Whooping cough, a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacterium, can be particularly severe in infants and young children. In addition to standard antibiotic treatments, there are a number of natural remedies that can be used to treat this disease. Medicinal plants and essential oils offer alternatives for relieving symptoms and boosting the immune system. Homeopathy and traditional methods also play a role in soothing coughing spells and improving patients’ general well-being.
The role of phytotherapy
Certain plants have a powerful healing effect on whooping cough, notably white broth, poppy and, above all, drosera. An infusion of white broth is made with 20g of flowers per litre of water. It should be filtered well to avoid throat irritation. Poppy and drosera infusions are prepared with a pinch of dried flowers in a cup of boiling water. The drosera infusion is particularly active. It reduces the frequency and duration of coughing fits, and has a favourable effect on vomiting.
White broth flowers have expectorant, anti-inflammatory and cough-relieving properties. These are useful for bronchitis, COPD, whooping cough, coughs and asthma. Poppy petals soothe spasmodic coughs and promote sleep.Onion-based preparations improve bronchitis, whooping cough and asthma.
ESCOP recognises thyme for its use in catarrh of the upper airways and as a complementary treatment for whooping cough. Lobelia can also be used to treat this disease.
Other plants such as andographis,echinacea and peppermint can reduce the symptoms of whooping cough. Honey, known for its antioxidant properties thanks to phenol, has been used for centuries as a cough remedy. A review of the literature (1950-2012) showed the superiority of honey over placebo and diphenhydramine, but not over dextromethorphan. A 2012 study, including 300 children aged 1 to 5, showed a significant improvement in cough and sleep with honey. Honey could be recommended for children aged over 1 year, unless contraindicated (diabetes, overweight). Syrups made from climbing ivy, such as Prospan®, have proved effective in treating coughs associated with asthmatic bronchitis.
A synergy of essential oils to combat whooping cough
Essential oils have anti-infectious, antitussive and antispasmodic properties, which are effective in relieving whooping cough. Thanks to its antibacterial, antiseptic and immunostimulant properties, Tea Tree essential oil soothes irritated airways and areas affected by coughing. To use, pour 2 drops into a clean handkerchief and inhale for ten minutes. Orally, mix 2 drops in a teaspoon of honey and leave to work under the tongue. It is gentle and non-caustic on the skin, suitable for children, but not recommended for babies under 3 months or pregnant women under 3 months.
Mint Pouliot essential oil is used on medical advice for adults and adolescents. To take orally, place 1 drop on a neutral medium to be swallowed, or inhale a few drops on a handkerchief.
A complete synergy for adults includes :
- 30 drops of Ravintsara,
- 20 drops of Marjoram,
- 20 drops of Cypress of Provence,
- 20 drops of Thyme thujanol
- 3 ml of Nigella vegetable oil.
Massage 8 to 10 drops of this mixture into the chest and upper back. This synergy is intended for adults and children over the age of 3, but is contraindicated for pregnant and breast-feeding women and children under the age of 3.
Ravintsara essential oil is an immunostimulant, boosting the body’s defences against whooping cough thanks to 1,8-cineole and alpha terpineol. Marjoram relaxes muscles and soothes the mind, reducing cough spasms. Cypress of Provence is antitussive and protects the respiratory tract. Thyme fights infection and boosts immunity.
Some homeopathic remedies…
Homeopathy, founded in the 18th century by Dr Hahnemann, is based on the principles of similitude and infinitesimal. The theory postulates that a substance that causes symptoms in normal doses can, by dilution, eliminate them. Homeopathic medicines are used to treat whooping cough.
At the onset of whooping cough, take Belladonna 4 CH followed by Ipeca 4 CH. During the state period, use Drosera 4 CH for dry fits, Coccus cacti 4 CH for fits with mucus, and China 4 CH for fits with spasms. In periods of decline, Pulsatilla 4 CH is recommended. An isotherapic remedy, Pertussin 15 CH, speeds up the course of the disease and prevents complications.
For wet coughs, use :
- Corallium rubrum 15 CH (explosive cough, vomiting of phlegm),
- Coccus cacti 15 CH (aggravation on waking)
- and Ipeca 15 CH (frothy sputum, nausea).
For a hacking cough, we recommend :
- Spongia tosta 9 CH (barking cough),
- Belladonna 9 CH (laryngeal cough)
- and Sambucus nigra 9 CH (worsening at midnight).
For dry coughs, use :
- Drosera 15 CH (nocturnal cough, intercostal pain),
- Cuprum metallicum 9 CH (improvement with cold water)
- and Arnica montana 9 CH (chest pain).
A 2013 study of a homeopathic cough syrup showed a significant reduction in symptoms compared with placebo, with no side effects. Popular homeopathic syrups include:
Homeopathy offers a natural alternative for treating whooping cough, with palpable results.