Reduce hot flushes with homeopathy

Hot flushes are a challenge for many women during the menopause. While hormonal treatments can offer relief, they are not suitable for everyone. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural alternative for effectively managing these unpleasant symptoms. By adopting a holistic approach, combining homeopathic treatment, a balanced diet and stress management, it is possible to regain optimum comfort during this period of transition.

Introduction to hot flushes and the menopause

Hot flushes are a common and often embarrassing symptom of the menopause. Affecting the majority of women between the ages of 45 and 55, the menopause corresponds to the cessation of ovarian function, leading to a gradual reduction in oestrogen. These sex hormones play a crucial role in regulating the temperature of the female body. Their significant drop causes hot flushes, characterised by a sensation of intense heat and excessive sweating. These episodes often occur at night, disrupting the sleep of many women, but can also occur unpredictably during the day.

What factors exacerbate hot flushes?

Hot flushes can be intensified by a number of factors. Stress, overwork and fatigue are common triggers. Emotional or affective factors can also exacerbate hot flushes. Research shows that women of smaller build, those who smoke or lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from hot flushes. However, this phenomenon does not spare women of normal build who are non-smokers and physically active.

What are the symptoms of hot flushes?

During a hot flush, an intense sensation of heat spreads rapidly through the body, often more marked in the face, with tingling in the cheeks and ears. The heart rate increases, causing annoying palpitations. These episodes are usually accompanied by profuse sweating, which can last for several minutes. Sometimes a sensation of cold follows the heat, and additional symptoms such as headaches or breast tension may appear.

How can hot flushes be treated?

To alleviate hot flushes, doctors often prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT ) based on synthetic oestrogens. However, this hormone therapy has strict contraindications, particularly if you have a history of gynaecological cancer or phlebitis. It can also have undesirable side-effects, such as circulatory or psychological problems.

Homeopathy: a natural and effective alternative

Given the limitations of HRT, homeopathy is an ideal solution for those seeking a more natural approach. In addition to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet, homeopathy helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flushes. This natural treatment offers an alternative without the risks associated with synthetic hormones.

Hot flushes and homeopathy: Specific remedies for each symptom

Hot flushes can vary considerably in terms of symptoms and intensity. Homeopathy offers a variety of personalised solutions to manage these symptoms naturally and effectively. By consulting a qualified homeopath, women can find the treatment best suited to their specific needs, improving their comfort and quality of life during the menopause.

Hot flushes accompanied by a sensation of cold

When a hot flush is accompanied by an increase in heart rate followed immediately by a sensation of cold, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Amylium nitrosum 5 CH as soon as the symptoms appear. This remedy helps to balance the thermal sensation and reduce palpitations.

Hot flushes accompanied by breast tension

If hot flushes are accompanied by breast tension, characterised by swelling of the breasts, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Asterias rubens 5 CH as soon as the first signs appear. This homeopathic treatment relieves breast swelling and discomfort.

Hot flushes accompanied by profuse sweating

In the event of hot flushes with an accelerated heart rate and profuse sweating, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Belladonna 5 CH as soon as the symptoms appear. Belladonna is effective in reducing excessive sweating and calming palpitations.

Hot flushes accompanied by headache

If hot flushes are accompanied by headaches, migraines or chest tightness with palpitations, the appropriate remedy is 5 granules of Glonoinum 5 CH as soon as symptoms appear. Glonoinum helps to soothe headaches and feelings of chest tightness.

Hot flushes accompanied by a tingling sensation

When hot flushes are accompanied by an intense tingling sensation in the cheeks and ears, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Sanguinaria canadensis 5 CH as soon as the first signs appear. This remedy is particularly useful for reducing tingling sensations and facial discomfort.

Other homeopathic remedies for hot flushes

Other homeopathic remedies may also be prescribed depending on the specific symptoms of hot flushes. These include:

  • Folliculinum: Used for hot flushes accompanied by feelings of suffocation and hormonal disturbances.
  • Graphites: Recommended for hot flushes associated with mood disorders and skin rashes.
  • Lachesis mutus: Effective for hot flushes that occur mainly at night and are accompanied by profuse sweating.
  • Sepia officinalis: Often prescribed for hot flushes associated with mood disorders and depression.
  • Sulfur Boiron: Used for sensations of intense heat in the feet and sleep disorders.

These remedies are generally used as part of an in-depth treatment, and their dosage must be determined by a homeopathic practitioner in order to respond precisely to the needs of each patient.

When should you consult a doctor?

As a general rule, the menopause always requires appropriate medical supervision. This delicate period in a woman’s life requires regular medical check-ups to ensure that everything is running smoothly. These examinations often include mammograms and bone densitometry to enable the gynaecologist to monitor the patient’s general state of health and adjust treatments according to any problems she may be experiencing.

The best homeopathic treatments for hot flushes

The management of hot flushes during the menopause can therefore be optimised through regular medical monitoring and the use of suitable homeopathic treatments. Symptoms vary from one woman to another, and personalised treatment is often necessary to provide effective relief. Consulting a doctor not only allows you to monitor the progress of the menopause, but also to benefit from the most appropriate advice and treatments to maintain a good quality of life.

  • Amylium Nitrosum: Used for hot flushes followed by feelings of cold and increased heart rate.
  • Asterias Rubens: Indicated for hot flushes accompanied by breast tension.
  • Belladonna: Effective against hot flushes with increased heart rate and profuse sweating.
  • Folliculinum: Prescribed for hot flushes associated with hormonal imbalances.
  • Glonoinum: Used for hot flushes with headache, migraine or chest constriction.
  • Graphites: Recommended for hot flushes associated with mood disorders.
  • Lachesis Mutus: Effective for nocturnal hot flushes with profuse sweating.
  • Sanguinaria Canadensis: Indicated for hot flushes with tingling sensations in the cheeks and ears.
  • Sepia Officinalis: Used for hot flushes accompanied by mood disorders.
  • Sulfur: Prescribed for hot flushes with sensations of heat in the feet and sleep disorders.

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