The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

The role of herbal medicine in stress adjustment disorders

Stress is a disturbed state of self-regulation (homeostasis) . It is a specific syndrome triggered by non-specific impulses (stressors) , to which the body is not adapted. Its origin can be physical ( injury, surgery, intoxication, UV, etc. ), psychological (psychological pressure, fear, etc. ) and can generate adjustment disorders such as anxiety, sleep disorders, mild depression to moderate, cognitive disorders, overwork or exhaustion syndrome. What are “stress adjustment … Read more

Eschscholtzia, the small Native American Opium from California

Eschscholtzia, the small Native American Opium from California

Also known as California poppy , eschscholtzia was traditionally used by Native Americans for the medicinal use of the latex of the plant as a pain reliever in toothache. They also used it to treat headaches, colic or to help children fall asleep. A little history The name of the plant was chosen in 1820 by the German Romantic poet and explorer Von … Read more

Black Spruce Essence, a sacred and medicinal plant from the boreal forest

Health Benefits of Black Spruce Oil

Black spruce is native to Canada’s boreal forest. For centuries, Indian peoples have passed on orally from generation to generation the use of this conifer for its therapeutic virtues. It is remarkable to note that very early on, these peoples used the different parts of the plant perfectly and with great discernment, whether applied locally, … Read more

Back to school blues and food supplement for adults

Summer is drawing to a close. Back to school and the vermilion autumn leaves that herald the new season… Naturally, a certain melancholy is mixed in with the cooler mornings. Because the end of the holidays means a return to the daily routine and its share of worries: waking up with a jolt, racing against … Read more

The role of homeopathy in anxiety disorders

Anxiety and stress are relatively common conditions these days, with significant repercussions on our health. The term ‘anxiety’ is commonly used to describe an unpleasant, negative and disproportionate emotion when faced with a situation perceived as threatening. From a general point of view, the term anxiety, whose Latin etymology means “narrowness”, is defined as a … Read more

The role of anxiety in memory impairment

Anxiety is thought to play a role in memory by mobilising part of a person’s attentional resources. People suffering from anxiety have to process both relevant information and anxiety-related information, which requires greater attentional effort. As a result, anxious subjects perform less well when the tests contain a large amount of information. This is the … Read more

Homeopathy for infant ailments

Smiling baby holding a teething ring, a symbol of well-being and gentleness, in connection with homeopathy for infant disorders.

Are you looking for a natural solution to relieve your baby’s minor ailments? Homeopathy could well be the ideal ally! Gentle, with no side effects and perfectly suited to toddlers, it can help your baby in a wide range of situations: colic, teething troubles, sleep disorders, etc. Always under the advice of a health professional, … Read more

Adaptogenic plants: what are they?

Adaptogenic plants, an often overlooked treasure of nature, offer a multitude of benefits for our health andwell-being. In this modern world, where stress and fatigue have become commonplace, the discovery and use of remedies natural remedies to counter these ailments is of vital importance. Adaptogenic plants, with their unique ability to help the body adapt … Read more

How to treat ophthalmic migraine naturally?

Ophthalmic migraines often occur after exposure to bright, aggressive light or excessive noise, or are caused by heat and/or stress. It is a common condition affecting children, men and women alike. Although ophthalmic migraines can be very incapacitating at the time of the attack, they are not serious. It is similar to a classic migraine … Read more