Stressthere are many causes of repeated night-time awakenings, such as anxiety, lack of vitamins and nutrients of all kinds. When this sleep disorder when this happens in the middle of the night, it is very often difficult to get back to sleep. But apart from that, it also causes a number of recurring problems in everyday life, such as fatigue and dizziness. How can we avoid waking up a few hours after we have gone to dreamland? How can we reduce the number of night-time awakenings and finally have a restful sleep ? The answers are provided in this article.
Going to the toilet before going to bed
We don’t say it enough, but it is imperative to go tothe toilet before going to the land of morpheus. This guaranteesa good night’s sleep without interruption. The urge to relieve yourself in the night is indeed compelling once you are under the covers. In addition to forcing you to wake up, it disturbs your mood because of the pressure it causes. It also forces you to get up when you can’t stand it anymore. In the face of all this, remember to empty your bladder and stomach. This will save you precious minutes and give you a continuous and restful sleep.
Eat healthy, light meals before bed
Beware, eating light does not mean eating little. Here, it’s a question of choosing healthy foods, about easy to digestit’s important to choose foods that are healthy, but that make you feel full. It is also important to choose food that promotes the secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is secreted at nightfall and is the hormone that tells the body that it is night and that it is time to sleep. In this sense, turn to foods rich in L-tryptophan such as eggs, legumes, bananas, poultry, chocolate (not excessive of course), fish, etc. Apart from that, you can also take a sleep-enhancing food supplements. In this sense, choose one that contains magnesiumand eschscholtzia.
Meditate to reduce stress and anxiety
Waking up at night is often caused by stress and anxiety. Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night feeling angry or frightened after a stressful event. This may be work-related, family-related, or other. In any case, to avoid this, the meditation should be your best friend. Before going to sleep, meditate to calm your mind and release your anger, anxiety, etc. You can call in a professional, but there are mobile apps for this purpose. Taking up yoga or sport can also be a good alternative. Despite this, you can’t get back to sleep after waking up at night? You can use the following sprays to help you fall asleep quickly.
Designing your bedroom properly
We don’t notice it, but a messy bedroom can affect the quality of our sleep. This is because our mood and state of mind are disturbed by clutter. It is therefore advisable to live in a healthy environment in order to feel good about yourself and sleep well. With this in mind, reorganise your bedroom décor and tidy up! Don’t leave objects and clothes lying around the room. Organise your shelves to better store your belongings and clothes. And to go a step further, you can even opt for a Feng Shui decoration.