Which buds should I choose to get through the winter with peace of mind?

After a particularly hot and sunny summer, it’s time to get used to the fact that winter will soon be upon us. A gloomy, grey season that encourages a lack of sunshine. A vitamin D deficiency that makes our bodies more fragile. It’s at times like these that we need to look after our immune system. To boost your immune system and protect you from the bad omens of winter, read on to discover the benefits of bud macerates, commonly known as gemmotherapy.

Understanding the scientific basis of gemmotherapy

Gemmotherapy, an evolving branch of phytotherapy that uses the healing powers of plant buds and young shoots, offers a unique approach to boosting our well-being during the winter. Recent scientific research highlights the potential benefits of this natural therapy, particularly in the context of the challenges brought on by the winter season.

The antioxidant benefits of blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum)

A key study reviewed in the Journal of Food Science (2019 ) by Cortez and Gonzalez de Mejia explores the impressive health benefits of blackcurrants, a common ingredient in gemmotherapy. This research highlights the powerful antioxidant properties of blackcurrants, which are rich in anthocyanins. These natural compounds play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress and inflammation, common concerns in winter when our bodies are more susceptible to illness.

Therapeutic potential against cancer

In addition, a 2010 study published in Natural Product Communications by Bishayee et al. found that anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extract showed promising results in suppressing the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. This finding not only supports the use of blackcurrant in gemmotherapy for general health, but also opens up avenues for exploring its potential anti-cancer benefits.

Link between Eastern and Western medicine

In addition, the integration of gemmotherapy with traditional medical practices is gaining attention, as shown in a conference paper by Sarkova and Sarek (2005). They discussed the combination of Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll (EAV) and gemmotherapy, illustrating an innovative approach to linking Eastern and Western medical philosophies. This synergy signifies a cutting-edge perspective in the treatment of natural health, particularly relevant in our quest for holistic winter wellness solutions.

Gemmotherapy as a natural winter ally

In conclusion, exploring the scientific underpinnings of gemmotherapy not only enriches our understanding, but also reassures us of its potential as a natural ally during the winter season. By incorporating these evidence-based perspectives into our health regime, we can navigate the challenges of winter with greater confidence and vitality.

Iron health in winter thanks to buds

The cold season means shorter days and less sunshine. So it’s harder to meet the vitamin D requirements provided by the sun. Vitamin D is very important for the bones, as it promotes good bone health by absorbing phosphorus and calcium. If taken regularly, it reduces the risk of osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
This vitamin also acts as an anti-inflammatory,anti-infectious, cardioprotective and anti-tumour agent. The sun is the main source of this vitamin, and it is vital for the human body.
During the winter, vitamin D deficiency can be made up through diet. However, the use of bud macerates is also an alternative way of combating these temperature variations. Buds contain all the nutrients and energy of plant shoots. They have everything we need to ensure that this dark, cold season has no impact on our well-being. Soin et Nature has put together a small selection of precious elixirs to help you welcome winter with peace of mind.

Rosemary organic AQUAGEMM alcohol-free bud macerate

Rosemary is a truly powerful antioxidant. As nature enters its winter lethargy, it helps to support and improve resistance to germs and colds. It is also excellent for the liver and nervous system. To enjoy the benefits of this aromatic herb, you can buy Rosemary organicAQUAGEMM bud macerate without alcohol.
Take 15 drops in the morning or 3 times 5 drops apart during the day.
A 2-month course of treatment is recommended, with a break of one week every 3 weeks.

Herbalgem Respigem Complex GC30 Lungs Organic

Herbalgem Complexe Respigem GC30 Poumons Bio is specially designed for the comfort of the respiratory tract.
Adults from 13 years: 5 drops 3 times a day
Children aged 3 and over: dosage to be adapted, 1 drop per day per year of age.

Herbalgem Sinugem Complex GC15 Défense Forte Organic

Herbalgem Complexe Sinugem GC15 Défense Forte Bio is a combination of hornbeam, blackcurrant and alder buds with young shoots of wild rose to relieve nasal congestion, cleanse and purify the respiratory tract.
Adults: 5 to 10 drops a day are recommended.
Children up to the age of 13: 3 to 8 drops a day between meals. Pure on the tongue or diluted in spring water.

Gemmotherapy: A natural shield for children in winter

Winter is a time when our children are particularly vulnerable to seasonal ailments. Fortunately, gemmotherapy, with its unique use of plant buds, offers a natural solution for boosting their immune systems during this season.

Buds beneficial to children’s health

  • Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum): Rich in antioxidants, blackcurrant bud is a precious ally in boosting children’s immunity and protecting them against winter infections.
  • Fig tree (Ficus carica): This bud has a soothing effect on children’s nervous systems, helping them to better manage the stress associated with cold weather and seasonal changes.
  • Birch (Betula spp.): Its buds and sap support the elimination system, which is crucial for maintaining good immunity in winter.
  • Walnut (Juglans regia): Helps optimise digestive function, contributing to better resistance to disease.
  • Linden (Tilia spp.): Known for its relaxing properties, it helps children maintain a good night’s sleep during the long winter nights.

A preventive and curative approach

In gemmotherapy, the emphasis is on preventing and treating symptoms as soon as they appear, thus avoiding the development of more serious conditions. This gentle, natural approach is particularly suitable for children, whose immune systems are still developing.

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