Stop the pill! A decision you are considering? Whether it’s for your health, to have a baby, or just out of sheer will, it’s not a bad decision. On the contrary, free yourself from the burden of hormones. Yes, we still have this fear of change and the consequences it might have on the body. But as long as you’ve made up your mind, it’s best to go for it! For those of you who are used to taking birth control pills, you should know that it is quite possible to get rid of them from your daily life. Yes, it is possible that stopping the pill will lead to hormonal fluctuations which may in turn be responsible for physical and psychological changes. However, it is quite possible to re-establish a hormonal balance when stopping the contraceptive pill.
Stopping the pill little by little
It is imperative that you seek professional medical advice when it comes to your well-being. If you want to change your contraceptive method, talk to your doctor. He or she will probably tell you to finish your pack of pills before you stop. It is important to know that stopping your pill suddenly in the middle of the pack may result in heavy breakthrough bleeding after a few days. Keep in mind that your cycle should return naturally and be alert to any unusual symptoms. If having a baby is not your priority, we advise you to switch to an alternative contraceptive.
What to expect when you stop taking the pill
Choosing to stop taking the pill is the beginning of a process that will inevitably lead to changes in our bodies. It is quite normal for our bodies to react to hormonal changes, but in most cases the transition is smooth when we prepare properly. The body therefore expresses the need to be helped through various manifestations. Notably the appearance ofacne, irritation, hair loss… The skin is of course the first victim to suffer the consequent results of hormonal imbalance. Let’s also be prepared for the regularity or irregularity of your menstrual cycle, because without the pill, the 28 days will not necessarily be respected. Not to mention the return of cycle-related symptoms such as cramps, painful periods, but alsoirritability, mood swings and many others.
How can we restore our hormonal balance?
This is a matter of giving the body a little help to promote hormonal balance:
Eat a balanced diet
Include fresh fruit and vegetables, preferably of organic origin, in your daily diet. Also consider nuts and seeds. Leave out refined sugars, fried foods, fizzy drinks, fortified flours and processed vegetable oils. Limit your consumption of non-organic dairy products. They may contain growth hormones, antibiotics and steroids.
Eat more Omega 3
Healthy cell membranes are made from Omega 3. In fact, these fatty acids allow hormones to bind more easily to the cell. You can increase your daily intake of foods rich in Omega 3, such as oily fish, flax and chia seeds, walnuts… . Alternatively, you can easily opt for dietary supplements or high quality organic flax or hemp oils.
Switch to “Don’t worry, be happy” mode
Studies prove that women who meditate on a daily basis experience fewer hormonal fluctuations than those who do not practice relaxation. In short, rest is key. Nowadays, many women forget themselves in the hustle and bustle of everyday life! And unfortunately, the body has a hard time adjusting. Therefore, it is important to take some time for yourself in order to restore your inner calm. Massage, meditation, colouring and walking barefoot in nature are wonderful options.