St. John’s Wort, the poison of the soul

St. John's Wort

The signature theory would demonstrate that St. John’s Wort, which blooms more particularly during the summer solstice , is a solar plant whose symbolism directs us directly to its propensity to know how to chase the heady pangs of depression . St. John’s Wort preserves evil spirits which, in our modern times, are all examples of the difficulties we can encounter as … Read more

Homeopathy in acrocyanosis and Raynaud’s syndrome

Acrocyanosis is characterized by diffuse and permanent cyanosis of the hands, fingers, feet and toes. This condition is linked to a vascular spasm . The cyanotic areas are most of the time cold and moist, there is also a diffuse excessive sweating . This disorder is predominant in women. Above all, we will look for: Often associated signs of neuro-vegetative imbalance (palpitations, migraines, urticaria). Emotional disturbances, often present. … Read more

Lemon balm, the cordial that dispels melancholic vapors

Lemon balm, the cordial that dispels melancholic vapors

Since Antiquity, men have made lemon balm travel across the Mediterranean basin so that it will eventually find its place in the pharmacopoeias of various places around the globe . Spreading from east to west, it began to spread very early in Asia Minor, was subsequently found to grow in Spain around 960, then across the Alps through the Benedictines. … Read more

Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Candidiasis are infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida , the most common species being Candida albicans . Candida is saprophytic, it exists in healthy humans in the mucous membranes of the oral, vaginal and intestinal cavity. These infections can occur in both healthy and immunocompromised subjects . Digestive yeast infection or intestinal candidiasis is a disorder caused by the excessive presence of candida albicans . They can colonize the … Read more

The contribution of homeopathy in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are common cardiovascular diseases, particularly among the elderly and those with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or a sedentary lifestyle. These pathologies lead to hardening of the arteries, increasing the risk of atheromatous plaque formation and potentially leading to serious complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke and heart … Read more

Super Diet: A range of natural and organic food supplements

super diet

Calming, fortifying or even antioxidant, organic organic food supplements Super diet organic food supplements are bursting with benefits. There’s a food supplement for every ailment or need . In capsule, pill, powder or tablet form, there are a variety of forms to suit your preferences. The choice extends to the active ingredients you want to … Read more

The role of naturopathy in addictive addictions

drug addiction

A state of dependence is established following the continuous or periodic absorption of certain substances having pleasant effects which induce physical or psychological drug addiction (one also speaks of “drug addiction” or “drug dependence”). This dependence can however generate a physical dependence (state of adaptation of the body of the subject to the substance. In the absence of consumption, there is a … Read more

How to fight naturally against psychodermatoses in dogs?

Canine psychodermatoses or psychological dermatoses result in dermatological lesions, generally associated with a profound behavioral disorder caused by anxiety . This article considers these various clinical manifestations, mainly due to a stressful and anxiety-inducing environment . Psychodermatoses in dogs, what are they? These dermatoses of psychic origin have been studied in humans before being studied in dogs. The researchers became interested in this … Read more

Homeopathy in dyspeptic syndromes (digestive disorders)

A woman with an upset face holding a hamburger in one hand, holding her stomach in the other, expressing digestive discomfort, against a bright yellow background.

A very large number of people suffer from a variety of digestive problems: epigastric burning, slow digestion, post-prandial bloating, drowsiness… However, sometimes paraclinical examinations do not reveal any lesions. X-rays are normal, endoscopy shows a normal appearance of the mucosa and biopsies reveal no histological changes. It is in these cases that homeopathic treatment will … Read more

Hops, from the making of beer to a great therapeutic destiny

Hop cones

If the hops were not approached medicinally speaking by the Ancients, it is because they probably did not yet know its qualities. Pliny mentions a hop used as a vegetable. In fact, the first achievement attributed to hops is not about medicine. It was customary, from the ninth century, in Germany, to use hops, especially in the manufacture of beer . Indeed, … Read more

Homeopathy in behavioral disorders and school adjustment

In this article, we will limit our topic to the problems that arise before the period of adolescence . We will also eliminate infantile psychoses, neurological disorders (expression of organic encephalopathies), problems related to a general organic pathology, to limit ourselves to the circumstances most usually encountered in general medicine. On the diagnostic level, it will be necessary to identify sensory deficits (eye, … Read more

Harpagophytum, the claw of the Devil of healers

benefits of secondary tubers of Harpagophytum

Harpago , which means grapple or harpoon in Latin, and from the Greek phuton , which is translated by plant, vegetable , gives its name to harpagophytum because its fruits are provided with hooks curved in the shape of grapples; they cling to the fur and hooves of animals which frantically struggle in all directions to get rid of them, hence its other name of “Devil’s Claw” . A little … Read more

The clinical approach in herbal medicine in respiratory infections

In immune pathologies in adults, particularly respiratory infections; the clinical approach in herbal medicine retains all its interest, in particular the use of standardized extracts guaranteeing the contribution of totum , so as to provide as much hyposoluble fractions ( ex: polysaccharides of ginseng for immune stimulation, in particular to strengthen the action of vaccines in the elderly ) than liposoluble ( eg: alkylamides of echinacea in acquired immunity ), … Read more

Witch hazel, the hazelnut tree of Native American wizards

benefits of witch hazel

If the etymology does not tell us much about witch hazel, on the other hand the French and English synonyms tell us more: “ Witch-hazel “ → Le noisetier de sorcière. In fact, this endemic shrub in North America played the same role there, or nearly so, as the hazel tree in Europe. Dowsing rods were made from its branches , … Read more

Ketosis, a natural physiological process

The ketogenic diet is often cited for its effects on weight loss and metabolic health. But do you really know how ketosis works and why it plays a key role in this type of diet? Ketosis is a natural physiological process that is triggered when the body no longer receives enough carbohydrates and begins to … Read more

Guarana, plant with divine origins, symbol of resistance

Medicinal benefits of guarana seeds

Guarana is native to the lower Amazon, Brazil to be precise, where it grows in abundance. Cultivated in a few places on the South American continent, this plant has only been known in Europe since 1817. Guarana is a Brazilian name derived from the name of the Guarani tribe, indigenous to Amazonia. What is guarana? … Read more

Ginger essential oil, a must in Chinese medicine

Ginger essential oil, a must in Chinese medicine

Ginger is one of the most esteemed spices and drugs, and cultivated since ancient times in the Philippines. Its use is already mentioned in the oldest Chinese and Sanskrit writings . It was not lost on the ancient Greeks and Romans. The botanical name Zingiber comes from the Sanskrit word shringavera , which means “shaped like a deer antler”, referring to the shape of the … Read more

Gastroenteritis disorders from a naturopathic point of view

How to treat gastroenteritis naturally?

Gastroenteritis is an acute or chronic inflammation simultaneously affecting the lining (inner lining) of the stomach (gastritis) and the small intestine (enteritis). This pathology is generally infectious; that is to say, it results from the presence and multiplication of pathogenic germs (viruses, bacteria in contaminated food: salmonella , Escherichia coli, etc.) Gastroenteritis is common in children and results in vomiting and especially diarrhea, with abdominal … Read more

Natural solutions for hands damaged by hydroalcoholic gel

“ Our health is in our hands ”. This expression has never been truer than during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. To stem the spread of the coronavirus , the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that everyone wash their hands regularly with soap and water. And failing that, use an alcohol-based disinfectant , whose “biocidal” action eliminates viruses and bacteria. This is how … Read more

African Griffonia seeds, Tryptophan in its purest form

When we hear about the griffonia for the first time, some country people will first think of hunting dogs, whether they are running or pointing, while urbanites will evoke canine breeds of amenities originating in Belgium. . Others, more focused on the marvelous and the fantastic , will immediately make reference to the griffin , this chimerical animal, a mixture … Read more