How can you create a healthy routine for back-to-school?

Get ready for the new school year with some essential health routines! This article guides you in gradually returning to an optimal daily rhythm by adjusting your sleeping hours, adopting a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and incorporating regular physical exercise. Discover tips for toning your body, improving your concentration and maintaining a constant energy level through targeted food supplements. Finally, make sure you get a good night’s sleep by adopting soothing pre-bedtime rituals. Holistic preparation for a stress-free and energetic start to the new year!

The holidays are almost over. Back to school and back to work are fast approaching. Gone are the late mornings, the days of doing nothing and the late nights. It’s time to take control and create a healthy routine. Here’s a list of things to do on a daily and/or regular basis before the start of the new school year. This way, you’ll have a healthy body and mind to cope with the hectic pace of classes and work that awaits you.

Adapt gradually to the changes ahead

Even after a good night’s sleep, it’s often hard to wake up on the first day of school or the first day back at work. The reason for this is that we’ve been immersed in our holidays, with their rhythm of late mornings and short breaks of all kinds. So how do you remedy this problem, get up on the right foot and be in top form on the big day? All you have to do is prepare yourself physically and mentally. Specialists tell us that it takes at least 21 days for the human body and brain to change a habit. So think about taking a month or so to start waking up earlier and earlier. Also, do a lot of small physical and mental activities. Also change your eating habits and set times for each meal of the day… You’ll see, your body and mind will thank you when it’s time to go back to school or the office.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

It’s important to eat healthily to create an effective back-to-school routine. A balanced diet provides your body with all the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. To do this, it’s advisable to diversify the foods you eat to cover all your needs in terms of vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc. It’s also important to set precise times for the 3 meals of the day to avoid snacking, which can damage your health and disrupt your routine. Taking the right amount of food, neither too much nor too little, is also essential to avoid a hypocaloric or hypercaloric diet, which can affect our metabolism. By giving priority to foods rich in fibre, vitamins, proteins and healthy fats and omega-3/6, you can ensure a healthy, balanced diet to help you face the new year with energy and vitality.

What’s more, it’s important to plan your meals in advance and prepare them at home as much as possible, so you can control ingredients and portions. Avoid processed foods and fast food high in fat and sugar, which can damage your health in the long term. You can also try new healthy and balanced recipes to vary your diet and avoid monotony.

To help you achieve your nutritional goals, you can also consult a health professional or nutritionist. They can help you draw up a personalised eating plan based on your specific needs. With a healthy, balanced diet, you’ll be better able to concentrate on your studies or work, while avoiding bouts of fatigue and health problems.

Exercise regularly

During the holidays, your body has had a lot of rest and relaxation. So that it can cope with the hectic pace of classes or work, it’s best to tone it up beforehand. So a few weeks before the start of the new school year, it’s a good idea to do some regular sport. Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily mean weight training. Jogging and doing small, simple physical exercises 3 or 4 times a week is more than enough. Jumping jacks, pushups, squats… Various mobile applications offer you 10 to 15 minute exercises to strengthen your muscles and improve your breathing.

Fill up on energy every day

To tone your body effectively before and after the start of the new school year, you should also consider taking food supplements. That way, you’ll be sure to be in great shape on the big day, and throughout the rest of the year. Quality products are available on the market today. These include Chewy Vites Multivitamins Enfant 60 Gummies for children and Kaya Happy Gummies Bonbons Multivitaminés au CBD for adults. The latter are rich in vitamins and minerals (A, B6, C, D, E, zinc, etc.). Good nutrients for a healthy mind in a healthy body!

Respect your 7 to 8 hours’ sleep

Sleep is a crucial step in creating an effective back-to-school health routine. In fact, it’s important to respect your sleep requirements to recover from the fatigue accumulated during the day. Health specialists recommend getting between 7 and 8 hours’ sleep a night to ensure you’re in good shape the next day.

A good night’s sleep is essential for the body and mind to function properly. It recharges the batteries and prevents fatigue. What’s more, a lack of sleep can have a negative impact on memory, concentration and mood.

To improve the quality of your sleep, it is advisable to adopt a routine before going to bed. Avoid stimulating activities such as using screens before going to bed, and favour calming activities such as reading or meditation. Create a calm, comfortable environment in your bedroom to make it easier to fall asleep.

By respecting your sleep requirements, you’ll be able to recover from the fatigue accumulated during the day and prepare effectively for the start of the new school year. So you can face the challenges of everyday life with energy and motivation. Adopting a healthy back-to-school routine also means taking care of your sleep for a healthy body and mind.

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