The vegan diet consists solely of plant-based foods. In fact, it excludes meat, eggs, dairy products and beehive products. Many people follow the Vegan movement for ethical or environmental reasons.
3 good reasons to go Vegan
Today, more and more people want to change the way they eat. Everyone has their own reasons and motivations. A Vegan person does not eat animal flesh or animal products. Therefore, all dairy products and eggs are banned from the daily diet. On the other hand, a vegetarian does not eat meat, but can consume dairy products and eggs.
3 reasons why people may turn to Veganism
Contribute to the protection of animals
Animal abuse is no longer a secret. In addition, animal husbandry conditions are often deplorable. Many people hate the idea of seeing animals suffer, so they choose not to eat meat to avoid contributing to this mistreatment.
Optimising health
Following a strict vegan diet can help reduce cholesterol levels. Animal products are high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Therefore, cutting them out of the diet can have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels quite quickly. However, before making such a change, we advise you to consult a health professional. If you wish to opt for the Vegan diet, make sure you have sufficient protein, zinc and vitamin B12.
The environment
Many people think that it does not make sense to use so much land for livestock. They feel that these resources could be better used for planting crops. When you consider not only the land for grazing, but also the amount of grain grown to feed the livestock and the amount of water needed for the liv estock, that is a lot of resources.
Tips for good health on a vegan diet
More and more people want to change the way they eat and live. Nowadays we live in a society dominated by fast food. As a result, we do not eat as healthily as we should. Animal foods are rich in saturated fats, which is why a Vegan diet would be very interesting. Since this diet is quite restrictive, it is important to ensure that you get the optimal amount of nutrients.
Here are some tips on how to make the transition to Vegan successfully
- Ask yourself if you would prefer to go vegan overnight or if you would prefer to make a gradual transition. The most important thing is to choose the option that suits you best, so that you don’t get frustrated. If you are highly motivated, you can certainly change your eating habits in a flash. The most important thing is to choose the easiest path to give yourself the best chance.
- Treat yourself to specialised cookery books. Go for variety, to ensure optimal nutritional quality, but also for the pleasure of your taste buds!
- Choose the right food supplements to ensure optimal vitamin intake. It is not uncommon for vegans to have deficiencies. Hence the importance of food supplements.
When you decide to change your eating habits, every little bit helps. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian or simply want to reduce your consumption of animal products, you are on the right track. Don’t make the mistake of being pigeonholed by your diet. Adopting a Vegan lifestyle is not necessarily difficult, but it does take time. Expect to make mistakes, learn and move on! Sources,addition%20to%20the%20dietary%20changes.,but%20not%20with%20decreased%20triglycerides.