`Green Giant’: Bryan Johnson’s Source of Longevity

Bryan Johnson , self-proclaimed the most measured man in human history , has spent millions of dollars to maximize his longevity. It managed to reduce its aging rate by 9.2%. Beyond his personal experience, he created Blueprint , a next generation algorithm for human well-being. This article explores Johnson’s anti-aging drink “Green Giant” and the science behind it.

An easy-to-prepare anti-aging drink with ingredients purchased from an online pharmacy

The “Green Giant” is not just a drink; rather, it is a carefully crafted blend of diverse ingredients, each providing its own set of health and longevity benefits . To better understand its effectiveness, it is essential to examine each ingredient in detail.

Water: The basis

Water forms the basis of this drink. The 600 ml of water not only serves to mix all the other ingredients but also to hydrate the body first thing in the morning , which is crucial for various biological functions.

Spermidine: The anti-aging agent

Spermidine, present at a concentration of 13.5 mg, is a polyamine that has shown abilities to extend telomere length, thereby reducing signs of cellular aging. If you do not have access to this food supplement, you can replace it with a food supplement based on Chlorella algae .

BCAA: Muscle recovery

With 7.6 g of BCAA (branched chain amino acids), this drink promotes muscle recovery and helps reduce fatigue , important factors in the rejuvenation process.

Creatine: For energy

Creatine, at 2.5 g, is an organic compound that plays a role in energy metabolism , particularly in muscle cells.

Collagen Peptides: For the skin

The 20g of collagen peptides are a wise addition for anyone looking to improve the health of their skin , often the first to show signs of aging.

Cocoa Flavonols: Antioxidants

500 mg of cocoa flavonols provide a powerful dose of antioxidants , which fight free radicals in the body.

Ceylon Cinnamon: Blood Sugar Control

1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels , which is essential to avoid complications related to diabetes .

Extra virgin olive oil or avocado: Monounsaturated fatty acids

A tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil is also incorporated, known for its beneficial effects on the heart and its supply of monounsaturated fatty acids .

The complete Green Giant recipe

To make this drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of chlorella powder (or its equivalent in dietary supplement form for those who don’t like the taste), producing 13.5 mg of spermidine
  • 7.6 g of BCAA
  • 2.5 g of creatine
  • 20 g of collagen peptides
  • 500 mg of cocoa flavonols
  • 1 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil (or incorporated into another meal of the day)

Preparation method:

  1. Start by pouring the 20 oz of water into a large blender.
  2. Then add each of the ingredients in the order listed.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Drink immediately to reap all the benefits.

By incorporating “Green Giant” into your daily regimen, you are taking a significant step toward better health and increased longevity , just like Bryan Johnson.

Epigenetics and collagen peptides

Collagen peptides, often found in dietary supplements and beauty products, have a much more profound effect than you might think. Beyond their role in the structure of the skin, they also interact with our genome in a very specific way. Epigenetic modifications, which are changes in gene expression without alteration of the DNA sequence itself, are a critical aspect of aging. Incorporating collagen peptides into your diet may have positive effects on these epigenetic modifications , including stabilizing the expression of certain genes related to skin health, wound healing, and connective tissue maintenance.

Biohacking with Green Giant

In the world of biohacking , the ultimate goal is optimization. Bryan Johnson is a prominent biohacker who incorporated the Green Giant drink into his personal quest to improve his longevity and overall well-being. This unique drink doesn’t just provide nutrients; it is designed to positively influence various health markers, from energy levels to metabolism to cellular regeneration.

Why Green Giant is essential for Biohacking?

The true beauty of the Green Giant lies in its versatility and complementarity. Each ingredient is carefully chosen not only for its intrinsic benefits but also for its ability to work synergistically with others. It is a drink that can be easily adapted and integrated into various biohacking protocols, whether intermittent fasting , low – carb diets , or advanced supplementation programs .

So the Green Giant is not just for satisfying thirst; it is a carefully crafted drink aimed at improving quality of life, favorably influencing biological markers and contributing to optimal health as part of a well-thought-out biohacking approach.

The link between nutrigenomics and Green Giant

Nutrigenomics sits at the intersection of nutrition and genomics, studying how the foods we eat can affect the expression of our genes and, therefore, our health. Green Giant, this anti-aging drink concocted by Bryan Johnson, embodies this philosophy by incorporating various ingredients that have been studied for their effects on gene expression and key biological processes linked to aging.

Spermidine and gene expression

Take the example of spermidine , a polyamine that is one of the key ingredients in Green Giant. Spermidine has been studied for its role in regulating autophagy , a cellular waste disposal mechanism that plays a crucial role in longevity . By contributing to better autophagy functioning, spermidine can influence the expression of several genes associated with aging.

Collagen peptides and epigenetic impact

Collagen peptides, another component of Green Giant, may also have nutrigenomic effects . Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is essential for healthy skin, bones and joints. Studies have shown that collagen peptide supplementation may influence the expression of genes associated with skin health and tissue repair .

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and metabolism

Green Giant also contains branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), which are essential for protein synthesis and may play a role in regulating metabolic pathways . Research suggests that BCAAs may affect the expression of genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21501848/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6429523/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8612618/
  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31004229/
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8339558/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10216422/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6356823/

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