How can I buy the best turmeric-based supplement in pharmacies?

Turmeric, that age-old spice with its golden hues, is much more than a simple condiment to enhance the flavour of food. Today, it is recognised for its exceptional virtues in natural medicine, and has found a place of choice in the world of food supplements. Indeed, turmeric capsules, loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, have become a must-have for those looking to enrich their daily diet with natural, effective products.

However, choosing the right turmeric supplement can be a real challenge. With a variety of products available, ranging from standard capsules and standardised extracts to formulas enriched with black pepper or other absorption agents, it is essential to understand the nuances that differentiate a quality supplement from one that is less effective. The key lies in understanding terms such as ‘curcuma longa’, ‘curcumin bioavailability’, ‘free form’ and ‘certified organic’, which are often used in the world of food supplements.

Making an informed decision when purchasing a turmeric-based supplement is crucial, not only to ensure that the desired benefits are achieved, but also to ensure that the product chosen is safe and meets the highest quality standards. This article aims to illuminate the path to the best choice of turmeric supplement, highlighting the essential factors to consider, for a purchase that is as beneficial to health as it is environmentally friendly.

What is turmeric?

Turmeric, often calledthe “spice of life“, is a herbaceous plant native to southern Asia, mainly India. Its root, or rhizome, is the most prized part of the plant. Turmeric root, which is bright yellow or orange, has a unique flavour. It is pungent, hot and slightly bitter. Turned into a fine, golden powder, turmeric has conquered the world’s cuisines. It has also made a name for itself in the field of natural health.

Turmeric’s main active compound is curcumin, a powerful antioxidant renowned for its many therapeutic benefits. It is often highlighted for its anti-inflammatory properties, making turmeric particularly effective in the natural treatment of various inflammatory conditions and joint pain. In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, curcumin is also being studied for its potential in the prevention and treatment of various chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and various types of cancer.

In cooking, turmeric is a key ingredient in many dishes, particularly in South Asia. It gives dishes not only a bright colour, but also a distinctive aroma and flavour. Outside the kitchen, turmeric is widely used in the form of dietary supplements. These are designed to provide a concentrated dose of curcumin, often combined with other ingredients such as black pepper to improve its absorption by the body.

Turmeric is also appreciated in other areas, such as cosmetics, for its antioxidant properties and beneficial effect on the skin. It is used in a range of skincare products, from creams to masks, exploiting its virtues to improve skin radiance and health.

Why choose Turmeric as a dietary supplement?

Turmeric is much more than just a spice used to season dishes. In the form of a dietary supplement, it offers a completely different experience and benefits from its culinary powder version. The major differences between turmeric used in cooking and that consumed as a dietary supplement lie in the concentration, form and, sometimes, additional components that enhance its effectiveness.

First of all, the turmeric powder used in cooking contains only around 3% curcumin, the active compound responsible for the majority of turmeric’s health benefits. In comparison, manufacturers design turmeric-based food supplements to offer a much higher concentration of curcumin. This significant increase in curcumin content maximises the beneficial effects, particularly its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

In addition, food supplements often contain other ingredients designed to improve the absorption and efficacy of turmeric. For example, many supplements contain piperine, a compound found in black pepper. Piperine is known to significantly increase the bioavailability of curcumin. This synergy between turmeric and piperine facilitates the absorption of curcumin by the body, enabling it to make the most of its benefits.

Another advantage of food supplements is their ease of use and dosage. Unlike turmeric powder, which requires culinary preparation, supplements offer a precise, controlled dose of curcumin. This guarantees a uniform amount of turmeric in each dose. This is particularly beneficial for those looking to use turmeric therapeutically. It allows them to follow a consistent and effective dosage regime.

How do I choose a turmeric-based food supplement from a pharmacy?

When looking to incorporate turmeric into your diet in supplement form, it is essential to take into account certain key criteria to ensure its effectiveness. Among these criteria, the curcumin content, the bioavailability of curcumin, and the form of turmeric are essential.

Curcumin content :

Curcumin is the most active and best-studied component of turmeric, renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A study published in theJournal of Medicinal Chemistry highlights the importance of curcumin in modulating inflammatory and oxidative processes in the body. High-quality turmeric supplements should have a high concentration of curcumin. Ideally, a supplement should contain at least 95% curcuminoids, the group of active compounds that includes curcumin. This high concentration ensures that you receive a sufficient dose to benefit from the therapeutic effects of turmeric.

Bioavailability of curcumin :

Bioavailability refers to the amount of curcumin that is actually absorbed and used by the body. One problem with curcumin is its low natural bioavailability, as noted in a study published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. To improve this, several strategies have been developed. The addition of piperine, extracted from black pepper, is one of the most common methods of increasing curcumin absorption, as shown by a study in theJournal of Nutritional Biochemistry. Supplements containing both curcumin and piperine are therefore preferable for better assimilation.

Free form of turmeric :

The free form of turmeric refers to the unconjugated form of curcumin, which is more easily absorbed by the body. This characteristic is particularly important, as it allows curcumin to cross biological barriers more easily. These barriers include the blood-brain barrier. As a result, it can exert its beneficial effects in different parts of the body. Studies, such as that published in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, have highlighted the importance of the free form for the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin.

Why choose capsules rather than turmeric powder?

Choosing the form in which to consume turmeric is crucial to optimising its benefits. Among the various presentations available, turmeric capsules stand out for a number of significant advantages, often making them preferable to other forms such as powders or tinctures.

Advantages of capsules :

One of the main advantages of turmeric capsules is their precise dosage and ease of consumption. Each capsule contains a precise amount of turmeric, ensuring rigorous control of daily intake. This avoids the uncertainties associated with using powder. What’s more, for those who might not appreciate the strong taste of turmeric, capsules offer a practical, taste-neutral alternative.

Manufacturers design turmeric capsules specifically to improve the absorption of curcumin. Using advanced technologies, some manufacturers encapsulate curcumin with other substances, such as piperine or lipids, to increase its bioavailability. This approach makes capsules particularly effective, maximising the benefits of curcumin with smaller quantities than turmeric powder.

Comparison with other forms :

Compared to turmeric powder, which is often used in cooking, capsules offer a higher concentration of active ingredients. While powder contains a variety of compounds in addition to curcumin, capsules are designed to concentrate curcumin, offering greater potency.

Liquid turmeric tinctures and extracts, while convenient and quick to absorb, can vary in concentration and efficacy. What’s more, they often require special preservation and can have a fairly strong taste, which is not the case with capsules.

Consumers often prefer capsules for their convenience. They are easy to transport and consume at any time, and can be easily integrated into a daily routine. They do not require any specific preparation or storage.

The importance of clinical studies in choosing the best turmeric in pharmacies

It is essential to consult clinical studies to effectively assess the efficacy and safety of turmeric supplements. These studies are conducted in a rigorous and scientific manner. They provide tangible, reliable evidence on the effects of turmeric. In particular, they cover its bioavailability, health benefits and optimal dosages.

Importance of clinical studies :

Clinical studies play a crucial role in validating claims about the benefits of turmeric supplements. They help to distinguish fact from myth, providing a solid basis for informed choices. One study, for example, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, examined the effectiveness of turmeric in the treatment of arthritis. This research provided concrete evidence of its anti-inflammatory properties. These studies are essential. Not only do they help us to understand the effectiveness of turmeric, they also identify any side effects or interactions with other medicines.

Where to find this information:

Clinical studies on turmeric are available from a variety of sources. Medical and scientific databases such as PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar are excellent starting points. These platforms bring together peer-reviewed studies, offering reliable, up-to-date information. It is also possible to find summaries or simplified articles on specialist natural health sites or medical blogs, although the interpretation and accuracy of the information may vary.

In addition, many food supplement manufacturers refer to clinical studies to back up their claims. However, it is important to approach these references with a critical mind and to check the sources to ensure their authenticity and relevance.

Is turmeric available from online pharmacies?

Buying turmeric capsules is a process that requires thought and discernment, especially given the multitude of options available. The two main purchasing channels are online pharmacies and traditional pharmacies. Each offers its own specific advantages and disadvantages.

Online pharmacies vs. traditional pharmacies :

Online pharmacies have gained in popularity thanks to their accessibility and convenience. They offer a wide range of products, often at more competitive prices due to lower operational costs. What’s more, the ability to read customer reviews is a major advantage. Access to detailed product descriptions also reinforces this advantage. However, it is crucial to ensure the reliability and legitimacy of the site. This helps to avoid counterfeit or inferior products.

On the other hand, traditional pharmacies offer the advantage of direct interaction with a pharmacist. A personal approach in a traditional pharmacy can be reassuring. It is particularly useful for those with specific questions. These questions may concern interactions between different medicines. On the other hand, traditional pharmacies often offer a more limited selection of products. Their prices may be slightly higher. However, they generally offer a better guarantee of quality and safety. However, at Soin & Nature, we offer personalised advice via the contact form available on our website.

Advice on buying turmeric capsules online:

When buying turmeric capsules, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check the concentration of curcumin: Make sure the product offers a high concentration of curcumin to maximise its benefits.
  2. Check for additives: Opt for capsules containing additives such as piperine, which increase the bioavailability of curcumin.
  3. Look for certifications: Choose certified organic products and those that have undergone rigorous quality tests.
  4. Read reviews and recommendations: Whether you buy online or in a traditional pharmacy, take the time to read the reviews of other consumers and the recommendations of health professionals.
  5. Compare prices: Don’t hesitate to compare prices between different platforms and outlets to find the best value for money.

References :

  1. Curcumin: Recent Advances in the Development of Strategies to Improve Oral Bioavailability” by Katherine Z Sanidad, Elvira Sukamtoh, Hang Xiao, David Julian McClements, Guodong Zhang. 2019 Annual Review of Food Science and Technology”,

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