Magnesium chloride, simple, cheap and effective!

Preventive as well as curative, magnesium chloride is one of the most interesting remedies.

Essential for the proper functioning of our body

Magnesium plays a major role as a catalyst and activator of many enzymes. In particular, it influences nerve transmission, calcium metabolism, hormonal activity, etc.

The work of Professor Delbet has demonstrated its effectiveness by its action of stimulation of phagocytosis (elimination of pathogenic agents by white blood cells).

During the First World War this eminent researcher, then mobilized as a surgeon, realizes that antiseptics cause a lot of damage in patients and, according to him, weaken the curative power of the body by altering healthy cells.

Taking the opposite view of the practices in use, he nevertheless went in search of the substance capable of vitalizing the protective cells and discovered the “cytophylactic” (protective of the cells) effect of the magnesium chloride solution. This formidable observation will lead him to deepen his experiments and to make astonishing hypotheses on the link between magnesium deficiency and cancerous terrain. In the 1930s, Dr. Neveu demonstrated the effectiveness of magnesium chloride in the treatment of poliomyelitis.

Magnesium chloride really has its place in your medicine cabinet

Anti-inflammatory and antitoxic, magnesium chloride is also bactericidal. It is therefore particularly recommended in disorders of infectious origin (angina, otitis, onset of flu, bronchitis, etc.). It is also useful in cases of food poisoning, abscesses, dermatoses, etc.

A regular preventive intake of magnesium chloride makes it possible to compensate for the flaws of our modern diet by attenuating its negative effects. Indeed, this salt ensures metabolic synthesis processes disturbed by a deficiency in essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) attributable to cultivation methods and the processing of the foods we consume.

Over-the- counter, magnesium chloride is an accessible and easy-to-use remedy.

Presented in a 20 gram sachet, simply dilute it in a liter of spring water and dose its consumption according to your needs:

  • prevention
  • infection
  • age
  • subject weight

Note: magnesium chloride has a slightly laxative effect and should be avoided in case of renal failure.

Warning : Magnesium chloride taken in high doses can causepotentially lethal hypermagnesemia , especially in certain people at risk ( arterial hypertension, renal insufficiency, nephritis, severe diarrhea, dehydration, hemophilia and in the event of a salt-free diet ).

  • It is strongly advised not to exceed the dose of one sachet.
  • Dilute in 1 liter of water per day
  • Do not take a sachet in 1 or 2 single doses with very little water

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