Essential oil of Laurel Noble, Hermès plant

properties of noble laurel essential oil

The noble laurel, whose botanical name is Laurus nobilis, belongs to the Lauraceae family. Its essential oil is produced from its leaves (young leaves) and fruiting branches. History of Noble Laurel This tree has been venerated since ancient times by the Greeks and Romans. They adorned their emperor’s head with a laurel wreath. Dedicated to … Read more

Gaulthérie essential oil, authentic Amerindian panacea

Benefits of gaultherie essential oil

Wintergreen was known and used for a long time by Amerindians for inflammatory pathologies . The Indians in fact made an enormous consumption of wintergreen, both internally, against infectious diseases , to bring down fever, and externally, to relieve their pain and heal their wounds. A little history At the beginning of the 19th century, the Iroquois prepared “ Swains panacea ”, … Read more

Bitter fennel essential oil, an ancient panacea that clears the eyes

In ancient Egypt, papyri almost 5,000 years old indicate the presence of fennel at that time. It is the same for Mesopotamian tablets from Babylon or from Assyria. Quoted and widely used by the Greeks, Arabs and Chinese, fennel also appears in certain botanical literary works of the Middle Ages. This plant has therefore long been considered a … Read more

Mentholated eucalyptus essential oil, southern fever tree

mentholated Eucalyptus essential oil

Originally from the Austral lands, eucalyptus will give birth to many species , some of which, very interesting, will be exploited in the medicinal field . The term Eucalyptus comes from the Greek “ eu ” and “ kaluptos ” which mean respectively “ well ” and “ covered” , probably in reference to its stamens perfectly closed by a operculum. A little history Discovered in the 18th century in … Read more

Citrus Eucalyptus essential oil, from annihilation to passion

lemon eucalyptus essential oil

Lemon eucalyptus is a plant native to the Australian continent as well as Madagascar. The Aborigines had in fact always known its powerful antibacterial properties . Lemon eucalyptus was also used to dry out swampy areas in the subtropics. The aborigines of Australia used the sap of the eucalyptus or “gum tree” in direct application on their wounds in order … Read more

Tarragon essential oil, from a simple aromatics to the apothecary’s lair


Tarragon, whose botanical name is Artemisia dracunculus, belongs to the Asteraceae family. Its producing organs are its aerial parts. The history of tarragon Tarragon was introduced to Europe during the Crusades. But it has a long tradition as a medicinal plant and spice in Asia and Siberia. As well as being used in cookery books, … Read more

Frankincense essence of Oliban, mythical and ritual plant

Since ancient times, frankincense, along with myrrh and other aromatics, was among the drugs burned in temples during religious ceremonies. These odoriferous fumigations are also currently still in use and are part of the rites of current religions. A mythical and ritual plant of all civilizations of the Mediterranean basin, incense has therefore been the object of all desires. of the … Read more

Cypress essential oil, sacred symbol of mortality and immortality

essential oil from leafy twigs of cypress

Cypress was part of the medical material of the ancient Egyptians, as evidenced by various papyri. Its reddish yellow wood, practically incorruptible, was used to make sarcophagi to keep mummies. Tradition has often dedicated this tree to the cult of the dead and to the ornamentation of cemeteries because of its dark foliage and its eternally green color ( semper … Read more

Coriander essential oil, four millennia of history

essential oil of coriander seeds

Cilantro is one of the oldest aromatic herbs in the world . In Antiquity, the Romans were keen on it. The spice appears in more than 70 dishes from the collection of recipes of the gastronomic Roman Apicius . It is mentioned in Sanskrit writings, the Ebers papyrus , the Old Testament … without forgetting its use in China, more than 2000 years ago … This plant, in … Read more

Lemon essence, golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides?

As everyone knows, lemon is a citrus fruit, a word whose etymological roots directly refer to its pungent and sour flavor . In the fifth century BC, Sophocles referred to the orange and the lemon under the same name of “golden apples” ( which for a long time suggested that these two fruits could indeed have some relation with apples. from … Read more

Chamomile essential oil, from the divine coronation to the Druidic nobility

Noble Chamomile Flower Head Essential Oil

The virtues of chamomile flowers have been known since the dawn of time. Although not of Roman origin, tradition has it that it was named so because a German botanist and physician Camerarius rediscovered it in the 16th century in Rome. The flower head is used in herbalism, traditionally to facilitate digestion . In liquorice, it gives a bitter flavor to aperitifs. The … Read more

Rosewood essential oil, the prestigious subtly spicy floral


Discovered by botanists in 1925 in the Juriti Velho region (States of Para), this tree was named “rosewood” because of the delicately scent of its wood . The study of this tree revealed that it contained an essential oil of an exceptional richness in linalool , an odorous substance precursor of the perfume of lavender. A thriving extractive industry developed in the Amazon … Read more

Bergamot essential oil, high distinction of the citrus tribe

In the citrus tribe, bergamot stands out, not only because it is a funny phenomenon full of sparkling and charming, but also because we wanted to attribute several places of birth and equally numerous parents. Indeed, some say that it comes from the west: they claim that it was Christopher Columbus who discovered the bergamot tree in … Read more

The essential oil of Holy Basil, a simple elevated to the rank of divinity

Holy basil essential oil

To fully understand the sacred dimension that surrounds this basil, it is important to retrace its steps, and to go to its original land, that is to say India. There, basil is just as sacred as verbena was to the Romans, if not more so. Very small “temples” are erected there, as well as veritable altars surrounded by walls … Read more

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Tropical basil essential oil, the exotic royal herb

Also called “royal herb”, basil is known for its many medicinal properties . Before landing in the crucible of old-time stills, basil has come a long way. The adjective “tropical”, moreover, is there to remind us of its origin, because in fact, tropical basil does indeed originate from the Indian subcontinent . A little history More than 4000 years ago, the … Read more

Tea tree essential oil, Green Gold from the fifth continent

The tea tree ( Melaleuca alternifolia) or Tea tree is native to New South Wales in Australia, where the Bundjalung aborigines used the leaves to heal themselves from a variety of ailments for a long time . Unfortunately, very little of this ancestral knowledge has come down to us, due to the fact that huge sections of aboriginal culture have … Read more

Olfactotherapy, the power of feeling and the art of feeling

Olfactotherapy, a therapeutic alternative

“Of all the senses, smell is the one that strikes me the most. How does smell, taste, become perfume? How do our nerves get nuanced? Subtle, sublime interpreters of what cannot be seen, cannot be heard, cannot be written with words? The smell would be like a soul, immaterial. These sentences by Marcel Hanoun , filmmaker and thinker, poetically illustrate the mysteries of … Read more

The 10 essential oils to perform your anti-scar massages

Hippocrates said that “if Man gets sick, he finds the solution in nature, if he knows how to look at it”. Indeed, Mother Nature provides Man with everything he needs to meet his health needs. In his book “Aromatherapy: healing yourself with essential oils”, Dominique Baudoux indeed offers many formulas based on essential oils which … Read more

What is a chemotype essential oil?

Dive into the fascinating world of chemotyped essential oils and discover how HECT aromatherapy is revolutionising natural skincare. In this article, we explore the concept of chemotype, a key criterion for choosing quality essential oils, guaranteeing their efficacy and safety. Learn to differentiate between the various biochemical compounds, such as monoterpenols and sesquiterpenols, and understand … Read more