How can atopic dermatitis or eczema be treated with homeopathy?

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common skin problem caused by inflammation and skin conditions. Although the most common type of eczema is atopic eczema, there are other types with different symptoms. However, whatever the form of eczema, patients always experience skin irritation, resulting in redness, itching, thickening of the affected skin, dryness and flaking. Homeopathic treatments are often effective in treating eczema. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor for babies and children at the first signs of the disease. For adults, a visit to the doctor is essential when the disease begins to worsen, characterised by the presence of blisters and intense dryness of the skin.

Homeopathy to combat eczema

Using homeopathic remedies to treat eczema can help reduce symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life. Homeopathic remedies are natural treatments that work by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Here are some effective homeopathic remedies for eczema:

  • Graphites: this remedy is used to treat eczema symptoms such as intense itching, oozing rashes and crusting. It can also be used to treat eczema on the scalp and ears.
  • Sulfur: this remedy is often used to treat eczema that is dry, rough and scaly. It can also be used to treat severe itching and redness.
  • Rhus toxicodendron: this remedy is often used to treat eczema which is characterised by intense itching and blistering. It can also be used to treat eczema caused by exposure to heat or water.
  • Natrum muriaticum: this remedy is often used to treat eczema that is dry, cracked and bleeds easily. It can also be used to treat eczema symptoms such as severe itching and crusting.
  • Arsenicum album: this remedy is often used to treat eczema, which is characterised by the desire to scratch skin lesions, a burning sensation and redness. It can also be used to treat eczema caused by exposure to chemicals or irritants.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is therefore a common skin condition manifested by itching, redness, patches and blisters. The location of the lesions and the clinical manifestation of the disease vary from person to person. Symptomatic homeopathic treatment must be adapted to take account of these factors.

Homeopathic remedies for inflammatory dermatitis

If the clinical manifestation of eczema is dominated by inflammation, it is advisable to use homeopathic remedies such as Apis mellifica for oedematous, pinkish patches with itching improved by cold applications, or Belladonna for red, inflamed, burning patches, particularly on the cheeks.

Homeopathic medicines for eczema with vesicles

If vesicles are present, homeopathic remedies such as Rhus toxicodendron are recommended for clear liquid vesicles surrounded by red skin, with itching and intense burning sensations improved by heat, or Cantharis for large vesicles surrounded by healthy skin. Other options include Croton tiglium for vesicles with purulent contents on a red background and irresistible pruritus, and Anagallis for cluster vesicles with intense pruritus, located on the hands (fingers, palms).

Natural treatment for oozing, crusting atopic dermatitis

If the eczema is oozing with crusts, homeopathic remedies such as Mezereum for whitish crusts covering an ooze, Graphites 15CH for thick honey-yellow secretions giving yellowish crusts, and Antimonium crudum 9CH for thick yellowish crusts and hyperkeratotic skin are recommended. Digestive problems are often associated with this last option.

Homeopathic solutions for dry, scaly eczema

If the eczema is dry and scaly, homeopathic remedies such as Arsenicum album are recommended for fine, floury-looking scales with burning pruritus that is aggravated by cold at night, improved by hot water, baths or compresses, or by scraping with blood, Arsenicum iodatum for squames of the order of mm2 with a tendency to lichenification following scratching, and Natrum sulfuricum for squamous cutaneous eruptions based on a sticky skin appearance (perspiration) which comes off in large shreds and leaves bright red patches.

Homeopathic strains for dry dermatitis with fissures

If the eczema is dry with fissures, it is advisable to use homeopathic remedies such as Nitricum acidum for painful, sharp fissures that bleed a little and are surrounded by yellowish skin, and Petroleum for pruritic fissures surrounded by dirty-looking skin, preferentially located on the fingers and anus, and aggravated in winter.

Treatment for dry, itchy eczema with few lesions

If the eczema is dry and itchy, but there are few lesions, homeopathic remedies such as Staphysagria are recommended for pruritus that moves with scratching, preferentially on the nape of the neck, ears and eyelids; Manganum for dry lesions, with pruritus mainly in the flexion creases; and Pix liquida for a tendency to cracks and fissures, with intense pruritus and preferentially on the back of the hands.

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Local treatment of eczema and atopic dermatitis with homeopathy

Local treatment is an essential adjunct to limiting eczema flare-ups. Applying ointments or creams can help relieve irritation and itching.

Calendula ointment or cream for dry eczema

Calendula is a medicinal plant with soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. The pectins and rubber contained in the calendula flower have moisturising and softening properties. Applying a calendula ointment or cream can be very effective in relieving the symptoms of dry eczema.

Graphites 1% Ointment for oozing eczema

Graphites 1% Ointment is recommended for oozing skin lesions. It is effective in reducing itching and skin irritation. This ointment should be applied locally, 2 to 3 times a day.

Mezereum 4% TM ointment for crusting eczema

Mezereum 4% Mother tincture ointment is recommended for skin problems with crusting. It can help relieve itching and skin irritation. This ointment should be applied locally, 2 to 3 times a day.

Diathesis treatment

Eczema is often a sign of psoric diathesis. The homeopath will therefore look for criteria in favour of this diathesis. In babies, the treatments most often used are Graphites, Calcarea carbonica and Sulfur.

Homeopathic drainage of the skin

Skin drainage consists of helping the body to eliminate allergens and inflammatory factors accumulated in the skin of the atopic patient. Saponaria compound is recommended for skin drainage. It can be taken in the form of 10 drops diluted in a little still water or 5 granules, 3 times a day.

Treatment depending on the location of the eczema

Depending on the location of the eczema lesions, it is recommended to use homeopathic remedies such as Berberis vulgaris 9CH for lesions on the anus or elbow, Natrum muriaticum 9CH for lesions on the forehead, Oleander 9CH for lesions on the scalp, Graphites 9CH for lesions behind the ears, Croton tiglium 9CH for genital localization, Primula obconica 9CH for localization on the wrist or in case of contact eczema on the hands in case of allergy to primroses, Lycopodium 9CH for fissured eczema on the foot, Cereus bomplandii 9CH for localization on the knee and Selenium 9CH for an eruption on the fingers and elbows, with pruritus aggravated by wine and alcohol.

In conclusion, the treatment of eczema must be adapted according to the location of the lesions and the clinical manifestation of the disease. Homeopathic remedies can offer a natural and effective alternative for treating the symptoms of eczema. It is advisable to consult a qualified health professional for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Bibliographical sources

  • Dictionnaire de l’homéopathie by Dr Jacques Boulet Éditions Privat
  • Homéopathie principes clinique technique Michel Guermonprez Collection Initiales
  • Homeopathic constitutions by Dr Max Tétau
  • Homeopathic diatheses by Dr Tétau

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