The revolutionary solution against nail fungus: Poderm’s Color Care Tea Tree Nail Polish

Nail fungus, a condition known as onychomycosis, is a fungal infection that can quickly spread to other parts of the body. The treatment of this disease is often laborious and can drag on for a long time. As a result, many people tire after a few weeks and opt for a simple but ineffective solution: … Read more

How do you treat an ear infection with homeopathy?

Otitis is a common condition, particularly in young children, which can cause a great deal of discomfort and pain. In this article, we’ll introduce you to the different forms of otitis, their causes and natural and homeopathic treatments to help you better manage this condition. Find out how to effectively relieve the symptoms of otitis … Read more

What are the characteristics of Hyssop?

Hyssop is one of the mystical plants of antiquity. Its name derives from the Greek “azoh” or “holy herb”.Hyssop was considered a sacred herb by the Hebrews, who regarded it as “purifying”. Hippocrates, Galen and Dioscorides, each in their own time, extolled the properties of this plant. It spread to Europe from the 12th century, … Read more

How do you prepare for a holiday in the mountains?

Mountain holidays are an ideal way to get away from the city and reconnect with nature. However, the mountains can be an inhospitable environment if you don’t prepare properly. It’s important to protect yourself from the cold, keep hydrated to avoid dry skin, protect yourself from UV rays and choose suitable footwear and clothing. In … Read more

How do you get through winter with baby?

To get through the winter with a baby, it’s essential to adopt the onion technique when dressing him, layering warm, natural clothes to regulate his body temperature. Boosting the immune system with appropriate fortifiers and maintaining a routine of regular outings, despite the cold, are crucial to baby’s health. Protecting your skin with the right … Read more

Discover Olisma, a new brand born from the merger between Goa & Sos Aroma

Approach health and beauty as a whole, as an art of living: Olisma is the first integrative health brand! Are you passionate about aromatherapy and natural well-being? Then you absolutely must discover Olisma, the new French brand born of the merger between Goa and Sos Aroma. This article will introduce you to this innovative company, … Read more

Homeopathy in acute haemorrhoidal accidents

Homeopathy offers gentle, naturalsolutions for many health problems, including acute haemorrhoidal accidents. This article guides you through the different homeopathic approaches to effectively relieve the painful symptoms of haemorrhoids. We’ll explore specific remedies adapted to different cases, along with dietary and hygiene advice for holistic management of your well-being. Find out how homeopathy can help … Read more

The role of homeopathy in bleeding

Hemorrhages are blood suffusions of variable abundance by solution of continuity of one or more vascular envelopes, which can interest all the organs: soft parts, bones, mucous membranes and viscera, following various mechanisms: Trauma: accidental or surgical wounds, contusions that can produce bruises, hematomas or effusions in the peelable spaces, bone fractures, ruptured viscera, post-abortion haemorrhages. Diseases with … Read more

Figwort, plant in the anti-scrofulous arsenal

Figwort, plant in the anti-scrofulous arsenal

Perfectly ignored in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Figwort made its timid beginnings in the 16th century, spotted by Jérôme Bock and Léonard Fuchs as a remedy for hemorrhoids, vulneraries and more specifically for skin diseases. This may pass for anecdotal, but behind the strange name of these plants hides a part of the medical history of Europe , which has been … Read more

Saro essential oil, archaic and ancestral plant

Saro essential oil, archaic and ancestral plant

“Saro” is an English abbreviation of Mandravasarotra, which means“he who destroys evil or overcomes all trials” in Malagasy. It is also found in Madagascar under the name of ” fanalamangidy “. Saro essential oil, extracted from an ancient plant, is attracting growing interest in the world of phytotherapy and aromatherapy. This oil, with its many … Read more

Damask Rose essential oil, queen of flowers reserved for the gods

Damask Rose essential oil, extracted from the famous Rosa damascena, a leading member of the Rosaceae family, has stood at the top of the floral hierarchy for thousands of years. Carefully distilled from the flowers, this precious essence has stood the test of time, arousing admiration and respect across civilisations. From the hanging gardens of … Read more

The role of homeopathy in acute hepatitis

Acute hepatitis corresponds to histological changes in the hepatocytes, the complex pathophysiology of which can be studied according to clinical, biological, immunological and aetiological parameters. Although jaundice of cytolytic or cholestatic origin due to cessation of biliary function is usually observed, it is not an obligatory feature of the condition. The cause of acute hepatitis … Read more

Joint problems? Essential oils to use

Aromatherapy is a branch of phytotherapy using essential oils and aromatic essences. Obtained from plants, these substances contain active ingredients capable of improving the discomfort of joint problems. Essential oils for joints provide effective and rapid responses, which are very useful in the event of a crisis. Essential oils provide immediate, targeted benefits, through localised … Read more

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa Essential Oil, the Ethnomedicinal Indian Geranium

Palmarosa has been distilled since the 18th century. It is native to India and is often called Indian geranium , because it contains geraniol , which in particular gives its essential oil a smell more or less close to that of Rosat geranium , or even rose. This plant has been used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine . In the Caribbean, some people drink … Read more

The Scots pine, symbol of life, longevity and immortality

The Scots pine, symbol of life, longevity and immortality

Scots pine, whose botanical name is Pinus sylvestris L., belongs to the Pinaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained from the needles. The origin of Scots Pine’s Latin name is debated. Alexandre Etienne Guillaume “de” Théis, in 1810, maintained that it comes from the Celtic “pinus”, meaning mountain or rock. However, Félix Gaffiot, in his … Read more

What essential oils to use for my child?

A mother holding a bottle of lavender essential oil in front of her smiling daughter, illustrating the safe use of essential oils for children.

As a general rule, essential oils are not recommended for children under the age of 6. However, for younger children, we recommend using hydrolats, vegetable oils or oily macerates to treat everyday ailments. Top 3 essential oils that can be used for my child over the age of 6 Marjoram, neroli and chamomile are three … Read more

Mandarin essence, symbol of good fortune and abundance

The fruit of the mandarin tree is generally highly prized, especially at Chinese New Year, when it represents abundance and good fortune. Its fragrant peel is particularly appreciated in cooking, adding a delectable aroma to savoury dishes.In traditional medicine, the dried peel is generally used to regulate vitality, stimulate digestion, relieve abdominal cramps and reduce … Read more

Lemon Litsea essential oil, the lucky charm with white flowers

oil of lemon bedsheets

The leaves of the lemon bedew are simple, lanceolate and have numerous milky-white flowers arranged in panicles, forming the design of a lucky charm. This tropical shrub has small fruits that look almost like pepper berries. That’s why it’s known as “mountain pepper”. Litsea citrata, also known as exotic verbena, is widely used in perfumes … Read more

Lentisque Pistachio essential oil, the ancient masticatory incense

Pistachio Lentisque

Pistachio mastic, botanical name Pistacia lentiscus, belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. Its essential oil is obtained from the leafy branches. Frankincense is a type of resin with a strong odour derived from the sap of the Pistachio Mastic. In ancient times, this natural resin was used as chewing gum. Today, in Iran, it is still … Read more

Lavandin essential oil, from natural hybridization to prosperity

Lavandin essential oil, from natural hybridization to prosperity

Lavandin is the result of hybridisation (natural at first) between the two species Lavandula vera and Lavandula latifolia, and its aromatic profile is close to that of Lavandula vera (but with 6-8% camphor ). This hybridisation gave rise to four varieties of lavandin in Provence: Super, Grosso, Sumian and Abrial. Nowadays, lavandin is much more … Read more