Ophthalmic migraines often occur after exposure to bright, aggressive light or excessive noise, or are caused by heat and/or stress. It is a common condition affecting children, men and women alike. Although ophthalmic migraines can be very incapacitating at the time of the attack, they are not serious. It is similar to a classic migraine except that it begins with visual symptoms such as glare.
Ophthalmic migraine: definition, symptoms and causes
Ophthalmic migraine is a common term for migraine with visual aura. It is therefore part of the migraine family, a neurovascular disease. Migraine without aura is the most common (80-90% of cases). It is a very specific headache that occurs in attacks and is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Migraine with aura is so called because of the impressive neurological phenomena (visual, sensory, motor or temporary speech problems) that precede the headache, which is characteristic of migraine. The aura phase can sometimes coexist with the headache phase: this is known as an accompanied migraine. In migraine, the headache appears when the small vessels in the head dilate (become larger). In the event of an aura, this dilation phase is preceded by a vasoconstriction phase (the vessels contract, narrowing in diameter). The aura phase lasts between fifteen minutes and one hour before the onset of the headache.
Without appropriate treatment, a migraine attack, with or without aura, can last from a few hours to three days. The condition is common and benign, but regularly disabling in everyday life.
Symptoms of ophthalmic migraine
The aura phase begins with visual disturbances. There are various types of visual disturbance, which may or may not be associated:
– bright spots (scotomas) ;
– black “flies” ;
– black patch, which cuts the visual field in two and impairs vision to the point where it may be impossible to drive, for example ;
– geometric patterns.
There may also be sensitivity problems :
– tingling ;
– numbness.
Language disorders may also occur (difficulty or inability to speak).
During the aura phase, the patient has no headache. It is after this phase that the migraine headache can set in. In most cases, the headache appears and then gradually intensifies, with the pain reaching its peak after a period that varies from person to person, ranging from a few moments to several hours.
Migraine headaches can be recognised by their throbbing nature, unilateral location and certain phenomena, such as the feeling that a nail is being hammered into your head. The pain can also be felt in the temples, at the back of the eye or behind the head.
Causes of ophthalmic migraine
There are many possible causes of ophthalmic migraine. However, the main cause is vasoconstriction of the arteries in the brain.
By looking at family history, it has been shown that ophthalmic migraine is also partly hereditary. Several members of the same family are thought to be affected. However, no serious scientific study has confirmed this with certainty.
It is also very much a woman’s disease. Oestrogens, hormones that play a direct role in brain function, have long been blamed. The link is explained by the fact that our neurons have receptors that capture oestrogen. Women are much more likely to be diagnosed with this condition than men. Ophthalmic migraines are very often confused with catamenial migraines. The latter are linked solely to menstrual cycles. When oestrogen levels fall naturally or when the pill is stopped (a few days before or at the start of the period), there are changes in the brain that cause migraines in some women.
We also know that migraine is a genetic disease. Current research has identified an anomaly at a locus on chromosome 8.
The causes of migraine should not be confused with the factors that trigger the attack.
What factors encourage an ophthalmic migraine attack?
– Stress of various kinds, including anxiety in anticipation of the attack;
– Consumption of alcohol or wine;
– Fasting;
– Too little or too much sleep;
– Certain noises;
– Strong odours;
– Flashes of light (strobes, etc.);
– A woman’s period (a few days before, during or after). The sudden drop in oestrogen at the time of menstruation triggers the migraine attack;
– Medicinal contraception;
– Climate variations;
– Changes in rhythm;
– Certain foods such as chocolate and dairy products;
– Smoking.
A special place must be reserved for stress. While it is inaccurate to say that stress is the cause of migraine in an individual, it is fair to say that a stressful situation can be the cause of an increase in the number of attacks in a migraine sufferer and, above all, that migraine causes stress. A healthy lifestyle plays a key role in the onset of ophthalmic migraines.
Treatments to relieve ophthalmic migraine
Ophthalmic migraines can also be treated using natural methods or alternative medicine techniques. People suffering from this type of headache are advised to drink coffee or wet their head and face with cold water. A consultation with a chiropractor, acupuncturist or osteopath can also prove effective.
It is strongly advised not to take any medication before the aura phase – when the vessels contract – is over, as the drugs, which are constrictors, will contract the vessels even further. As a result, there is no effect on the headache that has not yet appeared.
Treatment for migraine with aura varies according to the attacks, their duration, frequency and impact on daily life. To relieve attacks, treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, ketoprofen, aspirin) and/or triptans (vasoconstrictors) is effective. Aspirin is also used in combination with antiemetics (anti-vomiting and anti-nausea drugs). During an attack, sleeping in a quiet room in the dark can help withstand the pain or optimise the effect of the appropriate medication.
As an adjunct to appropriate treatment and depending on the symptoms, take one of the following:
– when the migraine starts above the orbit of the right eye: 2 granules of Sanguinaria 5 CH at the time of the migraine;
– if the pain is mainly on the right side: Lycopodium 9 CH, 2 granules 3 times a day or 1 dose a week;
– when the migraine begins above the left orbit: 2 granules of Spigelia 5 CH at the time of the attack;
– if the pain moves from left to right in the head: 2 granules of Lac caninum 9 CH at the time of the migraine.
Ophthalmic migraine is a condition whose symptoms can be reduced by taking essential oils. The use of a few of these oils may help the attack to disappear.
In our online organic pharmacy, for example, you can find :
true lavender essential oil:
This oil contains active ingredients such as linalool, which gives it vasodilating and sedative properties. It is also said to promote sleep and better stress management. Anxiety and fear, which can be triggering factors, are reduced. True lavender inhibits the sensation of pain and stabilises the person’s emotional state. Find out more: Pranarom True lavender essential oil 10 ml
peppermint essential oil:
This essential oil is the benchmark in terms of headaches. It has a high menthol content, which inhibits pain transmission by acting on pain receptors. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, calming neuronal inflammation. Its action is said to be rapid and long-lasting. To see : Puressentiel organic peppermint essential oil 10 ml
roman chamomile essential oil:
The virtues of Roman chamomile essential oil were discovered by Galen, a famous Greek physician. Even back then, he used it to treat headaches, stubborn migraines and neuralgia. Roman chamomile is said to have properties that calm the activity of the central nervous system. It therefore acts as an analgesic and antispasmodic. Try: Docteur Valnet organic Roman chamomile essential oil 5 ml or Arko Essentiel Roman chamomile essential oil 5 ml
basil essential oil:
Basil essential oil is rich in methylchavicol, an ingredient whose active ingredients act as a powerful antispasmodic. Basil is thought to prevent contraction of the muscles surrounding blood vessels. Linalool, also present in this oil, is said to have relaxing and calming properties. It is thought to help combat the anxiety and stress that can lead to an ophthalmic migraine attack. See also Phytosun Basil essential oil 10 ml
Essential oils should be handled with care. They can cause allergic reactions, so it is often advisable to test them before use. Simply apply a drop of oil to the crease of your elbow and wait 48 hours. If there is no skin reaction, you can ask your pharmacist about the correct dosage for an ophthalmic migraine. Of course, essential oils are not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women, or for children under the age of 6.
Plants have always been part of alternative medicine, and can be used as potential treatments for all kinds of illnesses. In fact, certain plants are best used when suffering from an ophthalmic migraine.
Infusions of mint can prevent attacks but also soothe them when they are already present. They can also act on one of the possible causes of ophthalmic migraine: digestion. Overeating can trigger an attack, so drinking a mint infusion such as Médiflor infusion menthe 24 sachets, for example, will ensure better digestion and reduce the risk of suffering from an ophthalmic migraine.
Another plant can be your ally in combating the symptoms of ophthalmic migraine: feverfew. This plant was used in Greco-Latin antiquity and later by European herbalists, but in the 90s it became particularly popular for preventing migraine attacks. The plant’s reputation is well established. It is said to reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks. It is available in capsule form. For example, take Naturactive Elusanes feverfew 30 capsules.
Parthenium chrysanthemum is said to have significant anti-inflammatory properties and can calm the impulses caused by headaches. Like mint, it can be taken as an herbal tea.
Almost all of us have experienced sharp pains and sensations of pressure in the forehead and temples. Ophthalmic migraines are characterised by the visual disturbances they cause before the headaches.
For more information, ask your pharmacist for advice.