Would you like to building muscle to feel better in your daily life as quickly as possible? No problem. However, like everything else, to build muscle you have to make an effort and change your habits. Gaining muscle is not easy, but it is rather simple when you have a good plan of action, food supplements and two or three scoops of motivation. So all you have to do is follow the guide to get on the road to muscle mass!
Should you eat more protein?
Most people who go to the gym either consume too much or not enough. In fact, you don ‘t need to take 10 doses of protein powder a day to progress in the gym. However, you should not forget that proteins are the building blocks that build your muscles. Hence the importance of consuming enough protein on a daily basis. To achieve this, it’s best to opt for whole foods such as meat, fish, eggs or cottage cheese. On the other hand, if you find it difficult to cover your daily protein intake via a so-called ‘natural’ diet, invest in a quality protein powder to ‘make up’ for the lack and achieve your objectives in terms of macros. You will find all the amino acid-rich food supplements you need in the mass gain section.
How much protein should I eat?
For an adult wishing to gain muscle mass, the recommended intake of good quality protein should be between 1.2 g and 1.7 g per kg of body weight per day.
day OFF: Do I need to rest between sessions?
Rest should be your priority. I repeat: you must sleep to gain muscle! 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day, minimum. When we talk about rest in the field of sport, we are not only talking about sleep, but about everything that will allow you to take care of your joints and recover faster: Yoga, meditation, flexibility and mobility work, or even walking. These activities will help you recover better and get the most out of your next workout. The more you pamper your body, the better it will develop. If you have trouble falling asleep, check out the Sleep section of our Online Pharmacy.
Does casein make it easier to gain mass?
There is a lot of talk about Whey in the bodybuilding world … but not enough about the Casein. In fact, this is probably due to the fact that Casein is less rich in BCAA ( The famous branched-chain amino acids we talked about in the article on Food supplements that help in mass gain ). Thanks to its slower digestion rate, Casein is a very interesting source of protein, to be taken at bedtime. Indeed, research indicates that consuming it before going to bed increases the rate of muscle protein synthesis in the body during sleep. So, let Eric Favre Casein + Micellar tempt you to optimise your recovery as well as your mass gain.