Walnut, the plant reputed to be harmful to the panacea


If you want to learn more about walnut and its fruits, you will hardly be surprised by the ambiguity characterizing this tree. If the nut seems generally favorable , it is otherwise for its carrier. A harmful shadow has been hovering over this tree since the dawn of time. The walnut gets its name from the walnut, nux ; this one being from noxicus … Read more

Mucuna, the antiparkinsonian seed par excellence


As the West moved into the 3rd millennium, mucuna was virtually unknown to the myriad of medicinal plants. It appeared in the form of a standardized extract of fresh plant intended for masterly preparation at the end of the 2000s, thus quickly making itself known in the world of herbal medicine . The proliferation of scientific work has now ranked it … Read more

Better understand the foundations of Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is one of the most important chapters in modern psychiatry , it has profoundly changed the way we think about mental disorders and given new impetus to the study of neuropsychiatry. Stemming from Kraepelin’s research on dementia precocious, it was notably influenced by Freud’s conception . The notion of schizophrenia gradually becomes more and more independent, under the influence of Bergson’s thought ; the concept … Read more

St. John’s Wort, the poison of the soul

St. John's Wort

The signature theory would demonstrate that St. John’s Wort, which blooms more particularly during the summer solstice , is a solar plant whose symbolism directs us directly to its propensity to know how to chase the heady pangs of depression . St. John’s Wort preserves evil spirits which, in our modern times, are all examples of the difficulties we can encounter as … Read more

Homeopathy in acrocyanosis and Raynaud’s syndrome

Acrocyanosis is characterized by diffuse and permanent cyanosis of the hands, fingers, feet and toes. This condition is linked to a vascular spasm . The cyanotic areas are most of the time cold and moist, there is also a diffuse excessive sweating . This disorder is predominant in women. Above all, we will look for: Often associated signs of neuro-vegetative imbalance (palpitations, migraines, urticaria). Emotional disturbances, often present. … Read more

Lemon balm, the cordial that dispels melancholic vapors

Lemon balm, the cordial that dispels melancholic vapors

Since Antiquity, men have made lemon balm travel across the Mediterranean basin so that it will eventually find its place in the pharmacopoeias of various places around the globe . Spreading from east to west, it began to spread very early in Asia Minor, was subsequently found to grow in Spain around 960, then across the Alps through the Benedictines. … Read more

Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Naturopathy in the management of digestive candidiasis

Candidiasis are infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida , the most common species being Candida albicans . Candida is saprophytic, it exists in healthy humans in the mucous membranes of the oral, vaginal and intestinal cavity. These infections can occur in both healthy and immunocompromised subjects . Digestive yeast infection or intestinal candidiasis is a disorder caused by the excessive presence of candida albicans . They can colonize the … Read more

Super Diet: A range of natural and organic food supplements

super diet

Calming, fortifying or even antioxidant, organic organic food supplements Super diet organic food supplements are bursting with benefits. There’s a food supplement for every ailment or need . In capsule, pill, powder or tablet form, there are a variety of forms to suit your preferences. The choice extends to the active ingredients you want to … Read more

The role of naturopathy in addictive addictions

drug addiction

A state of dependence is established following the continuous or periodic absorption of certain substances having pleasant effects which induce physical or psychological drug addiction (one also speaks of “drug addiction” or “drug dependence”). This dependence can however generate a physical dependence (state of adaptation of the body of the subject to the substance. In the absence of consumption, there is a … Read more

How to fight naturally against psychodermatoses in dogs?

Canine psychodermatoses or psychological dermatoses result in dermatological lesions, generally associated with a profound behavioral disorder caused by anxiety . This article considers these various clinical manifestations, mainly due to a stressful and anxiety-inducing environment . Psychodermatoses in dogs, what are they? These dermatoses of psychic origin have been studied in humans before being studied in dogs. The researchers became interested in this … Read more

Hops, from the making of beer to a great therapeutic destiny

Hop cones

If the hops were not approached medicinally speaking by the Ancients, it is because they probably did not yet know its qualities. Pliny mentions a hop used as a vegetable. In fact, the first achievement attributed to hops is not about medicine. It was customary, from the ninth century, in Germany, to use hops, especially in the manufacture of beer . Indeed, … Read more

Homeopathy in behavioral disorders and school adjustment

In this article, we will limit our topic to the problems that arise before the period of adolescence . We will also eliminate infantile psychoses, neurological disorders (expression of organic encephalopathies), problems related to a general organic pathology, to limit ourselves to the circumstances most usually encountered in general medicine. On the diagnostic level, it will be necessary to identify sensory deficits (eye, … Read more