The benefits: a range for everyone

Food supplements are becoming an increasingly important part of our lives. Most of them are natural and organic, and help us to prevent and combat various everyday ailments. Stress, colds, digestive problems, fatigue… There are many symptoms and illnesses that these products can help to relieve and cure effectively and sustainably. They are usually presented … Read more

Pukka & Vitaflor revisit healthy herbal teas

Plants have been used since the dawn of time to relieve and cure various ailments. Crushed, in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, gummies, etc. Plant-based remedies have taken various forms over the ages. But the most popular form is still herbal tea. As well as being easy to consume, they make it easier to … Read more

What are the benefits of mate?

Immerse yourself in the revitalising world of mate, this emblematic South American drink with energising properties. Discover how drinking it can not only boost your day, but also bring considerable benefits to your overall health. We explore the ancient secrets and scientific evidence behind mate, to reveal why this infusion deserves its rightful place in … Read more

What is the low FODMAP diet?

The low-FODMAP diet is a nutritional method designed to reduce the symptoms of IBS by limiting foods rich in fermentable sugars known as FODMAPs (fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols). This type of diet is generally supervised by health professionals. The aim is to avoid foods such as nuts, pulses, dairy products, gluten-containing cereals, certain … Read more

What is SIBO?

SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, is considered to be a disease that can cause abdominal pain bloating  diarrhoea or constipation as well as nutritional problems such as nutrient deficiencies. Many patients prefer to use natural treatments. Fortunately, there are methods to manage this condition. Find out how to manage your SIBO! Probiotics Probiotics are … Read more

What are the benefits of Psyllium?

Psyllium is an annual herbaceous plant of the Plantaginaceae family, native to India and Persia. Its seeds its seeds, rich in mucilage, have been used for centuries in traditional medicine for their numerous health benefits. Psyllium is now widely used as a dietary supplement for its laxative properties, but it can also be beneficial for … Read more

Make good resolutions for 2024

Like December, 2023 is drawing to a close! Have you ticked all the boxes on your to-do list for this year? If not, there’s no need to stress or worry. You can always add what hasn’t been done to your list of resolutions for 2024, which is just around the corner. Speaking of which, have … Read more

Tips for a balanced Christmas meal

Christmas is all about presents, reunions, joy and, of course, food. Like every year, Christmas dinner has to be planned very early. As early as the end of November, we’re already thinking about the shopping list we’ll need to complete this long-awaited moment. We’re thinking up the best recipes for a successful aperitif and succulent … Read more

What natural remedies for digestion after Christmas?

Foie gras, turkey in sauce, cheese and a buttery log with assorted fine chocolates – a cocktail that’s a blast for the digestive system. After the festivities, it’s very common to suffer from digestive discomfort, bloating, intestinal upsets, acid burn and acid reflux, liver attacks… Here are a few preventive tips to help you treat … Read more

What is Candida Albicans

Candida Albicans is a fungus that lives on the human body. It is found in the mouth, the intestines and on the skin. In fact, Candida Albicans is a yeast that can cause infections when it is out of balance with the healthy bacteria in the body. These common infections, such as thrush or vaginal … Read more

How to better cope with your lactose intolerance?

Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk. In babies, it provides a significant proportion of energy. In adults, it is mainly provided by milk and dairy products. To be digested, lactose must be hydrolysed by an enzyme called lactase, which some people lack in adulthood. Defects in this genetic programme in most of the world’s … Read more

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

Homeopathic treatment in hepatic colic

There are different types of colic. Hepatic colic is characterised by acute pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the posterior, often associated with nausea and vomiting. It is associated with acute distension of the bile ducts. The main cause of hepatic colic is biliary lithiasis, responsible for around 98% of cases, but other possible … Read more

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

How to choose the right food supplement for digestion?

Bloating, nausea, gas, constipation, diarrhea… so many ailments that are indicative of poor digestion or medically called dyspepsia . On the shelves of organic stores and pharmacies abound various food supplements to facilitate digestion . Which one to choose ? Before supplementing, it is necessary to identify the cause and target the symptom(s). What is digestion? Digestion is a biological process responsible for … Read more

Dandelion, exceptional health food with diuretic power

Dandelion, exceptional health food with diuretic power

The dandelion is a very common plant, impossible to ignore and full of treasures. A headache for botanists, there are no fewer than 60 species groups and over 1200 species in total (in Europe alone). The dandelion is widespread in most temperate zones of the northern hemisphere (Europe, North America, North Africa, China, India, Iran, … Read more

Homeopathy in dyspeptic syndromes (digestive disorders)

A woman with an upset face holding a hamburger in one hand, holding her stomach in the other, expressing digestive discomfort, against a bright yellow background.

A very large number of people suffer from a variety of digestive problems: epigastric burning, slow digestion, post-prandial bloating, drowsiness… However, sometimes paraclinical examinations do not reveal any lesions. X-rays are normal, endoscopy shows a normal appearance of the mucosa and biopsies reveal no histological changes. It is in these cases that homeopathic treatment will … Read more

Common Juniper essential oil, a prehistoric panacea

pharmacological properties of juniper berry essential oil 

Juniper, whose botanical name is Juniperus communis L., belongs to the Cupressaceae family. The essential oil comes from the fruiting cones or “Juniper berries”. Juniper essential oil, from a tree with a rich history, has been considered a panacea for centuries. Its origins date back to prehistoric times, when its properties were already recognised and … Read more

Once upon a time, garlic bulb essential oil

Native to Central Asia or the Caucasus, garlic(Allium sativum) has been cultivated and eaten for over 6,000 years. It has always been considered a panacea. In ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder listed 61 illnesses that could be cured with garlic. Before the discovery of antibiotics, crushed garlic cloves were used, among other things, as an … Read more

Why is it essential to get plenty of fiber?

Dietary fibres are carbohydrate polymers,mainly of plant origin. These edible carbohydrates, of very heterogeneous origin and chemical composition, cannot be digested or absorbed in the human small intestine. They therefore pass intact into the colon, where they are fermented by the intestinal microbiota. This fermentation leads to the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) such … Read more