The contribution of homeopathy in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis refers to a degeneration process which leads to calcification and therefore induration of the arterial wall. Primary lesions therefore attack the elastic layers; they appear most frequently in the abdominal aorta and its large branches, in the coronary arteries and in the cerebral arteries. It is a normal phenomenon of aging.

Atherosclerosis is a type of sclerosis characterized by a degenerative alteration of the intima with lipid deposits generating complications (calcifications, necrosis, thrombosis, ulcerations). These lesions are more or less generalized, often involving the aorta, the femorales as well as the coronaries. They can indeed be found in predisposed young adults.

Are there any risk factors?

These 2 types of lesions can indeed coexist in the same patient. Work pathophysiological and epidemiological thus highlighted a number of factors involved in atherogenesis.

  • Arterial hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Disturbances in blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, apolipoproteins, glucose, etc.
  • Physical inactivity
  • Stress and personality type

The place of homeopathy in arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis

Homeopathy also finds its indication, especially in prevention and in the early stages of atheromatous pathology .

Through field drugs, we will try to :

  • Reduce a beginner hypertension
  • Correct blood sugar, lipidogram
  • Limit obesity
  • Decrease the role of stress

On the other hand, a certain number of drugs have in their pathogenesis phenomena of vascular sclerosis ; they will also be taken in prevention and in the early stages of arteriosclerosis. When the lesions are more advanced, they will only have a possible adjunct role to other treatments.

Sclerosis drugs

Arsenicum album :

It is the drug for thin, pale and chilly subjects who indeed present alternations of sthenicity and weakness . Pathogenetically, there are in particular lesions of vascular sclerosis. We will therefore not wait to take this medication to find behavioral signs of a sensitive type, complacently described by some: meticulousness, concerns about cleanliness or elegance, etc.

Baryta carbonica :

This drug corresponds to the slow subject, with memory problems , having a certain tendency to hypertension, resulting in frontal headaches with intellectual effort and tinnitus.

Calcarea fluorica :

The patient may present the conventional asymmetrical constitutional type of this drug, but as always in matters of sensitive typology, its absence is not crippling. Arteriosclerosis is ultimately early, with hardness of the arteries and a tendency to hypertension. There is therefore a context of ligament hyperlaxity, tendency to bone growths, eczema and varicose ulcer.

Lycopodium :

It is a deep-acting sclerosis drug . It is more particularly indicated in subjects with hepatorenal fragility (urea), and also indicated in the event of lipid metabolism disorders.

Plumbum metallicum :

The arteries are thin and sclerotic, with a tendency to arteritis . There are also often signs of renal failure, vascular sclerosis with intellectual repercussions. The elderly subject subject to Plumbum is dry, thin, sluggish, with a yellowish complexion. There is often an associated abdominal pathology.

Silicea :

This medication will be recommended for the general signs (thinness, chilliness, osteoporosis, tendency to chronic suppurations) concomitant with a tendency to vascular sclerosis .

Baryta iodata :

This drug therefore corresponds to patients prone to cerebral circulatory disorders .

Aurum iodatum :

This homeopathic strain corresponds to those with a hypertensive tendency with cardiac erethism .

Plumbum iodatum :

This drug is usually used in people with kidney disease .

Arsenicum iodatum :

This medication is in practice systematically indicated for preventing arterial sclerosis whether or not it is associated with myocardial degeneration.

Medicines for obese areas

Calcarea carbonica :

Obesity is often familial and / or constitutional. However, it can be accompanied by a certain tendency to diabetes . There may be a background of lithiasis (renal or vesicular) or polyposis (nasal, bladder, etc.).

Sulfur :

Medicinal product for hyperphagic patients presenting a psoric reaction mode with congestive or hypertensive manifestations .

Thuja :

Sycotic reaction mode drug. Overweight is also accompanied by adipocellulitic infiltration .

Natrum sulfuricum :

It also corresponds to the sycotic reaction mode, in a context of tendencies to rheumatism, bronchitis and frequent diarrhea.

Medicines for areas with metabolic disorders

Arsenicum album :

Corresponds to disorders of the lipidogram , almost systematically in association with Lycopodium .

Lycopodium :

This drug is classically recognized as active on disorders of the lipidogram , urea and uric acid.

Phosphorus :

We thus find the general signs of the drug, a tendency to hypertension evolving by crises. Atheroma is often complicated by arteritis. It is conventional to offer it in the prevention or treatment of arterial disease in diabetics.

Let us recall for the record Calcarea carbonica with its obesity with a tendency to hyperglycaemia , as well as Sulfur and its disorders linked to overeating .

Dosage : All these drugs will be taken from 7 to 30CH, from once a day to once a week.


Clementine. M.
Naturopath – Aromatherapist / Herbalist – Phytotherapist
Consultant in Clinical Phyto-aromatherapy and Ethnomedicine

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