How can you easily define your (or your partner’s) homeopathic profile?

To determine a homeopathic profile, homeopathy, or natural healthcare method, takes into account the personality, character and medical history of each individual. Knowing your profile enables you to choose the most suitable basic treatment from among the homeopathic medicines known as “field” medicines. In this article, we will therefore present the main homeopathic profiles and … Read more

Homeopathy for bruises and other traumas

A fall? A small local trauma? Homeopathy allows you tointervene quickly and painlessly, so that haematomas are quickly reabsorbed. Advice on using homeopathy in the event of trauma It is important to remember that homeopathy, although useful, is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment, especially in the case of serious injuries. Here is some … Read more

Wasp stings, self-healing with natural methods

Wasps belong to the order Hymenoptera. Equipped with stings, they also belong to the suborder Apocritus. Among wasps, it is the females that can sting; the workers and queens. Species that compete with humans for food also sometimes sting. In fact, these insects sting mainly to protect themselves from other hymenoptera, such as when they … Read more

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

The role of homeopathy in skin burns

We call “burns” all injuries caused by heat. There are three degrees of damage. The severity of burns is a function not only of the degree, but also of the area of ​​the lesions. Homeopathy acts effectively against localized burns, reducing pain and hastening healing. Extensive burns are obviously in the hospital domain, but they can benefit from the … Read more

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

The role of homeopathy in renal colic

Les coliques néphrétiques sont des crises douloureuses, violentes de la région lombaire, irradiant généralement vers le bas du ventre et la cuisse, souvent accompagnées d’iléus fonctionnel paralytique et de vomissements, liés à la distension pyélique par un obstacle récent dont la lithiase urétérale est la cause la plus fréquente, mais non exclusive. Nous ne parlerons … Read more

Homeopathy in acute gastroenteritis in infants and adults

Acute gastroenteritis is clinically characterised by a combination of vomiting and diarrhoea. Vomiting is the sudden release of gastric contents by antiperistaltic contractions. Diarrhoea is the frequent evacuation of excessively liquid stools. Diarrhoea is caused by two mechanisms, most often in combination: Acceleration of intestinal transit Abnormal hydration of stools due to hypersecretion of the … Read more

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathic guide to acute stomatology

Homeopathy can be effective for a number of stomatological problems, such as preparing a patient for dental surgery, preventing and treating post-operative haemorrhage, preventing and treating post-operative or non-operative infections, dental pain, especially post-operative pain, and as a complement to the treatment of wisdom tooth problems. History of homeopathy in stomatology Homeopathy, with its roots … Read more

Homeopathy in acute non-purulent pleurisy

Pleurisy or pleuritis is an inflammation of the pleura with or without effusion. When the diagnosis of acute, non-purulent pleurisy is made, its aetiology must be established (history, F.N.S., V.S., intradermal tuberculin reaction, chemistry, cytology, bacteriology of the puncture fluid, etc.). Homeopathic treatment is only possible for infectious, non-purulent serofibrinous pleurisy and traumatic pleurisy. All … Read more

How to cure cough with homeopathy?

Whether it is dry or oily? Night or day? How to take care of your cough while respecting the natural process of our body thanks to homeopathy? The first step to take to take charge of your cough is first to realize that it is the body’s natural defense against microbial attacks (viruses or bacteria). It is also … Read more

The homeopathic guide in acute pneumopathies

The homeopathic guide in acute pneumopathies

Acute pneumopathies are infections of the lung parenchyma , caused by viruses, related microorganisms or bacteria. We will eliminate in this article the question of pulmonary suppuration, lung abscess type, in which homeopathy can only play an adjuvant role and acute pneumopathies in infants in cases where they lead to blood problems requiring resuscitation. The clinical picture is made … Read more

Homeopathy in acute laryngitis and tracheitis

Acutelaryngitis and tracheitis, characterised by rapid bouts of dry coughing, are common ailments that affect many people every year. In our search for effective, natural solutions, homeopathy offers a promising alternative. This gentle treatment, derived from natural sources, is renowned for its holistic approach to health, targeting not only the symptoms but also the underlying … Read more

The role of homeopathic medicines in acute otitis

Acute otitis” is an inflammatory and/or infectiousprocess involving the external ear and/or middle ear, triggered by a microbial agent with a most often nasopharyngeal portal of entry, which may either develop in isolation, or add to an acute nasopharyngeal pathology or a general infectious disease, or inaugurate an infectious syndrome. Congestive otitis with a predominantly … Read more

Homeopathy in acute and subacute sinusitis

Homeopathy in acute and subacute sinusitis

The sinusitis acute is an inflammation of the sinuses , or not reaching the periosteum, with soon suppurative process . They are observed most of the time during the evolution of untreated acute coryzas, of which they represent a painful complication. Symptomatic medications Before the suppurative stage: As soon as the first symptoms of acute coryza appear, the patient reports pain at the … Read more

The use of homeopathy in the treatment of acute bronchitis

The use of homeopathy in the treatment of acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is a localized or diffuse inflammation of the bronchi . The most common cause is infectious: viral or bacterial . There is no radiologically detectable anomaly. When these appear, it is because the inflammatory process reaches the pulmonary alveoli. Clinically, acute bronchitis is manifested by a more or less intense febrile syndrome, accompanied by cough. The evolution can be … Read more

Homeopathy in superficial phlebitis of the lower limbs

Are you suffering from pain and redness in your legs? You could be suffering from superficial phlebitis. Although often benign, this condition can be uncomfortable and requires appropriate treatment. Did you know that homeopathy can be an effective natural solution for relieving symptoms? Let’s find out how this approach can help you. What is superficial … Read more

The place of homeopathy in the treatment of osteoarthritis

homeopathy in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joint characterized by destruction of the articular cartilage and marginal osteophytosis . Two forms of osteoarthritis are described: primary osteoarthritis and secondary osteoarthritis . In primary osteoarthritis, there is no clear or precise triggering cause. It mainly occurs in the subject over fifty years, presenting a predisposed ground. Secondary osteoarthritis follows a joint fracture, joint dysfunction of various causes (septic … Read more

The contribution of homeopathy in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis are common cardiovascular diseases, particularly among the elderly and those with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or a sedentary lifestyle. These pathologies lead to hardening of the arteries, increasing the risk of atheromatous plaque formation and potentially leading to serious complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke and heart … Read more

Homeopathy in dyspeptic syndromes (digestive disorders)

A woman with an upset face holding a hamburger in one hand, holding her stomach in the other, expressing digestive discomfort, against a bright yellow background.

A very large number of people suffer from a variety of digestive problems: epigastric burning, slow digestion, post-prandial bloating, drowsiness… However, sometimes paraclinical examinations do not reveal any lesions. X-rays are normal, endoscopy shows a normal appearance of the mucosa and biopsies reveal no histological changes. It is in these cases that homeopathic treatment will … Read more

Homeopathy in behavioral disorders and school adjustment

In this article, we will limit our topic to the problems that arise before the period of adolescence . We will also eliminate infantile psychoses, neurological disorders (expression of organic encephalopathies), problems related to a general organic pathology, to limit ourselves to the circumstances most usually encountered in general medicine. On the diagnostic level, it will be necessary to identify sensory deficits (eye, … Read more