10 misconceptions about homeopathy

Homeopathy is a therapy that has been proven in the field for over two centuries. In contrast, modern allopathy with all its highly sophisticated panoply of chemical molecules did not flourish until after World War II, and is therefore barely 70 years old. The two medical approaches differ radically in the way they view water. Homeopathy, in fact considers water as a medium capable of capturing and propagating information and postulates that a living being can be cured without having recourse to the chemical molecules themselves, but by means of their informational traces that these molecules leave in the water after being diluted to the point of no longer being present.

What is remarkable about this therapy is that there are no limits to the dilution and that even very high dilutions, well beyond the Avogadro barrier retain a very specific biological activity.

The advantage of homeopathy is that this therapy has many advantages for the whole family. Indeed, homeopathic medicines have an effectiveness, but above all a safety of use compared to traditional medicines which can cause many undesirable effects on the organism. The absence of toxicity and aggressiveness of homeopathic medicines is no longer to be demonstrated.

Other advantages concerning a homeopathic treatment is the individualized care of the person. The action of homeopathic medicines is rapid on acute symptoms and over time on field or preventive treatments.

Homeopathy also limits the use of other possibly iatrogenic drugs. In supportive care of conventional treatments, it helps to improve compliance with these treatments, as well as to improve the quality of life.

Top 10 misconceptions about homeopathy :

1) Homeopathy is herbal medicine

Yes and no. Homeopathic strains (or raw materials) can be of plant, animal, chemical and mineral origin.

2) Homeopathy has a slow action

No. As with other medicines, the speed of action of homeopathic medicines depends on the pathology considered. The action will be rapid on acute and recent symptoms and longer in old and chronic pathologies.

3) Can I touch the granules with my fingers?

Yes, touching the granules with your fingers does not change the expected effects. However, for hygiene reasons, it is preferable to use the granule counter which facilitates the taking of granules, without having to touch them.

4) Can I give my baby pellets?

Yes. For drugs to be given to newborns and infants, melt 10 granules of each drug chosen in 1/4 of a bottle of water and renew the mixture every day. Remember to store away from light and in a cool place. Administer the mixture in small sips or teaspoon throughout the day.

5) The dosage is the same for a man, a child, a dog or a horse

Yes, the amount to take for granules and blood cells is the same regardless of weight and age, whether it is an adult, a child or an animal (usually 5 granules or one dose per dose).

6) 10 granules equivalent to 1 dose

No, there is no equivalence. The two pharmaceutical forms are not substitutable.

7) I have diabetes, can I take granules?

Yes, the sugar intake of the granules is very low. It is to be integrated into the food intake. The doctor and the diabetic patient know the daily amount of sugar not to be exceeded so as not to unbalance the diabetes. If in doubt, it is best to return to your doctor.

8) I have lactose intolerance, I cannot take homeopathic medicines

False. Symptoms of lactose intolerance appear after ingestion of 10g of lactose. However, you should know that 5 granules 3 times a day provides nearly 100 times less.

9) Can I keep my mint toothpaste?

Yes you can. Mint, like coffee, consumed away from homeopathic medicine has no effect on the effectiveness of the prescription.

10) 15CH, is it stronger than 9CH?

No, it is not a dosage, but a dilution adapted to your symptoms.


So let’s live homeopathy to put an end to some preconceived ideas!


Clémentine. M.
Naturopath – Aromatherapist / Herbalist – Phytotherapist
Consultant in clinical phyto-aromatherapy and ethnomedicine

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