

Potential side effects and precautions

What are the associated risks?

Clinical studies indicate thatUrolithin A is generally well tolerated. Side effects observed are rare and include mild gastrointestinal disorders. It is essential to consult a health professional before starting any supplementation.

How can side effects be minimised?

To minimise the risks, it is advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it according to individual tolerance.

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