What are berries and seeds used for?

Nature is full of edible and tasty foods. It allows us to turn to a diet 100% organic. We all look for well-being by paying attention to what we eat and what is good for our health. We are not immune to diabetesand cardiovascular diseasehypertension cardiovascular disease and overweight. With this in mind, berries and seeds are our best allies in completing our recipes or simply replacing our snacks. Here are a few examples of the best-known berries and seeds that are known for their beneficial effects on our bodies.

Goji berries

Considered a superfruit, the goji berry originates from China and is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is highly appreciated for its many virtues. Indeed, it is rich in minerals, in vitaminsand proteins but above all in antioxidants which gives it the nickname of “fruit of eternal youth”. Moreover, this small red berry with a sweet taste protects our kidneys, our organs from vision and stimulates our immune system. Goji berry can be found in our online organic pharmacy, together with six other dried superfruits in the ECOIDEES 7 SUPER FRUIT BLEND.


Slightly sweet and blue-purple in colour, blueberries are low in sugar and calories. It is thus to consume without fearing the diabetes or weight gain. Moreover, it is an excellent appetite suppressant with its high fibre content. Moreover, it is also a berry extremely rich in antioxidants. It should be noted that the bilberry is recognised as a fruit that protects against cataracts and vision problems.


Highly energetic, dates are high in carbohydratesthey are high in vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6), fibre and minerals. It reduces the desire for sugar thanks to its high chromium content. It also helps to protect against cardiovascular disease. Finally, it is an excellent source ofantioxidants.

Chia seeds

A little wonder of nature, Chia seeds are particularly rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, folate and omega 3. Thanks to its extremely favourable composition for our well-being, it contributes to the fight against cardiovascular diseases, to the strengthening of our bones and teeth, to the reduction of the cholesterol level and to a good hydration of our skin. Our online organic pharmacy offers you Ecoidées Organic Chia Seeds, if you wish to (re)discover this seed.

Hemp seeds

The hemp seed comes from the plant of marijuana (no fear, you will not get high because it does not contain THC, nor any psychoactive substance). It is rich in antioxidant compounds that help to fight against oxidative stress. The same one that causes premature ageing. Hemp seed contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which play a very important role in keeping the skin and hair healthy.

Sesame seeds

Small in size but with an incomparable nutritional quality, sesame seeds should be consumed without moderation. Moreover, it is extremely rich in vitamin E and especially in tocopherols. Very appreciated by our metabolism, it is a very good antioxidant. Sesame seeds are also an excellent source of phosphorus and calcium. It is essential for the strengthening of our teeth and bones. Without forgetting its other components and in particular iron, zinc, magnesium as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6.

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