How to fight naturally against winter fatigue?

Since December 21, the date of the Winter Solstice , the days begin to lengthen gradually. Gradually, the revival will settle and bring us slowly towards spring. But for now, the low temperatures, but also the humidity and low light are putting our body to the test. Discover through this article how to naturally fight against winter fatigue.

To the rhythm of time, to the cycle of the seasons

Once again, observing nature is the best lesson: animals slow down, even hibernate. The trees are bare to save their energy and all the vegetation seems dormant: while some perennials keep their rhizomes or bulbs underground and disappear from our gardens, annual plants die and scatter their seeds which quietly await spring…

And us, what do we do?

After the frenzy of the end-of-year festivities, the year is off to a flying start with the proliferation of activities and requests. Of course, the temperatures that are too mild for the season invite us to do so. But beware, our body does indeed live to the rhythm of nature. So, listen to yourself, and take advantage of this invitation to calm and rest for which autumn has prepared you.

In Chinese medicine , for which the winter solstice marks the middle of winter, the most stressed organ in winter is the kidney , which acts as an energy battery . Indeed, it is the kidney that compensates for the energy that our body deploys to warm us up and adapt to harsh winter conditions. But too busy, it can become exhausted.

It is therefore a question of saving money and supporting the functioning of our organism.

First and logically, sleep and rest!

In winter, there is no need to play tough. So the most effective way to naturally fight against winter fatigue is still to go to bed at a reasonable time. The body repairs and regenerates itself while sleeping, think about it!

As soon as your schedule allows it, rest: naps, time to calm down, if only for a few minutes.

Take some time for yourself !

Treat yourself to a relaxing massage, a sauna, go to a place you love…

Give yourself time to do what makes you happy and makes you feel calm: walks in nature , reading, cooking, drawing…!

Say no to what encumbers you or costs you. In short, take care of yourself and your body!

Prioritize tranquility in your activities

Organize yourself so as not to fall into stress, whether in a professional or private setting. Slow down and meditate !

Maintain ties with your loved ones by inviting them over a good tea or a homemade infusion , but do not disperse and do not multiply the outings, it is not yet the time.

Practicing gentle and regenerating activities is an excellent way to naturally combat winter fatigue.

Eating healthy, warming and vitalizing

Favor seasonal vegetables , there are some! Cabbages, tubers, spinach, alliaceans, celery, leek, lamb’s lettuce for the vegetables… Apples, kiwi, chestnuts on the fruit side.
Without forgetting all the oilseeds and dried fruits with many benefits, cereals such as oats, buckwheat, spelled.

Fill up on essential fatty acids with oily fish and vegetable oils. Think of seafood and shellfish for the minerals they contain!

Favor “yang” cooking: wok, pilaf…

Spice up your dishes with warming spices: ginger, cinnamon, cloves, curry, pepper, cardamom, nutmeg…

Fermented foods will help you replenish your gut flora.

Feed your cells

It is true that during this period, winter fatigue is felt. It then becomes important to give yourself a helping hand. And for that, what better than a good vitamin cure to support the functions of your body and your immunity.

Here is our selection for you and your little ones:

Alvityl Vitality is a dietary supplement that brings vitality to the body to enable it to fight against winter fatigue.


The Avityl Vitality tablet will allow you to compensate for your body’s needs in vitamins and minerals . Its chocolate taste will be appreciated by the whole family from 6 years old. It is an ideal food supplement to regain shape and tone .

Its formula also contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems , and helps to strengthen the bones .




Alvityl Defense tablet ideal for dealing with external aggressions , or after minor winter ailments. It will help you with its extracts of echinacea, propolis and vitamin C, known to contribute to the body’s natural defences .






For the youngest children , nothing better than to offer them vitamins in the form of delicious colored fruit candies . This is what Pediakid offers us with these multivitamin gummies in the shape of teddy bears . A daily intake will guarantee good energy to your children, enough to face their day serenely. These multivitamin candies will also provide support for their immune system , thus illnesses, such as minor winter ailments, can be limited.






Delphine L., naturopath

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