Acute urticaria and homeopathic medicines

The urticarial rash is characterized by a set of seropapules , red or pink, sometimes discolored in the center, similar to nettle stings. They result, under the influence of an antigen-antibody conflict, from the local release of histamine , which offers papilledema with pruritus and burning sensation.. This eruption, of sudden onset, is fleeting. It usually disappears in a few hours or a few days, without leaving a trace. It can remain localized or, on the contrary, become generalized, then being accompanied by spectacular oedemas, particularly in the eyelids. In this case, we speak of giant urticaria or angioedema, the severity of which comes from the concomitant edema of the larynx. We will eliminate this serious and localized form from this article, because the treatment is most often based on conventional means. Homeopathy can however be a useful adjuvant in the acute crisis of urticaria. It is essential in the basic treatment of recurrent forms.

What to do in case of acute urticaria

In the face of a recent sudden onset of urticaria, it will be necessary to look for a cause or a triggering allergen:

  • A triggering contract: nettle, cedar, insects, etc.
  • A triggering cause: especially cold, heat, sun, effort, emotional stress, etc.
  • A food known to cause hives: strawberries, chocolate, shellfish, fish, etc.
  • A triggering drug: aspirin, barbiturate, sulfonamide, penicillin, vaccine, serum, etc.

Faced with recurrent urticaria, it will be necessary to look for a microbial, parasitic, mycotic, endocrine origin, malignant lymphomatosis, neoplasia, etc. This means that, as always, the homeopathic doctor must make a precise nosological diagnosis.

Homeopathic therapy for acute urticaria

Homeopathic treatment will use three groups of drugs, possibly in combination, that is to say taken separately at a more or less rapid pace, depending on the severity of the symptoms, the results are generally good and fast.

Chemical mediators:

Histamine is a chemical mediator of allergic reactions. We know the in vitro action of Histaminum 7 CH on the degranulation of basophils in allergic patients.

Dosage : Take Histaminum 7 CH, 5 granules every hour or every 2 hours, spacing out according to improvement.

This biotherapeutic, prepared from guinea pig lung sacrificed during an anaphylactic shock, contains, in addition to histamine, many other chemical mediators: bradykinin, serotonin, PAF acether, etc.

Dosage : Its clinical use in 9 or 15 CH, for decades, has often proved effective.

No clinical criterion, other than a therapeutic trial in the same patient, allows a choice to be made between Histaminum and Lung histamine .

Isotherapy of allergens:

This technique is only possible when the allergen is known, since it consists in giving the patient hahnemannian dilutions prepared from his personal allergen. This process can only be used in case of repeated urticaria. In this case, in fact, the medicine can be prepared in advance, and possibly given as a preventive measure.

Dosage : It is prescribed in 15 CH, 5 granules 1 to 2 times a day. It should be emphasized that these cases are paroxysmal episodes of a particular chronic terrain.

Drugs according to the phenomenon of similarity:

This drug is indicated when the skin is pink red, sometimes infiltrated like an orange peel. The subcutaneous tissue is looser, the appearance becomes markedly more edematous and red, such as the eyelids, for example. In all cases the skin stings and burns as if it had been pricked by a multitude of red-hot needles. It is improved by cold applications and aggravated by heat. Pruritus obeys the same modalities. The action of this drug is fast, but short .

Dosage : Take Apis 9 or 15 CH, 5 granules every thirty minutes. Space following improvement.

This drug is indicated when there is a pungent and burning edema paler than that of Apis and causing intolerable pruritus. Symptoms are aggravated by cold applications , bathing, washing, and especially by touch .

Dosage : Take in 5 CH, 5 granules 2 to 4 times a day, spacing out according to improvement.

This great drug is indicated in case of itching and burning eruption, in a rather sthenic subject, having a tendency to have periodic cutaneous, mucous or serous affections. These affections can alternate between them, or with internal demonstrations: liver, hemorrhoids, HTA The urticaria worsens by heat, water, and improved by cold.

Dosage : Take a single dose in 15 CH, in combination with Apis or Urtica urens.

This biotherapeutic can be indicated in 2 particular cases:

– Either in a patient who is generally asthenic and chilly , presenting an alternating general pathology of the same type as that of Sulfur .

– Either in a patient who does not react or reacts badly to Sulfur .

Dosage: Take a single dose in the first case and Psorinum in scale (9-12-15-30 CH, one dose per day for 4 days in a row) in the second case.

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