Homeopathy in behavioral disorders and school adjustment

In this article, we will limit our topic to the problems that arise before the period of adolescence . We will also eliminate infantile psychoses, neurological disorders (expression of organic encephalopathies), problems related to a general organic pathology, to limit ourselves to the circumstances most usually encountered in general medicine. On the diagnostic level, it will be necessary to identify sensory deficits (eye, … Read more

The limits of homeopathy in emotional and psychic disorders

Emotional disorders, or emotivity, refer to the fundamental property of the individual to react (psychic and somatic reactions) to physical stimuli or to changes in his organic or psychic situation. This reaction encompasses psychic manifestations (affects) as well as their somatic, neuro-vegetative and expressive concomitants. The somatic component is expressed through a range of vegetative … Read more

Homeopathic therapy for chronic vertigo

We speak of dizziness when the patient complains of a feeling of lack of balance in space . Knowing that, in practice, we are often confronted with false vertigo. It is therefore necessary to make a nosological diagnosis in order to know the origin of these vertigo. Whether they are of central origin (neurological cause), of Menière of vestibular origin (rotary vertigo with nausea, vomiting, … Read more

Homeopathy in headaches and migraines

Homeopathic treatment of migraine and headache

The therapy of headaches and migraines are two distinct clinical entities . However, homeopathic global semiology often determines the same drugs for these two conditions . What are headaches? Headache is a pain in the head that must be distinguished from certain neck pain . We will appreciate the character, the modalities, the locations of this pain as well as the accompanying signs: dizziness, nausea, … Read more

Treating influenza syndromes with homeopathy

Treating influenza syndromes with homeopathy

Influenza is a contagious viral disease caused by the myxovirus influenzae, of which there are three known types: A, B, C and several subtypes. Although this virus confers immunity through the secretion of antibodies against the envelope antigen, the same individual may develop influenza-like illness several times in his or her life. This virus is … Read more

Homeopathy in stage fright and acute reactive emotional disorders

Emotionality refers to the human body’s ability to react to physical stimuli and to changes in its organic or psychological situation, such as stage fright. It expresses itself simultaneously in the psychic sphere, through an affect(grief, fear, anger, joy, for example) and/or in the somatic sphere, through various neurovegetative reactions(endocrine vaso-motor, secretory, muscular, etc.). In … Read more

Homeopathic treatments for hoarseness and aphonia of the voice

Hoarseness and aphonia are vocal problems that can disrupt our daily lives. These conditions, often caused by infections, allergies, stress or vocal overwork, can lead to an altered voice, making communication difficult. This article looks at these common vocal problems and explores homeopathic treatments that offer effective and appropriate solutions. We’ll start by looking at … Read more

The recommendation of homeopathy in Breast Cancer

Accounting for 33% of all female cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women today. In most cases, breast cancer takes several months or even years to develop. If detected early, breast cancer has a good prognosis, with a stable survival rate. Breast cancer can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone … Read more

Homeopathy for your children’s return to school

Homeopathy for your children's return to school

In Europe, more than 50% of allopathic medicines prescribed to children and adolescents have not been the subject of an evaluation or an administration authorization specific to this age group. Children are therefore particularly exposed to the difficulties of using these drugs. Conversely, homeopathy is particularly suitable for this population because : It is effective in many reasons for consultation It … Read more

The homeopathic protocol for autumn and winter ailments

Homeopathic protocol for fall and winter ailments

Whatever the recurrent ailments envisaged, the homeopathic method requires reference to the concepts of chronic reaction modes. Observing the evolution of recurrent disease helps highlight reaction psoric symptoms and the reaction Sycotic symptoms . Psoric reaction symptoms These symptoms are defined by episodes involving the ENT sphere spread out over time in the same patient or in members of his lineage, in fact including … Read more

Homeopathic methods in chronic pathologies

Homeopathic methods in chronic pathologies

We know that the proper functioning of the organism in a healthy state is ensured by a multitude of physiological self-regulatory systems . We are indeed perpetually subjected, during our life, to attacks of different origins (physical, chemical, bacterial, psychic, etc.) which, thanks to our self-regulatory systems, we undergo without damage and without realizing it. account. If these … Read more

Exact medical definition of homeopath

Exact medical definition of homeopathy

Homeopathy, a branch of medicine often shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, has been around for over 150 years. It is attracting growing interest but remains, for many, a vague and ill-defined concept. Against this backdrop, this article aims to clarify the true principles and methods of homeopathy, disentangling the facts from the preconceptions. From the … Read more