Childbirth is, for some, a dreaded moment. Between fear of pain, fear of the unknown, fear of not knowing how to do it, pregnant women find themselves quickly overwhelmed. To put all odds on your side so that this precious moment does not become a test it is essential to prepare yourself as physically as mentally. We give you some natural remedies to help you prepare your birth in complete serenity
Facilitate childbirth with homeopathy
Even if homeopathy cannot guarantee you a fast, painless and serene delivery, many women who have prepared in advance their childbirth using homeopathic remedies find that it was faster, less painful and less Traumatic for the body either during childbirth or after. From the 8th month of pregnancy due to a take once a day, until the day J take:
- To limit the fear of childbirth and to regulate the contractions at the end of pregnancy (prevention of irregular pain with spasm of the cervix which hinders dilation) Take 5 granules of Acteae Racemosa 9CH.
- To regulate contractions and fight against uterine stiffness (makes unnecessary contractions), stop dilation and uterine atony take 5 granules of Caulophyllum 9CH.
- To regulate contractions and calm your emotions take 5 granules of Pulsatilla 9Ch
- To combat anxiety, fatigue, sleep disorders, hyperemotion etc… Take 5 granules of Ignita Amara 15CH.
- Limit aches, pains and too much bleeding, take 5 granules of Arnica Montana 15CH.
The day of childbirth:
- Take 5 granules of Actae 9CH – Caulophyllum 9CH – Arnica 15CH – Pulsatilla 9CH – Ignatia 15CH every 1/2 h and then every 1/4 h depending on the progress of the work.
- Let’s not forget the dads! They too have their role to hold and can sometimes be baffled by this great event, a dose of Gelsenium 15CH before leaving for maternity should calm their anguish! (for the most anxious moms, take a dose too).
Facilitate childbirth with plants
Plants are a great way to both gentle and effective to trigger childbirth and prepare the body for easier and serene work. They allow to relax the uterine muscles, to help them to ensure better effective contractions and to trigger naturally the childbirth. We offer two herbal teas to alternate each day, 30 days before the term:
- Light Herbal Tea of Sage officinale: Sage to for virtue of dropping the hormone that keeps the pregnancy, i.e. progesterone (with oxytocin). This is what happens when during childbirth, this hormone drops and causes work.
- Herbal tea, Alchemilla, Raspberry:
- The Achilles has relaxing and stimulating properties of the uterus and hemostatic, making it easier to work and preventing bleeding.
- Alchemilla causes a decrease in the rate of progesterone in the blood; It is an “antagonist” of oxytocin; For the rate of oxytocin to climb (and thus allow the onset of childbirth, and its smoothness), the rate of progesterone must fall.
- The leaves of raspberry contain fragrine, which tones the muscles of the pelvic girdle, including the uterus. They reduce pain during work and after birth. By toning the muscles used during labor and childbirth, the work can be shorter and less painful.
Facilitate childbirth with essential oils:
Essential oils are often discouraged during pregnancy and in babies. It is true that we tend to use them in any way on the pretext that they are “natural”. That said, do not fall into the opposite excess and completely banish essential oils but simply respect the dosage and use only those recommended to you. Many studies have shown the efficacy of aromatherapy during childbirth:
- Effectiveness on reducing the level of fear and anxiety during labor at childbirth,
- Relieves nausea and/or vomiting, improves the mother’s natural well-being during labor and contractions.
- Relieves pain
To trigger the delivery and reduce the pain during the work we advise you to make in a glass bottle if possible the formula below:
- 5 drops of Palmarosa essential oil
- 5 drops of essential oil of thyme Thuyanol
- 2 drops of Giroffle essential oil
- 10 drops of hazelnut vegetable oil
Apply this massage mixture to the lower back and belly 3 times a day the last two days presumed before the term and then during work at the maternity. To complete the action of this synergy, we recommend that you bring in your maternity suitcase the harmonious delivery complex of Pranarom. It offers an original olfactothérapeutique approach based on precious and very fragrant essential oils. The simple inhalation of the olfactory bouquet of the preparation is analyzed by the limbic brain and rapidly transforms into behavioural actions intended to reassure, relax, give the tone and the will necessary to carry out the delivery. To go further, we invite you to read our article on the benefits of organic essential oils and Massage for the future mom to relax the body and mind throughout the pregnancy of future moms.